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Why Do Evangelicals And Dems Want Immigration Reform?

…50, about one in five Americans will be foreign born, up from one in eight today. … Hispanics also have historic ties to the Democrats, if not as strong as blacks’ ties. But they are as strong or stronger in their support for active government, the safety net, and generous government service provisions. And the issue of immigration looms large, with Democrats viewed overwhelmingly as the most favorable party to immigrants. In the same Gallup analy…

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Why Kaepernick’s Refusal to Stand Is an Act of Religious Dissent

…ervescence,” could lead individuals to act with emotional abandon, what we today might call extremism. To threaten the totem, particularly in front of large groups (such as on national television!), is to call into question the foundations of society. “When a belief is shared unanimously by a people, to touch it—that is, to deny or question it—is forbidden,” Durkheim wrote. People kill or die for their symbols: The soldier who dies for his flag di…

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Is There Hope for a Truly Progressive Evangelicalism? An Interview with Deborah Jian Lee

…gelical, a ministry aimed at helping women heal from religious patriarchy. Today Jennifer is an ordained pastor and leading evangelical feminist voice who is working to dismantle patriarchy in the church, pressing old-school leaders to back policies that advance women’s access to family planning services and advancing a conversation among women of faith who face hurdles to gender equality. The third and final thread follows LGBT students at the ul…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…tarted becoming a shtick.” In an early October interview with Christianity Today, Warren said that he hadn’t worn a Hawaiian shirt “in two years” and that he “doesn’t even own one.” Warren also said that he was tired of being labeled the new Billy Graham: “I’m very tired of it. I have said many times, there is no successor to Billy Graham… If there is any successor to Billy Graham, it’s Franklin, who has continued to do evangelism. Most media only…

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Grace Under Pressure: Reclaiming Hope for Progressive Religion

…through Selma and Montgomery for freedom’s cause. Hope is what led me here today—with a father from Kenya; a mother from Kansas; and a story that could only happen in the United States of America. It is the bedrock of this nation; the belief that our destiny will not be written for us, but by us; by all those men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is; who have the courage to remake the world as it should be. All of which s…

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Mormons’ Puzzling Indifference to Easter

…irst Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. And that’s today.” The elders rolled their eyes at each other. “Where’d you hear that?” one asked. “My Chaucer class,” I said. “The early Christians put Easter as close as possible to a full moon so people could still have light at night to go on pilgrimage.” (FYI: a literature degree can be very useful in writing about religion, and vice versa.) They laughed. “Sister Welker, that may…

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Why Tony Campolo’s LGBTQ Reversal is Evangelicalism’s Tipping Point

…-called “Religious Right.” “What scares me is that Christianity in America today sees nothing wrong with being allied with political conservatism,” he told The Progressive magazine 10 years ago. “Conservatives are people who worship at the graves of dead radicals. Stop to think about that. The people who started this country, George Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, these were not conservatives; these were the radicals of the time. In fact, conserv…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…f or yoga, much less the type of yoga performed on mats across the country today. Although Bardach recognizes that Vivekananda’s version of yoga does not look like that of contemporary, popularized forms, she does not account for the fact that his version of yoga was controversial and outside the mainstream during his lifetime.  Second, the development of a form of yoga that would eventually become popularized, which didn’t happen until the late t…

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Fear, Guns, and the (Unwinnable) War Against Death: A Letter to My Fellow Americans

…ore. More than that, the nature of everyday life for most of us in America today is deadly for the world around us. The machines that facilitate our daily life exploit the fossil fuel spoils of the underworld, slowly turning the planet into a kind of living hell. Anthropologist Deborah Bird Rose knew that, even if many of us choose to ignore that it’s happening; phenomena like mass species extinctions are affecting us deeply. Rose argued that in t…

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A Short Theological Take on Why Messianic Jews Are Christians

…istory, there have always been rivulets of Jews who accept Jesus, and that today’s messianics perpetuate these, when the outside monies they now attract started burgeoning only suddenly in the 1970s, as the turn of the millenium neared, with its recurring hope for the Second Coming and even the end of the world.” When, he asks, “in previous history have rivulets of Jewish messianics received such largesse?” He concludes, “Today the mask is coming…

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