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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…very day! Raquel: There are certainly many things to be concerned about in today’s political reality. However, the things that trouble us today are the continuation of the very same things that plagued our society during the Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush senior, Reagan administrations, and beyond. Racism is not new. Misogyny is not new. Xenophobia is not new. Our government’s continued alliances with fascists and theocrats? Not new. The things margin…

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6 Overlooked Takeaways From a Reviewer of Controversial Texas Textbooks

…Islam propaganda they will encounter from groups like TTT. 6. Get Involved Today’s public school students need to be prepared to function effectively not only in a global society that is already religiously diverse, but also in a United States that is growing more so. Since religions continue to shape human viewpoints and motivations, students need a solid grasp of the religions of the world. One thing I learned from participating in the 2014 text…

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Fox Makes Mockery Of Promise To Rein In Beck’s Anti-Semitism

…ople by changing their identities and hiding with Righteous Gentiles. With today’s falsehoods, Beck has engaged in a form of Holocaust revisionism. Today, they have let their political ideology trump their values – exactly what America has had enough off. And they have revealed themselves to be willing to leave nothing sacred in order to score short term political points. And in a letter to supporters yesterday, Greer added: Of all the new “Tea Pa…

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#Churchtoo: Apology of Evangelical Pastor Accused of Sexual Assault Shows Why Sorry Isn’t Enough

…and accepted responsibility for my actions. I was sorry then and remain so today.” From the cover of Andy Savage’s forthcoming book, which has been put on hold by the publisher. “Again, I ask for forgiveness from her and everyone involved. When this happened twenty plus years ago, I did everything I knew to do under the counsel I was given to cooperate with those involved, repent of my sins, take responsibility for my actions and seek forgiveness….

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The Tea Party are Sodomites

…what we know of the Ancient Near East where, like today, among Bedouin and Arabs, hospitality is a core value. The Ancient Near East had no Holiday Inns; hospitality is essential for survival and its presence or absence says much about the ethical character of people. Consider Exodus 22:21 and 23:9 and its injunction not to oppress strangers; Luke 7:44-46 (where Jesus rebukes Simon: “I entered your house, you gave me no water for my feet… You gave…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…a,” he said, “because worldviews hardly ever change,” not much has changed today—except for Noebel’s expanded definition of communism. “We used to say communism equals Marxism-Leninism,” he told Olasky. “Now communism is a broader term—I have a whole list of things to add today.” The Democratic Party’s “Socialist Red Army” Noebel insists that President Obama is a “stealth socialist,” and even that Obama economic advisor Larry Summers, in acknowled…

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Pope Francis Walks With LGBTQ People, One Step Forward, Big Steps Back

…the pope referred to the “theory of gender” as a “great enemy to marriage today.” He added that “there is a global war to destroy marriage,” and that the weapons being used are a form of “idealogical colonization.” In the past, Francis has used that phrase to describe Western ideas being forced onto developing nations. While this has typically been a reference to capitalism, he’s also gotten into the habit of using it as a description of same-sex…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…rcent” of Americans want a taller, thicker border wall, but no one onstage today challenged his claim. Among other dubious claims that cannot be objectively debunked was Bannon’s assertion that Trump is the “greatest public speaker since Williams Jennings Bryan,” the late 19th-century Democrat and fervent populist who also had a penchant for gold. To his credit (and our panic), Bannon was surprisingly straightforward about his ideological goals fo…

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A Jewish Perspective on Reparations

…ning which I knew so much already, would be my portion on the day that the United States decided to murder its Negroes systematically instead of little by little and catch-as-catch-can. If Coates is right that reparations at least partially correlated with German societal and cultural reckoning, then one can see their fruits in Germany today. Last month, following a number of horrid, hateful slogans chanted at Jews (in the context of otherwise leg…

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How Evangelicalism’s Twin Seeds of Biblical Literalism and Constitutional Originalism Spelled the End of Roe

…utopian designs of atheistic communism abroad and liberal humanism in the United States. Schaeffer worried about an expanding federal bureaucracy, indoctrination through secular state education, and a Supreme Court that was making law rather than interpreting the literal text of the Constitution, particularly as evidenced by the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Modern constitutional law, he wrote in A Christian Manifesto, “is totally reversed from the…

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