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To Fight White Supremacy We Must Resist Essentialism: The Author Responds

…cated or controlled. It is worth asking how we might most effectivity make contact with the public while dodging the establishment media’s strategies for the containment of dissent. This is not about sanitization. It is about sacrificing authoritative claims to origins or authenticity on the altar of critical scholarship. If one is willing to risk losing one’s claims to yoga’s origins or authenticity, for example, one can make progress on the batt…

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The Forgotten Nones: The High Cost of Fleeing Fundamentalist Religion

…ut to friends shared a similar sentiment with Ted’s narrative: I have lost contact with an entire friend group of 10 years. I simply stopped contacting them and not a single one of them has reached out to me either by phone or Facebook to see how I am. There were a good 5 people in that friend group that I thought I was very close to, but since I stopped attending Church events, none of them have contacted me though I know they are all still invol…

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Trump’s Magical Appeal: A Dated Anthropologist Offers Clues

…primitive belief in contagious magic—that “things which have once been in contact with each other are always in contact.” Many pages of The Golden Bough are taken up with instances of practices that demonstrate this belief: using hair or nail clippings to control people, for example. In other words, Frazer imagined societies giving rise to rulers that were at once symbols of enormous vitality and profoundly susceptible to the possibility of some…

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Modern Mindfulness, Continued: Chade-Meng Tan Follows Up

…at continues over time, we run the risk of the mindfulness movement losing contact with the source teachings. In fact, I fear it has already happened in some instances. That is my main concern about American Buddhism. 2. I also don’t want to give the impression that I’m dissing Asian Buddhism. In my remarks to Max, I wanted to express my frustration that, when I was growing up in Singapore, people in my part of Asia had little access to Dharma and…

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A Story in Which the Gay Mormon Does Not Die

…s given a new wardrobe of thrift store castoffs. She had extremely limited contact with her parents and no contact with friends. There was no school except for homestudy. When she tried to run, she was beaten. And when she did not yield to a treatment regime centered around housework and group scripture study, she was made to wear a backpack full of rocks representing the “burden of her homosexuality” and stand facing the wall for hours on end. Sa…

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Year-End Best Books in Race and Religion in American History

…mbolic statements articulating the historic prejudices of great numbers of Americans, who feared immigrants generally, and he decline of white American nationalism particularly.” And voila! Ten months later, and the primary enabler, publisher, and purveyor of those fears, Stephen Bannon, sits aside the President-Elect, while fake news outlets, white supremacist sites, and messengers of a populist ethno-nationalism have ascended to a central place…

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Churchgoers, Stay Home—It’s The American Way

…ave rearranged their practice that the Center for the Study of Religion in American Culture has partnered with the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media to sponsor Pandemic Religion: a crowdsourced collection of images, videos, and other evidence of the religious response to the COVID-19 crisis. Contributors offer glimpses of spiritual life at home: makeshift communion tables, a Zoom LifeGroup meeting, reflections on Ramadan, and a Jewis…

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Neighborhood sign reads: Stop Teaching Critical Race Theory To Our Kids.

Uncovering the (White) Christian Roots of Slavery, Native American Genocide, and Ongoing Efforts to Erase History

…nish conquistador, showing up on the banks of the Mississippi in the early contact with Native Americans there—which was violent and bloody. So there’s the killing and removal of Indigenous people in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia—all these Southeastern states that had Native American populations. In the early 1800s they began to be pushed off the land and then were forcibly pushed off the land [even more rapidly] under Andrew Jackson’s presidency….

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Omar Ahmad: Muslim, American, Cowboy Boot Aficionado (1965–2011)

…and from there, to the mayor’s office. In that position, he did what every American mayor does, he fought with the Firemen’s Union. In all his activities, he remained committed to his faith. He helped nurture and train Muslim-American leadership. He was a behind-the-scenes mover, who used his vast entrepreneurial experience to make sure the next generation would be able to build real, lasting community relationships with our neighbors. We admired…

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Is Religious Freedom a Casualty at Ground Zero?

…zations and Community Centers, became safe havens through which distinctly American Catholic and American Jewish communities and identities were formed. In recent years, an American Muslim identity is also emerging from the long history of Muslim community building in the United States. This story dates back to the European discovery of the Americas. We often forget that Europeans crossed the Atlantic in search of trade routes that would bypass Mu…

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