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Laugh at Tucker Carlson’s Tanning Testicles Doc All You Want, But the Bulging Muscles and Potent Sperm Imagery is a Fascist Dream

…the others, it’s claimed, aren’t “real Christians”—and therefore not “real Americans.” Christian and American identities are inseparable in Christian nationalism, merged into one another. At the same time, blood and soil are central to this ideology. This focus stems, as Yale sociologist Philip Gorski describes, from drawing a parallel between the Bible’s conquest of the Holy Land by the Israelites, and the violent conquest of the American contine…

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‘The Quiet Damage’ Details the Heartbreaking Effect of QAnon on Five American Families — But Critical Questions Linger

…selyn Cook’s premise in The Quiet Damage: QAnon and the Destruction of the American Family. Through carefully researched individual narratives, Cook tells the story of people who got into QAnon and then rejected—or were rejected by—family members, and the grief and damage that ensues from these domestic ruptures. The Quiet Damage: QAnon and the Destruction of the American Family Jesselyn Cook Crown July 23, 2024 It’s hard going to read compounding…

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What’s Wrong with Wright’s Words

…mself put it, an understandable sense of suspicion and distrust that black Americans, particularly black Americans of Wright’s generation, hold toward the nation. But Wright does not offer a jeremiad. His words evoke not King’s dream, but a rather different set of religious voices from American history that have denied the nation’s fundamental promise. William Lloyd Garrison called the nation “diseased beyond the power of recovery,” and famously b…

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Reactions to Biden’s Korean-American Secret Service Agent Expose Christian Nationalism’s Anti-Asian Side

…ear to a torrent of physical and verbal abuse, the sight of Biden’s Korean-American secret service agent seemed to augur change. Perhaps we might begin to rest secure in our status as “real” Americans, emblematized in a highly visible member of Biden’s security team. Those paying attention, however, know otherwise. https://twitt…

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Let’s Get Lost: Mapping Religion in the 21st Century

…ch as Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis’s Digital Atlas of American Religion—to the narrow—the Hindu American Foundation’s map of Hindus worldwide (with accompanying demographic information comparing “Hindus/Asian/Indian” favorably on various socioeconomic rankings to other racial and nationality categories). Unlike other kinds of maps, maps of American religion must negotiate the difficulty of that term—what counts, what doesn’t,…

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A Response to Hussein Rashid

…rofessor Rashid should not attack the Community for assuming the mantle of American Muslim leadership when other American Muslims have remained timid or silent on these issues. Second, Professor Rashid contends that the American Muslim community is represented by a diverse range of organizations, and it is this very diversity that makes it difficult for any one Muslim organization to speak with any authority. Professor Rashid is correct to point o…

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A Twisted Love Story: How American Evangelicals Helped Make Putin’s Russia and How Russia Became the Darling of the American Right

…ge American rightwing perceptions of Russia. Arguably, what this influx of American evangelicals into American Orthodox churches did was create a bridge over which American evangelicals in Russia were able to cross. An alliance began to take root which shaped Russia and the American Right as both headed into the 21st century. Taking a page right out of the playbook of the Moral Majority, the Russian Orthodox Church has positioned itself as the lea…

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New Poll: Americans Disagree with Hobby Lobby

…ondents were essentially even (49% to 48%) on whether providers of wedding services should be able to refuse those services to same-sex couples on religious grounds. It’s an interesting split, given that a clear majority of Americans have supported marriage equality since at least 2013, according to Pew. It’s worth noting that Pew asked respondents about their feelings on these issues, but did not include information about the current state of law…

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No Room for Non-Theists at Boston Interfaith Service

…disappointed to see that Humanists were not included in today’s interfaith service. Eboo Patel, Founder and President of Interfaith Youth Core offered these comments: Atheists and secular humanists should absolutely be included in interfaith memorial ceremonies. They represent 20% of the population, and they grieve and hope with the same intensity that believers do. Furthermore, institutions like the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard are shaping lang…

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Global LGBT Recap: Culture War Claims More Victims

…ned a decree this week naming Dmitry Kiselyov a recipient of the “Order of Service to the Fatherland” for his contributions to Russia’s social and economic development, and “his services in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the rule of law, protection of the rights and interests of citizens, and many years of diligent work.” Putin put Kiselyov in charge of a new government news agency created in December to tighten his control of the media. K…

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