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It’s Up to You, New York… To Oppose Islamophobia

…the earliest calls for religious disestablishment in America, insisted on freedom of religious expression. Significantly, none of the thirty signatories to the Remonstrance was himself a Quaker. Following the English Conquest of the colony in 1664, Governor Benjamin Fletcher, worried that New Yorkers were “a mixt People and of different Perswasions in Religion,” pushed the Ministry Act through the Assembly in 1693, a measure that he believed woul…

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What Would Jesus Chew?, Bishops Bet on B-Ball, The Incredibly Shrinking Brain

…avid Blight tells the story of the first Memorial Day, celebrated by newly freed blacks in Charleston, South Carolina memorializing dead Union troops. In Joplin, Missouri, residents mourned those lost in the tornado. The Department of Homeland Security has ended a post-9/11 registration program that required Arab and Muslim men to register with the government, but not before tangling many Muslim immigrants up in legal proceedings. The Muslim Broth…

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“We (some of) the People” Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Tea Party

…The Villages. It seemed like a nice day for a drive so I thought I’d head south to attend the rally, talk to some tea partiers and listen to the speeches. Scott, whose public approval ratings are sinking in the polls, had chosen to move the signing from Tallahassee to the tea party stronghold, and in particular, this make-believe world in the middle of the state.  The Villages is a surreal place. It’s like a sprawling residential Disney with faux…

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Why 9/11 Changed Everything Nothing

…s, and the suffering on the homefront—meant liberation for 4 million newly freed people, while many others found it in the resolution to America’s most intractable division. There really was something to fight for—and over—beyond simply the chance for personal valor and national “pride.” Just a few decades later, however, that war took on a whole different meaning for most (white) Americans; a soothing story of reconciliation, shorn of almost any…

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Mosques and Welcoming LGBT People

…t generation was fairly ethnocentric, so Arabs would build one mosque, and South Asians another. If populations were large enough, you could get subdivided further, so that there would be a Lebanese mosque, a Syrian mosque, a Pakistani mosque, and an Indian mosque. In the second generation, those types of divides are disappearing, and many centers are becoming multi-ethnic and include African-Americans. To me, that says our next great challenge wi…

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Christian Reconstructionist Legislator Slams Tornado Victims for Praying to “Their God FEMA”

…t week that, in the aftermath of the deadly tornados that swept across the South, State Representative Bobby Franklin said he was “saddened” as he watched his “fellow Georgians pray to their god FEMA to save them.” Of course the report, as well as the reader comments, came down pretty hard on Franklin for his appalling lack of sensitivity. You may remember Franklin as the state representative who proposed a bill requiring that miscarriage would be…

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No Fireworks, Only Candles: Our Work as Americans and Muslims

…es to Hank Williams. Our friends are second-generation American Muslims of South Asian, Arab, and African heritage, white converts, and beautiful toddlers of interracial marriages. Watching them interact, I am content, and hopeful for our future here. My husband and I push the stroller through the neighborhood after our friends leave. The festival is officially over but children are still dancing on a wooden floor as the crew dismantles the stage…

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To Be Atheist, Feminist, and Black

…le churchgoing and religious belief are the highest in the nation — making African American communities the most unwaveringly religious in the U.S. At the same time, African American communities are among the most economically and racially disenfranchised; in the U.S., African Americans are still disproportionately poor, under-educated and over-incarcerated. Black incarceration rates and black homelessness parallel each other. And for all of the s…

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The Return of Government as “Idolatry” and the “Second Amendment Remedies”

…arly presidential primary states (South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Iowa) promoting a creationist film called The Genesis Code, and holding fundraising receptions. The moralistic film follows an unbelieving hockey player and a Christian journalism student who struggle with “reconciling their scientific studies and what’s taught in the Bible” as he falls for her and she uses their relationship to “guide” him “toward God.” You can read a “pro-famil…

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Goldstone 2.0: God Plays No Favorites

…re in the Jewish community than Richard Goldstone? When the esteemed South African judge issued his 2009 report alleging that Israel had committed human rights abuses during the 2008-2009 Gaza War (known as Operation Cast Lead), many in the Jewish community condemned him as a traitor. A synagogue sought to ban him from attending his own grandson’s Bar Mitzvah. On the other side, some skipped over the report’s criticisms of Hamas and the call for H…

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