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It’s All In Your Head: Patricia Churchland’s Touching a Nerve

…f today’s neuro-babble should find something to agree with in Churchland’s central thesis, that “I am who I am because my brain is what it is.” The brain is, indeed, a central cause of who we are as individuals and as a collective species. Anyone seeking self-knowledge ought to at least consult these pages, even if it’s with a critical eye (or should I say visual cortex?). *** Given Churchland’s appreciation for complexity, the most surprising ele…

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ISIS is the Islamic “Reformation”

…26th the Guardian reported that “Islamic State militants ransacked Mosul’s central museum, destroying priceless artefacts that are thousands of years old, in the group’s latest rampage…” As is the case in the Guardian‘s coverage, the story is often accompanied by Islamic State video showing black-clad, bearded extremists taking power tools to ancient Assyrian and Akkadian statues. We watch in horror as ancient statues of massive winged bulls have…

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If Modesto’s Public Schools Can Teach World Religions, It Can Happen Anywhere

…spent much of my childhood and early adult life in Modesto, a city in the Central Valley, aka the “Bible Belt” of California. So Joseph Laycock’s recent article in Religion Dispatches profiling that course and interviewing Sherry McIntyre, one of its teachers, hit me on a more personal level. I took Sherry’s world religions and world geography course as a freshman in high school a decade ago. What Laycock’s piece didn’t capture is just how conser…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…tion of sharia laws has speeded up since Aceh struck a peace deal with the central government in 2005. Slovenia: Court OK’s Catholic Church-Backed Referendum Challenging Marriage Equality Law On Thursday, the Constitutional Court “gave the go-ahead for a referendum on whether to implement legislation allowing gay marriage, an issue that has divided the central European nation.” More from AFP: The court’s decision comes after parliament in March ad…

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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…ip with the industrialist drumbeat that is standard time. Timekeepers call central clocks “master clocks,” and others “slave clocks.” Through Thompson’s lens, these expressions look all too descriptive. It’s a potent analysis. Standard time does allow for new negotiations between individuals and groups. It allows authority figures to shape the schedules of people—to make them, in a word, disciplined. Often, that discipline clashes with other, more…

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Proposition 8, Mormonism, and the Other Fight for Alternative Marriage

…cussing the church’s involvement with polygamy. I believe that polygamy is central to an understanding of the church’s attitude toward gay marriage. Several years ago, at a gathering comprised primarily of faithful Mormons, I heard an LDS lawyer state quietly that one reason the church was so anxious to institute bans on gay marriage was that the leaders knew that if gay marriage ever became widely legal and accepted, polygamy would subsequently b…

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Will This Relic Change Our Whole View of Early American History?

…ness as being a “city upon a hill,” to current debates, Protestantism is a central feature in most conceptions of America. The recent archeological discovery at Jamestown Virginia would seem to complicate that popular view. Archer, along with several others whose bodies were recently recovered, were among the first English settlers who came to America during an era the poet John Donne described in a sermon to the Virginia Company in London as mark…

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In Marriage Decision, An Ode to Love and Four Provocations

…though, refuse to acknowledge that the Constitution can both guarantee the Free Exercise rights of opponents of same-sex marriage and the Equal Protection rights of same-sex couples. Taken together, the four dissenting opinions will fuel ongoing grievances about “judicial tyranny” forcing opponents of same-sex marriage into, as Alito put it, a “new orthodoxy” which will strip them of their religious rights. Roberts ominously predicted religious ob…

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Jews Violate Their Own Beliefs, Conservative Christians Say

…er points out), is this: In recent days we have heard claims that a belief central to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—that we are created male and female, and that marriage unites these two basic expressions of humanity in a unique covenant—amounts to a form of bigotry. Gee, thank you boys. Thank you for letting me, a Jew, know that I (along with all of Reform and Conservative Judaism, the two largest denominations by a landslide) am violating a…

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The Promise of Immortality in a Tech-Enhanced Heaven

…onomies are better. As it turns out, no, they are much worse. I’d consider central economic planning a form of hubris. However, there have also been many charges of hubris directed at people who ended up making valuable progress. “If God had meant man to fly, He’d have given him wings.” I think transhumanism contains both elements: there will be real progress that, in retrospect, won’t look like hubris. Few will complain if medical nanobots cure c…

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