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The Theology That Inspired the Poway Synagogue Shooting (and New Zealand) Remains Strikingly Commonplace

…o Christian supersessionism appearing on the horizon, that Earnest boasted online of his March arson attack on a mosque in Escondido, San Diego County. So, Earnest wasn’t prepared to leave matters to Providence here, either, but instead nudged it along by seeking to replace the new Muslim replacers all the while making sure that the long-replaced Jews in Poway stayed securely in place. So however sincere the Earnest family may have been in absolvi…

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How a Bill O’Reilly Bestseller Helps Explain the Anti-Semitism Behind the Poway Shooting

…nt. We don’t need to turn to the particular theology of the OPC or radical online fora to understand the synagogue shooter’s Bible-based vilification of Jews as avaricious money-grubbers who killed Jesus. He could have reached this conclusion from much more mainstream sources—for instance, from an attentive reading of Bill O’Reilly’s New York Times bestseller, Killing Jesus, picked up at his local bookstore. The wide appeal of the gospel of white…

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When Fundamentalism Follows You Out the Door: Transphobic Statement Exposes Exvangelical Trauma

…nd weaponized social justice rhetoric, have all characterized exvangelical online spaces this spring, hampering both individual paths to healing and the coalition building and appeal to outsiders that are necessary for exvies to make the kind of impact that will ultimately weaken conservative, mostly white evangelicals’ political power. To me, exvangelical community building has always been about both things: finding each other in order to know th…

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Beyond ‘Thoughts and Prayers’: How the Christian Right’s Politics of Providentialism Keeps America from Addressing Gun Violence

…“soul” of the Republican Party is not pretty. In an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, a Republican, seemed to place most of the blame for mass shootings on violent video games. This is a position that, while reductionist and deflecting from the fact that gun control is demonstrably effective, I cannot dismiss as quickly as I once might have in the aftermath of Gamergate and what we’ve learned about rampant misog…

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Must We Burn Something to Get Attention?: 50 Years After the Catonsville Nine

…locked and marching in Charlottesville, and before state houses across the country, teeming with teachers? What do America’s religions say to those Americans with disabilities being hauled off by Capitol cops, and to the numberless people standing against legal authority that suspects them for the crime of simply being black or Muslim or queer? If we think about Catonsville not just as a curiosity, a minor episode in the history of radical chic, b…

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Jerry Falwell Jr. Is Corrupt, but Liberty U’s Problems Go Far Deeper

…well tweeted, “but pastors like [David Platt] need to grow a pair.” In the online backlash, including one that referred to Falwell as a minister, Falwell responded with the following tweets: Falwell’s crude and aggressive rhetoric is not unique to him. It partly stems from a fundamentalist Christian worldview which is as much of a political movement as it is a religious one. It’s how th…

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Anti-Transgender Panel at Values Voter Summit Continues Shift Towards Storytelling as Tactic      

…ch Associates in 2018, “A concurrently published article from Spectrum, an online news outlet launched in 2015 to publish objective coverage of autism research, points out there are myriad reasons why people with autism are more likely to identify as LGBTQ, including “decreased adherence to social conventions” and “greater forthrightness and honesty.” But the correlations are not important to those peddling in conspiracy theories. Dr. Michelle Cre…

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The Religious Mourning of ‘Saint’ Kobe Bryant Continues

…tion of his career) while others broke down on the bench. Tributes emerged online as well as globally, including a court-sized mural depicting Bryant and his daughter in the Philippines. A man in North Carolina even made a custom casket in honor of Bryant that’s currently on display at the Staples Center. During this year’s All-Star game, one team wore Kobe’s number 24, while the other wore number 2, Gianna’s uniform number. The MVP award, given t…

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DeSantis’ Religious Exemption Will Kill—And it Violates the 1st Amendment

…ts are a ban on driving. And this is only temporary. Churches all over the country are worshipping alone, in small groups or even in large groups online. The short-term ban is simply on the unsafe activity, regardless of purpose. These policies are guided by clear science: The more people that gather, the more viruses spread. Viruses do not respect boundaries or holy ground, they simply travel from person to person. Second, these exemptions uncons…

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Whether it’s Celebrated by CT or Denied in NYC, Evangelical Proselytizing Isn’t in Quarantine

…-19 pandemic in the United States, New York City is, of course, one of the country’s most LGBTQ-friendly urban centers. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has bullied states governed by Democrats and played politics with the federal distribution of medical equipment needed to protect healthcare workers and treat coronavirus patients. Under the circumstances, already-valid mistrust of Samaritan’s Purse is amplified, and New York State Senator Brad H…

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