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Love the Scholarship But Hate the Scholar’s Sin?: ‘Himpathy’ for an Academic Pedophile Enables a Culture of Abuse

…Reed, Professor of Ancient Judaism at NYU, articulated within this diffuse online discussion, “the rhetoric of separating a person from their scholarship is just RHETORIC. In PRACTICE, it is applied unevenly to different kinds of people—and nowhere more often heard than when protecting prestigious white men from responsibility for their own deeds.” Or, more sharply, Anthea Butler (Profess…

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As COVID-19 Spreads, Nicaragua’s Leaders Opt For Trumpian Denial and Misinformation

…’s main public markets who returned to her family farm in the North of the country last March. Since that time she’s been struggling with hunger and economic hardship as well as fears about COVID-19. “The message from the government is that everything is fine, or that the disease is actually dengue fever. People like my father hear this on the radio and believe it, since almost all the radio stations in rural areas are controlled by the Sandinista…

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Christian Schools Invoke Religious Liberty to Reopen Despite Warnings of Health Experts

…mains chancellor emeritus—recently sued to overturn a ban on indoor church services in Los Angeles County, California, claiming that California was “discriminating” against churches. Superior Court Judge Gregory W. Alarcon ruled in MacArthur’s favor, stipulating that churchgoers must wear masks and remain six feet apart from one another. Whatever the legal merits of the case, with so many COVID outbreaks linked to churches, resuming indoor church…

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Culture Wars Masquerading as Social Science: New Survey Illustrates Evangelicals’ Election Year Anxieties

…light on details,” Djupe noted, “If the data were gathered from a reliable online panel and Census quotas were applied, then this is a procedure used by many academics. We tend to believe that such samples can reliably test statistical relationships, but may not yield as reliable of estimates as probability samples taken over a phone or another method. That is, we tend to be somewhat skeptical of population estimates produced by such data.” Asked…

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Attraction to Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories Can Be Traced to the Christian Apocalyptic Imagination

…he half-truths and untruths involved capitalized upon the already-thriving online market for conspiracy theories. About three in ten Americans, for example, apparently think the virus was created in a top-secret lab (including four in ten conservative Republicans). Almost half of Canadian respondents believe at least one conspiracy theory about Covid-19: the virus was spread to the West on purpose, it’s a cover story for the putative baleful effec…

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Is the Prochoice Religious Community a Sleeping Giant?

…he convention linked their antiabortion views with their vision of God and country. While the GOP has sought to rally its base, and the Democrats continue to chase antiabortion religious voters on the margins (as they have for years), both parties ignore the vast prochoice religious community in the United States. Trump sought, for example, to rally his base by issuing an executive order on the occasion of his video address to the National Catholi…

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What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?

…ory the specter of Satanic cult atrocities, even if entirely the invention of moral entrepreneurs and demagogues, has caused panic with devastating consequences. In the case of QAnon, whose Satanic conspiracies circulate predominantly online rather than face-to-face, it’s so far unclear how many people will be mobilized to investigate or avenge alleged Satanic atrocities in the real world. We should nevertheless be watchful and aware of the histor…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…ia Eucharista: Because even when it is celebrated on the humble altar of a country church, the Eucharist is always in some way celebrated on the altar of the world. It unites heaven and earth. It embraces and permeates all creation. John Paul’s understanding of Teilhard was shared by then Cardinal Ratzinger, as found in The Spirit of the Liturgy, when he uses a favorite concept of Teilhard—divinization—to argue that the goals of worship and the wh…

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Progressive Christian Arrogance Isn’t as Big a Threat as ‘Just Be Nice’

…discussing social impact in his hopelessly jejeune screed on Religion News Service lamenting the bad habits of too many progressive Christians. All he does is riff on how awful it is that people had some unkind things to say about Ellen DeGeneres palling around with Shrub at a Dallas football stadium. Shame on them! cries LaParra, not bothering to consider that Ellen could be leveraging celebrity rather than simply loving her neighbor in very publ…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…eet Journal, Clinton described it as “a loosely organized movement, mostly online, that ‘rejects mainstream conservatism, promotes nationalism and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity.’”) Richard Spencer, the white nationalist who came up with the term “alternative right,” told Slate columnist Michelle Goldberg that the moment was “hugely significant.” “When a presidential candidate—and indeed the presidential candid…

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