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The Desire to Annihilate Gaza Wasn’t Born on 10/7 — It’s Part of a Long Tradition that Includes 19th Century Travel Writing

…Jewish state in Palestine and attracted a Euro-American political elite in support of it. In 1901, Keith’s myth was adopted by Jewish Zionists because, according to Karl Sabbagh in Palestine: A Personal History, it gave “the false impression that Palestine was uninhabited when Jews decided to agitate for it to become their state”—“a land without a people for a people without a land” as the saying goes. Uninhabited in their imagination but very muc…

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Fact Check: Is the Evangelical Youth-Inspired Great ‘Awokening’ Just Around the Corner?

…gathered in the years since Farrell’s study was published does anything to support elite journalists’ breezy claims about young evangelicals. In 2016, in fact, when about 80% of the white evangelical electorate voted for Donald Trump, an even more definitive 83.8% of white evangelicals aged 18-35 and holding at least a two-year college degree pulled the lever for the constantly lying strongman. Asked to comment for this article, sociologist of rel…

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Church Uses Facebook for Sacramental Scrutiny at its Peril

…need,” or Bible verses such as “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:24) written on the packaging. The DVD give-back was more than a gesture of spiritual or political defiance. It also highlighted the ethic of mutuality and equanimity at the heart of new social communication practices that have emerged from our engagements in digital social media locales like the Facebook page that became the focus of sacramental censure for Cihak and hi…

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Is Anti-LGBT Legislation the New Southern Strategy?

…with secular beliefs about the Bible (“book of fables”) are actually more supportive of discrimination than are those who believe the Bible was inspired by God. Overall, 17.3% of Southerners would fire a college professor for being gay or lesbian, compared to 8% of non-Southerners. The South is a hotbed of anti-LGBT sentiment because a large fraction of the population identifies as Baptists or with other exclusivist sects, and they also tend to h…

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Catholics Talk About Sex

…e has reported, an overwhelming majority of Catholics in the United States support the same goals as BCSSH. 93% of Catholics support the use of condoms to prevent HIV and other STDs. 96% of Catholic women in the United States use a modern method of contraception, at the same rates as non-Catholic women. 90% of adult Catholics support the use of contraception. 88% of Catholics favor of public schools providing sex education and 83% of Catholics bel…

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…he problems of life in these United States. Given conservative evangelical support for—and by “support for” we mean “control over”—the Trump administration, it should come as no surprise that on the subject of religious liberties, the story has been one step forward, two steps back … then another two, and give me three more just for good measure. First, the good news: A poll this December shows that nonreligious candidates get more support from vo…

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The Washington Post’s New Religious Right Now Blogger

…aw and Justice Vicky] Mpofu has been traveling Zimbabwe to rally religious support for the EFZ’s constitutional proposals. “We’ve had a lot of support from ACLJ in America because for me to be able to go around the country to visit the ten provinces we’ve received some help financially and also we’ve received some help from the teams from America visiting and working with us,” Mpofu said. “The support has been tremendous.” More recently, the ACLJ…

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Wearing White is Not Enough: A Conversation with Cherisse Scott of SisterReach

…y, absolutely. We weren’t even out there [at the Women’s March]. We didn’t support the march with our logo, we didn’t support the march with our bodies. We didn’t put down the march, per se, but we didn’t support the march either. Only because of what you just said. Black women have been doing this work. Period. We already knew that when it came down to Hillary Clinton [as the nominee], that black women would be disappointed. However, we didn’t ha…

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Seeking Broad Appeal to US Christians, ‘God & Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism’ Glosses Over Critical Context

…ehind God & Country hope to specifically reach the kinds of Christians who support such theocratic laws and to persuade them that Christian nationalism is “un-Christian,” but the goal is deeply naïve; authoritarian evangelicals and their fellow travelers are not reachable at scale and will be quick to denounce the film as “woke.” In addition, considering that God & Country highlights figures like French and Moore, we can only conclude that opposin…

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The ‘Health Freedom Movement’ Enters the Covid Era by Disseminating Medical Disinformation 

…medicine; traditional Chinese medicine and qigong; and more of the new age spirituality diet and health advice that I describe in my book. Move forward to 2021, and health freedom has become a concept that brings together right-wing libertarianism, conservative Christianity, and new age spirituality, especially regarding vaccinations and Covid regulations. Health libertarianism dates to the antebellum period when the concern was bodily freedom and…

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