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The Same Toxic Christian Right Theology Supports Both the Online Bullying I Experienced and the Cruel Anti-Trans Policy in TX — And it’s Not Remotely Fringe

…t Texas officials had opened “child abuse” investigations into parents who support their children in accessing age-appropriate gender-affirming medical care. They started with a state CPS employee, referred to as “Jane Doe,” who has a 16-year-old transgender daughter (“Mary Doe”) and says she feels “betrayed by my state and the agency for whom I work.” In light of this development, Texas has unequivocally become ground zero for the nationwide assa…

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LGBTQ Victory at Christian Azusa Pacific U. Leaves Significant Questions About Future and Faculty Security

…lause in their forthcoming contracts stating that we ‘affirm, sustain, and support’ the full statement of faith, including the statements on identity. Prior to this we [only] had to affirm that we were Christians and believed the core gospel tenets.” This source also maintains that morale among more moderate to progressive faculty is low and cites internal survey data showing that a majority of APU faculty are on the job market. In addition, the s…

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Falwell’s Fall Was Unrelated to the Anti-Science, Racism, and Patriarchy Trifecta that Built Liberty

…egregation. Bob Jones University, originally founded to oppose evolution in 1927, remained determinedly segregationist, lost its nonprofit tax status in 1976, and had to pay a million dollars in back taxes. As Falwell himself faced IRS pressures, he furiously whined, “In some states…it’s easier to open a massage parlor than a Christian school,” a telling comparison suggesting that racism was respectable but non-marital sex was not (which may expla…

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On Maryland Marriage Equality, It’s Raven vs. Raven [UDPATED]

…as, and where it’s coming from. Meanwhile, a Sun poll from September found support for the measure running ahead of opposition by 10 points, including a dramatic shift in the attitudes of black voters,” with “more than half of likely black voters favor legalizing same-sex marriage, compared with a quarter who are opposed. UPDATE: After I posted this, I saw that Marylanders for Marriage Equality have begun running an ad in the Baltimore television…

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Despite Reports, GOP Has Not ‘Turned on Trump’ For Call to Terminate the Constitution — Fascism isn’t a Dealbreaker for Today’s GOP

…t,” regarding Trump’s comments. But he too refused to say whether he would support Trump in 2024 or not: “It’s just one of those intuitively obvious things, whether a candidate for office has sort of a bedrock principle, ‘are you going to support the Constitution? For him, it’s not all that unusual. But it will be the grist and plenty of fodder for those that are looking to get into that race.” Not exactly a rebuttal—and, in fact, an accidental in…

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Komen, Planned Parenthood, and Conspiracy Theories

…nd advocacy organizations donate money to Planned Parenthood, or otherwise support abortion or immoral embryonic stem cell research. So it’s best to support organizations that do not.” As with Republican efforts to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood’s family planning services, the right’s crusade against the Komen Foundation was not just based on opposition to abortion, but on religiously-motivated conspiracy theories about reproduct…

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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…Gays, was undertaken in early February and was based on an online survey of 1,000 respondents aged 18 and over. It underscored the community support for marriage equality and suggested a beleaguered government could get a boost from finally resolving the issue. But the new poll also suggested that 45% of the sample opposed exemptions allowing civil celebrants and businesses to refuse services to customers based on religious beliefs. Almost two-thi…

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New Book on Trump and Evangelicals Gets it Mostly Right

…dists and Presbyterians didn’t merge with their national counterparts until 1968 and 1983, respectively. Today’s Presbyterian Church in America emerged from pro-segregation Southern Presbyterians and only recently repented of its racist roots. A key question today might involve the degree to which a Southern ethos, complete with its implicit racism, shapes American evangelicalism. This is a good and timely book. Fea is correct that evangelicals fe…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…hat wanted to establish an Islamic state when Indonesia won independence in 1945, but the military regime that consolidated power by 1965 drove them underground. They sprung back to life after the dictatorship of President Suharto fell in 1998. Islamist organizations also grew on university campuses. Generations of students returned from years abroad — especially in Egypt — inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and other international Islamist moveme…

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The Duggars To Headline Values Voters Summit

…er of Congress, has declared that the UNFPA “remains guilty of shamelessly supporting and whitewashing terrible crimes against humanity.” The UNFPA’s work, according to its statement, “is guided by the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo, Egypt. It states that abortion should not be promoted as a method of family planning. UNFPA fully subscribes to this and does not provide support f…

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