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파워볼최상위✐(lv-2021,ⓒ⓪m 텔레ʀ⓪ʀ⓪ʀ⓪⑴⑴⑨ 코드ⓐⓐⓐⓐ﹜✫파워볼 에볼루션 파워볼놀이터 동행복권추천 파워볼사이트

Into the Darkest Moment of a Dark Year Comes the Saturnalia, a Time for Drinking, Swearing, Gambling, and the Circle of Life

…rsals, free speech, and libationary merriment of Dionysian proportions involving drinking, swearing and gambling, with banquets and food sacrificed to deities. It even marked a truce period; no wars could be declared during the Saturnalia (but occasional murders occurred taking advantage of the distractions). On 19 December, gifts would be exchanged. Green garlands would decorate homes. People nominated a “King of the Saturnalia” (though please ex…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…this is not a blessing of a gay marriage. “The Church of England gets involved in services of thanksgiving with regard to many areas of life. “This is a service of thanksgiving for the committed relationship between two people. It is entirely appropriate for this to happen.” The Church of England’s College of Bishops is meeting this week to discuss issues of sexuality and high on the list will be the marriage for same-sex couples. Canon David Por…

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Remembering Rumsfeld: The Defense Department Gospel and America’s Desert Crusade

…oo few on our side of the supposed “clash of civilizations” have let themselves be bothered to try. Enemy in the mirror These pieces of official iconography—at once digital folk art and presidential artifacts—lay bare that as early as 2003 the self-image of American war-makers at the highest levels had become hardly distinguishable from the enemy’s most populist propaganda. Terrorist creations collected by West Point’s Islamic Imagery Project diff…

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UPDATED: The Coup That Never Ends: ‘Whitemanism’ and the Perils of a Flimsy Liberalism

…t the thorny challenges we face in the public sphere will just have to resolve themselves. Many of us who are white have a degree of wealth to preserve and to pass on, and those who are old can hear Time’s winged chariot hovering nearby. We’ve just been through an anxious moment with Covid and with Trump, and now we would prefer to see all the bad things recede in the rear-view mirror. If only we could afford this luxury! And how pathetic for so m…

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Where Did White Evangelicalism’s Hatred of Critical Race Theory Really Begin?

…these tools are employed to address social dynamics; and be it further RESOLVED, That Southern Baptist churches and institutions repudiate the misuse of insights gained from critical race theory, intersectionality, and any unbiblical ideologies that can emerge from their use when absolutized as a worldview. The “denunciation” of CRT and Intersectionality in this statement, however, was too mild for many white evangelicals. For example, John MacArt…

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Do Stormy Daniels’ Beliefs in the Paranormal Make Her Unfit to Testify in Lawsuit Against Her Former Attorney?

…ompetently testify.” The document goes on to specify that these claims involve things Daniels has said in interviews about paranormal investigation, psychic practices, and practicing witchcraft. In a June 2021 Facebook post, Daniels replied: “Let me get this straight… They are going to use my religious belie[fs] and profession to discriminate against me…” I should note that Avenatti’s lawyers probably don’t care what her beliefs actually indicate…

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The Quiet Passing of Fundamentalist Mormon Prophet Lynn A. Thompson Suggests Polygamy Recognition Remains a Distant Hope

…Mormon fundamentalist religion, quietly passed away this week on October 5, 2021. ‘Mormon fundamentalist religion’ is a term used by both early leaders of the movement and leaders within the LDS Church to differentiate themselves from those who continued the controversial marital practice. According to the Apostolic United Brethren, they were charged with continuing the “fundamentals” of the faith—namely polygamy—after the LDS Church essentially b…

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As Florida Attempts to Make it Illegal, an Argument for the Sacred Work of White Discomfort

…tanza, a Christian singing that hymn identifies as “a wretch” in need of salvation. The familiar refrains—“I once was lost, but now I’m found/Was blind but now I see”—begin with lament and confession. Grace is amazing precisely because God accepts us despite our own shortcomings. But we don’t come to salvation, nor do we grow in discipleship, without honesty and this experience of exquisite discomfort. Moreover, the sacred role of discomfort isn’t…

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What Can a Real Life Haunting Tell Us About American Religion? [Updated]

…a. Maria began to suspect the property she was renting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania was haunted after about a month. Weird things kept happening. At Maria’s home, the cabinets were often found open in the kitchen. At first she suspected the cats. Then, at some point Maria and her husband installed a video camera to monitor the room overnight. One morning, they walked out into the kitchen to find all the cabinets wide open—even the upper cabinets tha…

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If We Don’t Counter Far-Right Christianity, 1/6 Will Just Be the Beginning

…rt network for former president Trump. Nearly one year ago, on January 6th, 2021, this growing religious and political extremism manifested itself in an unthinkable way. Mobs of Trump backers carrying crosses, bibles, and signs with religious messages stormed the Capitol—ransacking the building, hunting down Congressmembers, and ultimately leaving multiple people dead. A man in a fur hat and horns—now infamously known as the QAnon Shaman or Q-Sham…

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