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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…or a disruption of a natural order given by God or gods. Appeals to Native American spirituality and “nature” were raised (even though actual Native American communities had one of the highest vaccination acceptance rates in the country). There were many conspiracy theories with this fantastic quality, some of which came close to medieval blood libels: that unborn babies had been aborted for use in the vaccine, or that contamination of one’s blood…

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On the Erasure of Whiteness in Responses to Convicted Pedophile Jan Joosten, a White Man

…see his appeal to interiority for what it is: obfuscating rhetoric in the service of public rehabilitation. Or, we can take another step back and ask, who is allowed to have self-contradictions? Who gives and possesses the privilege to have a redeemable private-self and an unimpeachable public-self? Who gets to be “individual” and who must always represent something beyond themselves? Most importantly, who accepts the stupendous myth that brillia…

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Exclusive: Why Did Chicago Public Schools Just Quietly Drop Transcendental Meditation?

…of a proponent of meditation. In addition, while the UK’s National Health Service notes that meditation can be very helpful in many cases, “The serious, long-lasting nature of some of the negative experiences reported [in a recent study], however, are cause for concern.” These potential issues may be perfectly acceptable for adults voluntarily participating in TM workshops, but for children and adolescents required or even urged to participate it…

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And the Violent Bear It Away? Disciplined Nonviolence and the Coming Election Emergency

…can we not? Consider not only the still-advancing demolition of the Postal Service, where auditors are now reporting that about one million primary election ballots weren’t delivered on time, but also recent White House decisions to push science aside and suppress actual information about coronavirus spread and to block in-person Congressional testimony from the intelligence services on the latest iterations of foreign election interference. And n…

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How U.S. Conservatives Conjured the Jesus of Their Dreams

…John Locke, by far the most influential figure in the background of early American thinking about the social contract. It goes without saying that this kind of thinking was racist to the core, as proponents “wielded these ideologies in ways that marginalized Indigenous and communities of color who were taken in slavery.” Fast forward to the challenge of the Great Depression, when Big Business desperately needed to save its credibility and fight b…

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‘God Made Them Male and Female…and Eunuch’: Why the Biblical Case For Binary Gender Isn’t So… Biblical

…especially for transgender—people in employment, health care, and military service. Mark and Matthew present Jesus’s teaching as a narrowly defined discussion pertaining to the interpretation of a law in Deuteronomy. The texts don’t reject gay marriage; they don’t even address it. Hard-nosed conservative leaders persist in reciting verses from Leviticus and Matthew as God’s Word—and the final word—on the issue. Matthew 19:3–6, for instance, remain…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…flunkies? Why has immigration basically been shut down? Why is the postal service being gutted when mail-in ballots will likely determine the election? Why is the white-dominated GOP stuffing the federal court system with judges and justices who will maintain white power for the foreseeable future? Pundits who keep deploring how polarized our politics have become routinely miss the real point, which is how a racialized Republican Party maintains…

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Fundraising for Kyle Rittenhouse Reveals American Christianity’s White Supremacy Problem

…ore fit for leadership.” In other words, thinking of god as white, as most Americans do, means you think white people are more fit to lead and better to hire. It’s an inherent bias written into the DNA of American Christianity. The imagery is everywhere, even in footsteps of progress. The Mississippi legislature voted to remove an overt symbol of white supremacy, the Confederate flag, from the state flag, while at the same time requiring that the…

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To Get Through This Time We’ll Have to Shred the ‘Racial Contract’ and Choose Solidarity Over Sacrifice

…. With well over 100,000 deaths as of publication, more than the number of service members killed in World War I, America is living through an apocalyptic moment. But it’s also an apocalypse in the literal sense of an unveiling or disclosure—an unmasking. The coronavirus has unmasked how our lives are marked by a profound mutual dependence that challenges our self-understanding and political ideologies. It has unmasked a federal government capture…

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Lying in the Name of the War Lord: Jane Roe’s Fake ‘Conversion’ is a Feature Not a Bug of the Extreme Christian Right

…and? David Lane of the influential Christian Right political organization, American Renewal Project is also a Rahab fan. The organization, an affiliate of the Mississippi-based American Family Association, plays a quiet role in organizing and indoctrinating conservative clergy, especially in election years. They provide all-expense-paid trips for thousands of clergy and spouses to hear from the likes of Dominionist and Christian Nationalist author…

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