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파워볼최상위✐(lv-2021,ⓒ⓪m 텔레ʀ⓪ʀ⓪ʀ⓪⑴⑴⑨ 코드ⓐⓐⓐⓐ﹜✫파워볼 에볼루션 파워볼놀이터 동행복권추천 파워볼사이트

Purity Culture is Also About National Purity: Anti-Asian Hate and Purity Culture [Audio]

…se situations are not nuanced. And so do they care if the Asian people involved are Korean or Vietnamese or Japanese, et cetera? They don’t. What they hear is their president, Donald Trump and other leaders saying things like ‘Chinese Flu’ and ‘Kung Flu’ and so, or ‘China Virus.’ And so they lash out and they take their aim at Asian people. All of this leads me back to Christian nationalism. What I wrote on Twitter this morning was “Purity culture…

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The Vatican ‘Doubts’ Same-Sex Love, But More Doubt The Vatican

…esponse” was a clear, clipped “Negative.” The Responsum, dated February 22, 2021, was signed by Luis F. Cardinal Ladria the Prefect, and Archbishop Giacomo Morandi, the Secretary of the CDF with the explicit approval of Pope Francis, of whom many hoped for better. The rest of the short document was an Explanatory Note, footnotes to other Vatican documents, and a Commentary as if somehow no did not mean no. The backstory: Some German bishops, among…

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The Problem With An Evangelical Petition Calling White Nationalism ‘Heresy’

…h fruit in such numbers. That some evangelicals now wish to separate themselves from what their faith tradition has devolved into is well and good, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves about the ways that same tradition fostered the very problems to which critics now object. Second, properly speaking the problem isn’t heresy, it’s idolatry. Heresy has to do with ideas contrary to the received truth of the faith—and indeed, the people calling for a chall…

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Biden’s New Domestic Terrorism Strategy Addresses Trump’s Omission of White Nationalism, But Fails to Address Targeting of Black and Brown Americans

…Countering Domestic Terrorism. With an initial summary released in March of 2021, the full report is in response to the January 6th insurrection and the subsequent order by President Biden for intelligence and law enforcement agencies to comprehensively assess the scope of domestic terrorism in the United States in 100 days. The result is a four-pillared strategy to tackle the “most lethal” terrorist threat today, which is defined as “extremists w…

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‘The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’ Has a ‘Real Religion’ Problem

…expect the real from reality television? Do we not, in the year of our lord 2021, know better than this? Shouldn’t our immersion in this genre, ironic or not, have taught us about the bankruptcy of the concept of the real? To judge the Mormon-ness or Muslim-ness of the cast members of RHOSLC is to miss the point entirely, exposing a commitment to policing religion and confining it to a particular pasture of the public sphere. Enforcement and autho…

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Why We’re Not Prepared to Prosecute White Nationalist Violence

…ty was established to ensure national security. In the wake of January 6th, 2021, the complex network of local, state, and national law enforcement agencies require restructuring to do exactly that. Based on what I define as holistic justice, the foundation of an effective national security framework will simultaneously recognize White nationalists as domestic terrorists and excise the multitude of Muslim Americans from this depiction. If the Unit…

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Dispatches From the Rhodian Shore: A (Tough) Love Letter to Religious Studies

…to the Earth losing 28 trillion tons of ice from the Arctic sea and ice shelves; mountain glaciers; Greenland (the statistical odds are increasing that this melt will radically slow or even stop the Gulf Stream); and Antarctic sea and ice shelves. That’s a lot of water. And the rate of melt is only going to increase. The rate also tracks closely to worst-case sea-level- rise predictions from the most recent IPCC report for ice sheets, suggesting a…

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The Bible May Be Stranger Than You Think … And Why It Matters

…o name a few: it’s actually a collection of books, some of which are themselves collections; it evolved over a long period of time (centuries), in terms of both the content of individual books and as a collection of books; the whole thing is really really old, so old that even the youngest parts of it come from times and places vastly different from today; the languages through which we’ve received it (with the exception of a little bit of Aramaic…

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Are We Living in a Simulation? Bad Religion, Bad Media Combine in New Doc, ‘A Glitch in the Matrix’

…e on processing power. It’s just IT best practices. This is Rodney Ascher’s 2021 A Glitch in the Matrix, due out this Friday, February 5. The movie has two distinct threads—the first, a documentary about simulation theory. The second, a crime docudrama about a domestic violence event that involved The Matrix. If the movie has a thesis it is most elegantly framed by Erik Davis, who says something like: the conditions of our collective existence are…

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The True Meaning of ‘Law and Order’ Became Painfully Clear on January 6

…very different message. He said the “invasion” was a “ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will.” He objected to even the “implied threat weapons might be directed against fellow Americans.” As a result, the Mulford Bill was fast-tracked, and Reagan signed it into law on July 28th, 1967. Law and order applies only to Black people and those who support their freedom, dignity, and rights. This disproportionat…

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