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St. Paul’s Cathedral Leadership Gutted as Occupy London Controversy Grows

…point, but the land is principally owned by the cathedral. This choice of site introduced a religious dimension. The protest was asking the Church whether it sided with the hippie ethic of Jesus or the powers of this world. The cathedral was faced with an unenviable dilemma—as Dan Shultz noted in these pages, we should not be too quick to cast the Dean and Chapter as Pharisees, for the right to protest should not trump all other considerations ab…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…2006, declined a request for an interview. However, he says on the TPCN website that he joined the group after conducting research that convinced him that “countless women were suffering through a decision they never really wanted to make—nor wouldn’t have to—if just one other person were available to listen, support, protect, and educate.” According to a 2011 report by NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, the money spent on Alternatives to Abortion could have…

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…ng in Dearborn, Michigan—“Ground Zero” for America’s spiritual future (and site of a new TLC reality show, All-American Muslim). When I heard the goals for TheCall Detroit—healing America in a time of crisis, accomplishing racial reconciliation, and (here’s where I come in) bringing Jesus to Muslim hearts—I figured a Muslim in the crowd could be a nice twist. So I was there with them for hours into the late night and hearing their ex-Muslim speake…

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Dark Sisters Opera Aims to Humanize Sister Wives

…Joseph Smith in Sharon, Vermont. What I’ve loved about LDS history is how site-specific it is: it treats America the way some people treat Israel. There is this procession of sacred sites still held sacred. Colorado City has that same heightened sense of place. I drove and walked around Colorado City and attempted to be as invisible as possible. Ha! It kind of worked. One thing that surprised me was this roadside espresso stand, with two women in…

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Gay Pride Weekend Draws Mormon Allies and Equality Supporters

…peating scenes witnessed in Washington, DC, when the parade route became a site for reunions between active Mormons and gay Mormons long estranged from the faith community. In New York City, 50 gay Mormons and allies marched behind the banner of Affirmation, the nation’s oldest Mormon LGBT group. Some held signs quoting a verse from the Book of Mormon: “All are alike unto God.” Nineteen LDS marchers held the Affirmation banner in Houston, as did a…

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Yoga Guru or CEO? Saving the Brand When Scandal Strikes

…oga world. The accusations, (re-posted in early February from an anonymous site by blogger Yoga Dork) can be summarized as follows: Friend heads a Wiccan coven in which he has sex with female members; Friend had several sexual relationships with married Anusara employees and teachers; Friend violated federal regulations regarding employee benefits by suddenly freezing Anusara, Inc.’s pension fund; and finally, Friend put his employees at legal ris…

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LDS Church Brings Religious Pressure to Zoning Fight

…. But then, local residents received messages that high-ranking LDS Church officials wanted them to drop their opposition.  As reported in the Herald, the head of the campaign said, “I received an invitation from a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ecclesiastical leader relayed from a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles… The invitation was to support the decision of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to build…

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Money, Technology, and the Silence of Churches: A Conversation with Susan Thistlethwaite

…e got to make the connections between these conflicts and differences. I visited the women’s tent in Zuccotti Park (the site of Occupy New York), and the women were getting hassled, and some were even raped. Just because you say you’re the 99% that doesn’t go away. You can’t let the idea of “99%” and the very necessary economic solidarity obscure all these other contradictions. In your last book, Dreaming of Eden: American Religion and Politics in…

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On the Ethics of the Tibetan Self-Immolations

…thers is not only permissible but actually necessary. When all the prerequisites for engaging in such an act are met, this is regarded as an act of great moral courage. Drawing from earlier scriptures, the fourth-century Indian Buddhist master Asaṅga speaks of a threefold classification of “giving” that includes giving material goods, spiritual counsel, and life. Of these three, Asaṅga considers offering up one’s life to be the highest form of giv…

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God at the Gay Pride Parade

…of Washington National Cathedral, the seat of the Episcopal Church and the site of many presidential funerals and major national interfaith gatherings. The Episcopal Church, a small but prominent Protestant denomination, has been generally in favor of gay equality for years but the Cathedral leadership has been raising the bar in the last few months. It’s not that religious groups haven’t been part of celebrations before – it’s that gay-affirming…

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