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#NamaSlay, Or How Black Women Are Using Trap Yoga as a Mode of Spiritual Resistance

…what I learned in India. And I wonder what my guru thinks when he finds me online since that’s not what he taught me. We used to fight about these things.” Dr. Andrea R. Jain, an expert on the history of yoga and author of Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture, feels that reinvention and replication has always been part of the history of yoga, and doesn’t believe all appropriation is automatically colonialist or imperialist. “It’s not l…

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Indie Catholicism is Real: Married Clergy, LGBT Ordination, and Sacramental Justice for All

…t happens to have all the scholarly apparatus, too. There are endnotes and—online at Columbia’s web page for the book—a full bibliography and bibliographic essay. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Entertain them? Piss them off? I have heard from people who said they were reading the book and laughing out loud, so apparently it has moments of humor or at least delight. I assume that some readers will feel suspicious, disturbed or angry. Indepe…

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Religious Freedom Org Sticking By Trump Clinging to SCOTUS Nominations

…clubs, forced funding of abortion, ObamaCare exemptions, school vouchers, online child pornography, and the public acknowledgement of God—all hang by one vote. Among that laundry list of liberties supposedly under siege, roughly a third have to do with LGBT people. “Religious freedom” has become a code-word for those looking to stymie LGBT equality. Any “threat” to marriage always seems to come from those hoping to access the institution, but nev…

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“Reason to Worry”: An Anti-Semitism Scholar Opens Up on Trump, Misogyny and the Future of Anti-Judaism

…astonishingly worrisome. I think it’s actually to the vast credit of this country, that despite having now endured almost two decades of continuous armed conflict with Islamist states and groups, there’s been so little violence against Muslims in this country. But when you weaponize words in this way, and you legitimate that in the national sphere, and you legitimate a discourse against the state, and you legitimate a defense of violence and of g…

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How Orthodox Christianity Became the Spiritual Home of White Nationalism

…iocese of North America and then only after immense pressure following the online circulation of photographs in which Heimbach appears to be beating a University of Indiana at Bloomington SlutWalk participant with an Orthodox cross. While Heimbach’s excommunication by the Antiochian bishop means that he is technically unable to receive the sacraments in any canonical Orthodox church, he claims to have found a sympathetic priest in Romania who allo…

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Bannon’s “Alt-Facts” Satan

…to Bannon’s invocation of Satan than that. Bannon’s Satan isn’t merely a misunderstood figure or heroic rebel. There’s no note of hidden or misinterpreted goodness here; no rectitude somehow wrapped up in this image of Satan. Indeed, this is why such admiration of Satan—from a man who has the ear of and is drafting policy for the President of the United States, a man now sitting on the National Security Council potentially in violation of federal…

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Will Justice Gorsuch Prioritize “Religious Freedom” Over Civil Rights?

…areas — not only [in] women’s healthcare, but also discrimination against customers or employees,” says Luchenitser. “For example, businesses who want to discriminate against LGBTQ people either in employment or deciding who they want to serve, based on religious reasons, would probably do fairly well before Judge Gorsuch. And we think that allowing religion to be used to justify inflicting harm on certain parties perverts the very concept of rel…

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What Does It Take to Fell a White Nationalist? (Hint: Pedophilia)

…r being released on the web. The incident became a flagrant example of the online abuse that women—especially women of color—face on social media, and resulted in Twitter permanently banning Yiannopoulos from the platform. At the time I saw him as just another knuckle-dragging internet troll that could just be ignored into irrelevance. But then something terrifying happened. The trolls left their bridges and set up camp at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…

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Douthat’s Wager: Go to Church, Even If You Don’t Believe

…oss Douthat. The next step is to go back, not just at Christmas, but every Sunday from now on. Douthat’s Easter Sunday column was, in his words, an “implausible proposal” aimed at helping post-Christian readers fill a gap in their lives while helping their former churches fill their pews. Mainline churches—the long-established, theologically liberal denominations that in the twentieth century were closely associated with white American political p…

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Alex Jones, Performance Artist, and the Duelling Meanings of ‘Sincerity’ in Politics and Public Life

…ance artists, to a degree, these days? Are we not living mediated, largely online lives, via corporate platforms that require us to pose and post and like and link, crafting new modes of subjectivity? Is a world of ubiquitous surveillance (by self, others, and state) necessarily also a world of ubiquitous performance? Liberal critics cling to that original, Protestant concept of sincerity, believing in the power of belief. Their read on the world…

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