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Gay Rights Activists Condemn “Spiritual War” in Uganda

…eing used to reignite greater hostility in the public around this issue to support the bill,” Kaggwa said. LeGendre points out that even if the bill is reintroduced in the next several months, as Bahati has promised to do, just the discussion of the bill has been the source of great violence in Uganda. That violence, he believes, has led to anyone who may oppose the most inhumane parts of the bill from speaking out for fear of being seen as suppor…

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Keeping the “Southern” in Southern Baptist Convention

…tion) in recent years in order to tap its considerable resources in church support. While the convention’s powers that be (largely) lined up in support of the change, the rank-and-file pastorate expressed more skepticism. The Tennessee State Baptist Convention voted down the change in an expression of sentiment for maintaining a historic tie with a regional identity that was and is deeply personal to many. “I think the Southern Baptist Convention…

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As Culture War Rages, What’s the Status of LGBT Rights on Catholic Campuses?

…ters dedicated to LGBTQ issues, according to New Ways Ministries, more than 100 Catholic institutions of higher education have some kind of association dedicated to supporting LGBT students. Jobs in Jeopardy Of course, Always Our Children still reasserts the Church’s teaching that the homosexual “inclination” is “intrinsically disordered” and that gays and lesbians must lead a “chaste and virtuous life.” The document also stipulates, “the Church h…

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No Religious Left “Split” On Anti-LGBT Religious Exemption

…igned the order without a religious exemption. As I reported two weeks ago, 100 religious leaders signed a letter to Obama unequivocally opposing a religious exemption in the order. Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of Dignity USA, a pro-LGBT rights Catholic group, told me that letter garnered “quick, rapid support” within a day or two of being drafted. “Everyone was on exactly the same page,” she said. That letter was followed by a letter…

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Vivek Ramaswamy Represents the Convergence of White Supremacy and Hindu Supremacy — And He May Well Be Trump’s Running Mate

…blished a statement taking note of this shift, including data showing that support for Donald Trump had almost doubled among Indian-Americans. However, rather than self-reflect on their own convergences with the far-right, including their own allies and former staffers, HAF blamed these developments on “unchecked attacks and recent anti-India activism” within the Democratic Party. Many other figures followed suit ahead of the 2020 election, includ…

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The Anxiety of White Christian America: A Poll

…o keep out Syrians. Hispanics (45%) and black Protestants (36%) offer less support, and it absolutely craters among the unaffiliated (67% against) and members of non-Christian faiths (75% opposed). And again: White Christian Americans stand apart from other religious communities in expressing support for a temporary ban on Muslims. A majority of white evangelical Protestants (55%), white Catholics (52%), and white mainline Protestants (51%) endors…

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The US Religious Right and the LGBT Crisis In Uganda

…milies and culture. During the conference, Lively blamed gay people for the 1994 Rwandan genocide, equated homosexuality with Nazism, and more generally asserted that gay people are both predators and a foreign infiltration that undermines local values. As the Rev. Kapya Kaoma, author of a report on anti-LGBT evangelism in Africa, told RD’s Kathryn Joyce last year: When he goes to Uganda, he’s not known as Scott Lively, but as an American evangeli…

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“Exvangelical” Podcast: Safe Space for Those “Living In, Leaving, or Coming to Terms With” Evangelicalism

support of even a majority of white men—white evangelicals remain broadly supportive of Trump, with regular church attendance indicating a higher rate of support. SPECIAL REPORT: Divest or Dive In? Evangelicals of Color Face a Reckoning As someone who has written a good bit about the authoritarian ethos of white evangelicals—for example here and here—I’m among the numerous ex-evangelicals who are legitimately upset and, in many cases, even re-tra…

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‘Brazil’s Trump’ Bolsonaro Lost — But Anti-Democratic Movements Seldom Accept Electoral Defeat

…y familiar to American readers. Bolsonaro’s behavior and the makeup of his supporters both consciously and unconsciously mirror Trump and the coalition of open racists and right-wingers that he developed in the US. But it goes further than that—Bolsonaro and Trump regularly amplify and support each other online, endorsing one another’s campaigns, and aping one another’s strategies. Comparisons between the two men and their politics are a regular f…

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Alabama’s Yoga Ban Is Part of the Christian Right’s War on Pluralism

…nal prayer is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause. I, therefore, support prohibitions on school-sanctioned chanting of the sacred mantras that I myself grew up learning, just as I support bans on school-sanctioned recitation of Biblical scripture. Maintaining a healthy wall of separation between church and state protects our democratic freedoms and religion itself. Unfortunately, the conservatives rallying against the teaching of yoga—wi…

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