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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…e direction of Mormonism’s founder Joseph Smith. Now a designated historic site, the temple is owned and cared for by members of the Community of Christ, the second largest denomination in the broader Mormon movement. Formerly known as the “Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” the Community of Christ split from the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 1840s. They never accepted polygamy, and they n…

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Conservatives Waiting for Palin Rapture

…Palin have been reeling, some making excuses, others defecting for a rival site, Palin4 America. Palin’s Gideon’s Fleece bus tour of earlier this year did not seem to give her a sign to run, and now the footage resembles highlights from a retirement reel, rather than the fodder for a crop of Palin 2012 commercials. Put this together with the doubling down of conservatives like Ann Coulter, who said this about Palin on the O’Reilly factor: She is “…

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Yom Kippur Prayers for Corporate Atonement at Occupy Wall St.

…Kippur, and a Kol Nidre service is scheduled to be held in Zuccotti Park, site of the Occupy Wall Street protests. RD Senior Editor Sarah Posner spoke with Daniel Sieradski, the organizer of the service, who has been described as “a major figure of the Jewish Internet world and a cultural trailblazer” by the Jewish Daily Forward.  Sieradski, the former publisher of Jewschool, is a cause media entrepreneur whose current project is Jew It Yourself:…

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Does Christopher Hitchens Think Mormons are Sinistererer?

…e Killers’ Brandon Flowers—and member-generated profiles on the site as evidence of non-sinister Mormon humanity. Even if the ads overstate the diversity of the faith, as Haglund suggests, how Mormons navigate our faith is certainly more complicated than Hitchens allows, especially when he characterizes us as a uniform mass that can, for example, be “ordered” by our “supreme leaders” to “turn about and shun any members who show any sign…

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Diagnosing Robertson’s Alzheimer’s Statement

…ct. The rest of his recommendations, including those gathered from his Web site and other published writings, aren’t specific evidence-based treatments for A.D., but rather a potpourri of unproven treatments, such as antioxidants and proprietary nutraceuticals. Amen has said he was called by God to do brain scans, an argument similar to that made by Robertson as to why people should listen to his ramblings. Amen claims to be able to ascertain a pr…

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Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Headed for NC Vote

…poverty and toss those layabouts into jail or “work camps,” as the satire site Freewood News recently suggested. The fact of this country is that we don’t get to vote on the rights of others. If we did, then the end of slavery, implementation of women’s rights, and equality for different races might never have come about. The reason we have these measures (which some like Rand, and his dad Ron, Paul, would like to see rolled back) is because of a…

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Conservative Christians Disgusted With Palin’s Religious Talk

…ism rather than means of God’s grace. In fact, that’s exactly what the web site of Wasilla Bible Church says. But I would hope that even these traditions wouldn’t take it so lightly as to joke about it in the context of waterboarding. Or even if it is considered OK to joke about waterboarding being baptism by these folks, I’d hope they recognize how blasphemous it sounds to the ears of Christians who retain the historic and high view of the sacram…

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Prop 8 Ruling a True Test of Liberty (Religious or Otherwise)

…t to their right to discriminate based on religious beliefs. Their new Web site even points out that “contemporary laws that ‘redefine’ marriage to include two persons of the same sex threaten to stifle the Church’s ability to teach publicly about and witness to the uniqueness of marriage as a lifelong bond between one man and one woman.” Which is ridiculous. They can still say what they want. What’s really threatened is their authority to have co…

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Burning Man in the Age of Rick Perry: Revelation, Pluralism, and Moral Imperative

…-free living. Others, well, others call it a festival. Like any pilgrimage site, Burning Man is less a destination than a pretext for the journey. These days, of course, flying into Reno isn’t so hard—but actually opening up to whatever Black Rock City has to offer… that journey can be arduous. If you go looking for a festival with sex and drugs and dance music, that is all you will find. But if you pause to wonder why there’s a temple in the midd…

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All Candy, No Jesus: Halloween in America

…It got me thinking about the odd cultural bird that is Halloween—America’s number two holiday in terms of money spent—a holiday with deep “pagan” or “old religion” roots and the site of two Catholic feast days commemorating our dead friends and allies: All Souls’ Day on November 1, and All Saints’ Day on November 2. As a bonus, October 31 marks the kickoff of the Reformation, when Luther posted his theses on the door of the Castle Church of Witten…

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