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Oral Roberts’ Legacy in Televangelism

…healing ministry, of the seed-faith ministry that I had introduced to the world; and Brother Hagin’s fantastic ministry on faith and the word of God. Copeland boasted last year that he has raised a billion dollars in his television career. Two years ago, Roberts’ son Richard was forced out of his position as president of ORU over a scandal alleging that he and his wife, Lindsay, diverted donor funds to family vacations and renovations of their Tu…

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What To Do About Southern Baptist President’s Call for End to Hate for LGBT

…religious people will embrace Wright’s idea – and stop the hate, the harsh words and distortions about LGBT people, and instead truly act out of love and compassion, their hearts cannot help but soften toward LGBT people. Same goes for those on the religious left. If we would truly practice compassion for our conservative brothers and sisters, our hearts will soften to them as well. It’s difficult to perpetuate hatred and injustice toward anyone w…

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How Does an Atheist Come to Believe in God?: An Interview with Jacob Needleman

…s in the possible existence of such community that I think the hope of the world lies. I don’t think the world can make it without developed human beings, and a community supporting inner development. Meanwhile we’ve got a public culture that seems particularly contentious—debate as blood sport… People are attached to their opinions. Put simply, that means their fears and anxieties, their agitation, have been fueled or absorbed by an idea or conce…

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Franklin Graham Defends Himself from Birtherism Charges by Engaging in… Birtherism

…t that Obama is a Muslim. He has said he’s not a Muslim. I take him at his word. People say he’s not born in the United States. I take it on the word that they properly vetted him before they swore him into office. I’m sure somebody had to look at his credentials. I’m not saying the President is a Muslim, never said he’s a Muslim. He says he’s a Christian. There is the issue of his birth. Under Shari’ah law, Islamic law, which is not legal in the…

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Of Gods and Men Resurrects Martyrdom

…sistance is done. When plainclothes agents provacateurs instigated by a corrupt government kill an unarmed protester, and the word “martyr” is used, it takes on a wholly different meaning than it would in reference to somebody blowing him or herself up on a bus. It even starts getting closer to the word’s original meaning in Greek: “witness.” Another thing that bodes well is the US release of Of Gods and Men, an award-winning French film which mig…

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The 99 Names: Allah is not
He or She

…a question of either/or: All these belong equally to Allah. It’s just a question of emphasis in our everyday, ordinary circumstances. It’s fairly self-evident that the idea of the beauty in Allah and Allah’s names really should incline us toward the Jamal names, since the word Jamal also means beauty. We need more of this divine beauty in our world. We are the agents of this. As Ghandi said, we must be the change we want to see in the world, and I…

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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…le to contact the prime minister’s office an urge them not to allow the disruption of the event. Peru: Civil Union bill gets debate Hundreds of Peruvians rallied on Monday night on the eve of legislative debate on a same-sex civil unions bill; activists released a video pushing for a public debate on the measure. As we have reported, American evangelical activist Mat Staver has traveled to Peru to urge lawmakers to resist calls for civil union leg…

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Islam=Peace: What’s in a Slogan?

…mocked on Fox News and in other right-wing news media. Those who avow the truth of those words often find them thrown back in their faces whenever there is an act of terrorism committed by someone claiming Islam as their religion. So I’ve come to ignore these words. In fact, I even roll my eyes when anyone—naively, in my opinion—imagines it might somehow be useful to intone them yet again. But then I went to Amman, Jordan. I was there to participa…

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Un-Kosher Processing Plant

…re to the point, is it a story? (Imagine the newsroom pitch: Here’s a hot one–religious leaders and theologians jawing about love of God and love of neighbor.) And yet, this is religion at work in the world–slow-moving, oblique and seemingly, frustratingly, out of step, off-tune and irrelevant to contemporary standards of newsworthiness. And yet the potential for a truly big story….

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Is There Anyone in the Press Who Can Recognize the Bad Faith in Evangelical Faith?

…heir premonition bear out. Incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock won Georgia’s run-off, but Walker gleaned 48.6 percent of the vote, most of it from rural areas dominated by White evangelical Protestants. The worst offenders are liberal And NPR isn’t alone. The Times ran this howler: “‘Saved by Grace’: Evangelicals Find a Way Forward With Herschel Walker.” That’s pure comedy gold to anyone who grew up in an ultra-conservative religious tradition but l…

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