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Coups of a Feather: The Striking Similarities Between Brazil’s Insurrection and Jan 6 May Be Due to ‘Authoritarian Learning’

…cepts like dominionism, and potentially dangerous theological beliefs like spiritual warfare, are on the rise. Like Republicans in the US, Bolsonaro’s supporters in Brazil were fed a steady diet of lies and misinformation, mixed with authoritarian Christian nationalism. Over time this created a permission structure, an impetus even, for political violence. Of course the coup attempts in the US and Brazil were not identical. For one, the scope of t…

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Defying Eternal Damnation, Catholics will Vote Democratic

…rt Obama’s support from Catholic voters. Similarly, when Obama came out in support of marriage equality, there was fretting it would hurt him with all kinds of religious voters. The latest Pew poll, though, shows Obama bouncing back from a decline in support among Catholic voters. As Daniel Burke at Religion News Service notes, in June, the same poll found Obama barely leading Mitt Romney among Catholic voters, 49-47%. But in September, he’s pulle…

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Egypt and the Problem of Religion

…corruption began to surface. Once again large crowds of Egyptians, said to number in the millions [for a fascinating take on the disputed numbers see Hugh Roberts in LRB–Eds], took to the streets—this time to register their disapproval of Morsi’s government. The military claimed to derive a popular mandate from these massive demonstrations and moved in to overthrow the Morsi government, imprison the deposed president, and launch a murderous vendet…

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Barr and Pompeo Speeches Show Why Evangelical Warriors Won’t Abandon the President

…ion,” Mr. Jeffress said, “but I guarantee you there is not one evangelical supporter of the president who would switch their vote and support Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden over a Syria decision.” Trump is the barbarian-king leading white evangelicals in their war against all those they deem God’s enemies. For evangelicals, his authoritarian rhetoric is an asset; his cruelty is a mark of determination; his unwillingness to compromise is a welcome c…

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Gay Marriage Still Resonates As Top Issue Issue for Some Republicans

…ty than oppose it: …the shift is dramatic; in 1988, just 22 years ago, only 12% of Americans supported gay marriage. In 2010, it was 46%, with only 40% opposed. And it’s even a big shift from 2008 to 2010: support went up seven points, and opposition trended downward seven points. The research shows young evangelicals are still opposed to marriage equality, but overall, the support for gay and lesbian rights is growing among younger voters. Despit…

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Pence Amendment not Just About Abortion, but About Thwarting Contraception

…who’d allied himself with Billy Graham and Campus Crusade for Christ in the 1970s) called for interfaith opposition to the conference’s draft program of action due to its support for abortion rights and what the Pope called a “Culture of Death . . . . “ As a result of this call—and elite support from “powerful international players in the Vatican, US business, and politic[s]” who encouraged Catholic, Mormon and evangelical leaders into partnership…

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Maybe It’s Time to Admit That The “Grotesque Caricature” of White Evangelicals is the Reality

…n the consistency with which white evangelicals as a whole have lent their support to Trump—and right-wing candidates and policies more generally—it’s far past time to own up to the fact that the image is, in many respects, the reality. Well-intentioned evangelical leaders may not like to hear that, but it remains the case that an overwhelming majority of evangelicals continue to support Trump and his policies. Sure, they may have issues with his…

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‘Religious Freedom’: Constitutional Principle or Electoral Politics?

…. In general Catholic voters, whom the Democrats want to bring closer, are supportive of the nuns but they don’t tend to like the bishops. Catholic health care is one of the few good things we can point to in a Church otherwise plagued by corruption and, yes, pedophilia. Even pro-contraception Catholics are inclined to support the sisters. During the Clinton administration’s attempt at health care reform, Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) made clear…

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Why ISIS War Would Make Paris Attacks a Success

…defeat ISIS, but not by the military actions that will only enlarge their support. It’s time to defeat them by undercutting their support with political changes in Syria and Iraq.   *While there has neither been a declaration of war nor troop engagement, the French air force has bombed Raqqa, an ISIS stronghold. Juergensmeyer responds: “The French bombing of Raqqa in response to the Paris attacks will give the French public a sense of revenge, th…

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Why Beth Moore Walked It Back: This Election Season, It’s Tough Being an Evangelical Woman

…likely that evangelical women will draw on their conservative theology to support the conservative candidate. Yet, evangelical women are not a uniform group. Let’s return to Moore’s tweet and the thread that followed. Reading the many, many replies could suggest that all of the following are true: (1) Evangelical women can agree with Moore, while still supporting Trump’s candidacy.   (2) Evangelical women can agree with Moore, while denying the e…

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