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Mat Staver vs. the Anti-Immigrant Right

…ynergy” between the U.S. Latino community and Israel. This focus on Latino support is not a first for Staver; his Freedom Federation, launched in 2010, was focused on bringing more Latinos into the religious right. But he’s facing the very visible anti-immigrant contingent in the conservative movement, the same contingent that has opposed Rick Perry’s support for in-state tuition for children of undocumented immigrants, so much so that Perry felt…

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A Religion Scholar Gets It Wrong on Indiana’s RFRA

…m class in order to celebrate their Eid al-Adha festival.” So if you don’t support SB 101 in particular that makes you insufficiently supportive of U.S. citizens’ liberties in general? If you don’t agree with Prothero that means you’re against rights of Amish farmers and Muslim schoolchildren that in no way impinge upon the rights of others? This makes no sense—and if there were a stronger case to be made the piece wouldn’t need to rely on such fa…

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The Battle for the Evangelical Vote

…in the organization. On the other hand, as I reported last week, a growing number of evangelicals support immigration reform, including a path to citizenship. And many realize the futility of continuing to talk about opposition to marriage equality, hence the shift to talking about religious freedom instead. They still share opposition to same-sex marriage with the AFA. But they’ve adopted a different frame: advocating for what they claim are enda…

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Church Attendance is (Once Again) Correlated with Authoritarianism — So Why Do We Refuse to Acknowledge It?

…se to power, the assertion that unchurched White evangelicals are the most supportive of Trump is not supported by the preponderance of evidence. For a mild-mannered, consummately professional scholar and statistician of Jones’s caliber, “not supported by the preponderance of evidence” is the equivalent of what the kids call a “sick burn.” And Jones goes further, suggesting that journalists’ continued attempts to sell a narrative “despite the plai…

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Are Evangelicals Sweetness and Light or Enablers of Cruelty and Racism? Gender Roles Hint at an Answer

…more for their Little League coaching and charitable giving than for their support of a ruthless president and his policies, but rather how it is that salt-of-the-earth evangelicals can do all of these things at the same time. For many evangelicals, there is little conflict between their support for Donald Trump and the faith they profess. A softer, kinder evangelicalism has always coexisted alongside the culture wars militancy that has propelled…

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Down to the Wire for Marriage Initiatives

…believe in God, there is no way theologically and otherwise, that you can support same-sex marriage.” I’m not sure what Evans has in mind with the “otherwise,” but it’s clear that there are plenty of Christians, African American clergy included, who can and do support marriage equality. Pro-equality campaigns have active, visible contingents of clergy and people of faith. But of course Evans knows that—in one of the videos included in his recent…

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The Problem With An Evangelical Petition Calling White Nationalism ‘Heresy’

…st as it was tragically inconsistent for Christians in the 20th Century to support the Ku Klux Klan and Nazi ideology, it is unthinkable for Christians to support the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, QAnon, 3 Percenters, America Firsters, and similar groups. We urge faith leaders to engage pastorally with those who support or sympathize with these groups, and make it clear that our churches are not neutral about these matters: we are on the side of democr…

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Trump and the Bible Dodge

…hough, the fact that Ronald Reagan was a divorced non-church-goer who once supported abortion rights didn’t stop evangelicals from supporting him, either. Let’s be clear here, we don’t know whether Trump’s lead will endure into next year. Although he is drawing a greater share of evangelical support in many polls than other candidates, the evangelical vote is still split—a phenomenon that was also true at this point in the previous two election cy…

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Authoritarian Populism Vs Human Rights, The Campaign Against ‘Gender Ideology’ and More in Global LGBT Recap

…theory’, which was coined by the Vatican in response to the outcomes of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, and the 1995 Fourth International Women’s Conference in Beijing. The conclusions of the two conferences, which explicitly recognised the importance of reproductive health as a driver of sustainable development and called for the empowerment of women, went against the Vatican’s negotiating position…

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Akin, Spiritual Warfare, and the Radicalization of the Anti-Choice Movement

…es;” when they make heroes out of activists who believe they are locked in spiritual warfare with demonic forces that support abortion rights and access to contraception. In 2003, Akin told The Pathway, a magazine published by the Missouri Baptist Convention, “If you’re an atheist, it’s much nicer to live in a good, Christian civilization where you can have plenty of freedom, because you’ll have a more prosperous, happy life. You may be going stra…

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