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Dispatch from Charlottesville: “It Was a War Zone. It Felt Like There Were a Million Nazis.”

…m were gathered outside the church. So in the middle of a peaceful worship service, a prayer service for the city of Charlottesville, I was unable to be present in the work that I had been brought in to do because of safety concerns. Along with that, a member of the so-called alt-right had infiltrated our worship service. And so there were lots of things happening at one time. Security became a real concern; not just for those of us who were in cl…

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Wal-Mart Faces a New Round of Historic Strikes… But Why Now?

…ingly immigrants and people of color. Catholic churches with ties to Latin American progressive traditions, African-American Protestant churches with roots in the Civil Rights movement and white Protestant churches in the social gospel tradition bring a very different standard for what it means to care for the community. While he was working with OUR Wal-Mart in California, Jones met a young Latina woman, a Wal-Mart employee, who was pregnant. The…

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No One Can Tell I’m a Muslim: All-American Muslim Debuts

…ge anti-Muslim bigotry, choosing a cast of immigrants and first-generation Americans, all Arab American save the newbie white convert, may just propel the show into another set of tropes: all Muslims are Arabs, all Arabs are Muslim, and all Muslims are immigrants. Indeed some Muslims are Arab, some Arabs are Muslim, and some Muslims are immigrants. But many are not. Many will celebrate the show, and those who do may read this review (if they get t…

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The Theological Hijacking of Religious “Freedom”

…we have here is not some radical position or an outlier in the spectrum of American religious belief and non-belief. Rev. Overton’s views are grounded in his Baptist Christian tradition. Many Americans would certainly find resonance in this view—and leaving aside the claim about God and worship, individual conscience is certainly also a key for many people who hold no religious belief. So, what’s the problem with this view? The problem is not so m…

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American Sin: Why Pope Francis’ Mercy is Not Our Mercy

…er of languages, economic classes, ethnicities and cultures represented in American Catholic churches, American Catholics resist singularity. And it follows that they are going to be inconsistent in how they define mercy, as the hierarchy of the American church is often wont to demonstrate. Even the variety of American “Mercy Doors” found online defies comparison to the huge, ornately carved bass doors Francis pushed open at St. Peter’s when he de…

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‘Manufactured’ Smear Campaign Attempts to Intimidate Church ‘Fasting From Whiteness’— It Didn’t Work

…aw enforcement (who they say have been helpful) and took their Palm Sunday service online. Rev. John Edgerton told RD, “Threatening a church because you do not like the way they practice Christianity is a crime. Our Constitution guarantees the right to the free exercise of religion. A campaign of threats like this is intended to do one thing: intimidate us into changing how we practice our faith.” First United Church of Oak Park, a mostly white, s…

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A Moral Galaxy: War and Suffering in “Star Wars: The Old Republic”

…h morality. Our data indicate that SWTOR, like other massively multiplayer online games, carries a quasi-religious affect and can be part of modern moral development. In their online gaming, players form communities, debate morality, find meaning, and experience transcendence. The on-the-ground experience of SWTOR is frequently morally progressive, and undermines claims about the supposed evils of online gaming. Star Wars: The Old Republic provide…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…s a description, to be tested for truth or falsity; the listener, if white American, is being told to feel threatened, and if non-white and non-American, is, in turn, being threatened by being named as a threat external to the direct audience. Since all speech, including that which conveys an opinion about the world, involves some form of action, the point is not that speech acts per se should be banned—no one would ever be able to speak or write…

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Mexican Marriage Marches Show Struggle Between Church and Secular State; Pro-LGBT Mormon Group Grows After ‘Apostate’ Declaration; Botswana Gives Anti-Gay US Pastor the Boot; Global LGBT Recap

…this month that Mexico’s evangelical party, Encuentro Social, had bought a flight to Mexico City for a Colombian lawmaker active in recent protests against Colombia’s education minister, who is a lesbian. (Hernandez did respond to messages from BuzzFeed News.) The report also said activists were coming from Peru and Panama. A tiny group of people responded to NOM’s call for a solidarity protest at the Mexican embassy in Washington, D.C. Hazteoir.o…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…I to judge?” statement while aboard the papal plane. Since that fateful in-flight press conference, I have been told countless times (often by well-meaning, heterosexual Catholics) that I should find hope and comfort in the pope because he has opened up the doors to mercy for me and my lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer friends. But mercy, it seems to me, is not the door that LGBTQ people need opened to them. Mercy is an act of love, co…

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