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Revealing Joseph Smith’s (Well-Known) Polygamy Doesn’t Address the LDS Church’s Bigger Problem

…ess to facts about the history of our faith. What’s missing is theological support for acknowledging that we have been wrong and that historical wrongs, flaws, and failures need rectification and reconciliation. Given its youth, Mormonism has a unique opportunity to explore powerful theological questions about the role of human error in the articulation of spiritual truth, the fallibility of religious leaders, and the responsibility of members to…

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More Bleak Times For Indonesian LGBTs; South Africa Bans Extremist Anti-Gay US Pastor; Mexican Marriage Struggle Heats Up; Global LGBT Recap

…ngarians” were convicted and sentenced to prison terms ranging from five to 13 years for acts of terrorism committed in 2007-2009 that included “Molotov-cocktail attacks against two gay venues a few days before the 2008 Budapest Pride March,” reports Háttér Society. Some additional historical context: Pride marches have been taking place in Budapest since 1997 – peacefully until 2007. In that year extreme right wing protesters disrupted the march…

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Will Religion Finally Give Peace a Chance? Rising to the Challenge of Nonviolence as Armageddon Looms

…r churches and other religious institutions will be to offer sanctuary and support for the worst afflicted. And yes, that is undoubtedly one valuable and necessary role in a time of acute crisis. But these institutions have a vital prior role to play, in my judgment. They will serve us best by training and supporting people in the exercise of nonviolent power so as to avert the very worst catastrophe. People like me have long said and believed tha…

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Obama’s Marriage Switch Will Have No Impact on Election

…rats say they feel more favorably than less favorably toward Obama (32% vs. 13%). Among those 65 and older, 42% say they feel less favorably toward Obama, while just 15% feel more favorably; 38% say their opinion of Obama is unchanged as a result of his expression of support for gay marriage. Among younger age groups, half or more – including 62% of those under 30 – say they opinion of Obama was unaffected by his gay marriage announcement. Also, t…

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The Complicity of #NeverTrump Evangelicals in a Demagogue’s Rise

…ort him in the fall. As I’ve written before, Trump depended on evangelical support for his primary victories, but he has also faced a strong and spirited opposition from other evangelicals in the #NeverTrump crowd. Trump securing the nomination has not lessened those voices. If anything, Trump’s evangelical critics have grown more resistant in the wake of his victory. In a bruising editorial in the Washington Post last week, George W. Bush’s forme…

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The Problem with the Latest Predictions for ‘the Rise of the Religious Left’

…they’re as old as the contemporary religious right itself. For instance, in 1984 well-known Harvard Divinity School professor Harvey Cox claimed to see the emergence of a more left-leaning Christianity. In light of this, he advocated for a public “postmodern” theological and ecclesiastical movement, one whose inclusivist and liberationist bent would counteract the myopic conservatism of the religious right. Likewise, a group of religious leaders c…

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Religion and the GOP’s Immigration Problem

…ivide within the religious right, not just within the GOP, over whether to support immigration reform. Rodriguez is part of a powerbroker-heavy conservative coalition that supports comprehensive immigration reform, but not if it includes equality for bi-national gay and lesbian couples. Those religious leaders are looking in their pews and seeing the writing on the wall (and what they believe may be future generations of culture warriors). The GOP…

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When Being “Christian” Means Supporting Trump: An Argument For Hiding Your Faith

…sees as Julian the Apostate out of office, Christians need to throw their support behind Caligula. Reno, Metaxas and others are not seeing things clearly, and by continuing to make apologies for Trump, they are making it impossible for Christianity to offer a public witness that doesn’t just coincide with strict partisanship. If being a Christian in America necessarily means supporting a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, untrustworthy and volatile…

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Don’t Laugh at Rick Scott’s ‘Plan to Rescue America’ or Be Fooled by Reports of a ‘Backlash’ — His Only Mistake Was Revealing the Truth of Today’s GOP

…to Christian Zionists by naming Israel as the only ally worthy of American support. ‘They won’t go too far’ isn’t a good opposition strategy The “Plan to Rescue America” sees itself as the heir to the legacy of Newt Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract with America”—only it’s much more extreme. Gingrich, who mainstreamed today’s aggressive, incendiary and authoritarian rhetoric of House Republicans, focused on tax cuts, term limits and other fiscal issues in…

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Is the Prochoice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?

…ot. Vast resources, historic roles A Pew study of views on abortion between 1995-2019 found that “public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.” Other reputable pollsters have shown similarly increasing support for abortion rights, which has been widely reported. Pew also found tha…

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