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Which Islamists?: Religion and the Syrian Civil War

…sensational and indulges generalizations. When speaking of Islamists, for example, the first question should be “which ones?” There’s a fair amount of diversity among Islamists despite some ideological similarities. Similarly, we have to make distinctions between people who are religiously conservative and those who are politically religious. Sometimes these categories overlap, but not always.  The “politically religious” set their political agend…

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Four Changes Evangelicals Must Make

…to save the life of the mother, are examples of the latest moves in this direction. Besides, who takes seriously their stress on the “right to life” while they reject gun control for assault weapons, the very real threat of global climate change, and support the death penalty and ongoing war in Afghanistan?   The evangelical crowd will be doing a lot of breast-beating over the next few months, as will Republicans in general. But this period can p…

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Tragic Violence in Libya: No Excuse for Perpetrators—or for Provocateurs

…or Terry Jones’ burning of the Qur’an last year led to riots and deaths in Afghanistan, not to mention his foolishly endangering the thousands of troops, diplomats, and other Americans still stationed there. His promotion of this latest film has now contributed in some way to violence in Libya and Egypt, and that includes the death of one of our best ambassadors. We are on the precipice of war with Iran. The Middle East is deeply unstable, and we…

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How Does Mormonism Shape Romney’s Foreign Policy?

…of most Americans. Romney observers have sometimes tried to sniff out ties between fringe elements of Mormonism and his foreign policy, but to review his foreign policy is to find religion conspicuous in its absence. After all, his unapologetically exceptionalist outlook on the role of America in the twenty-first century world could be tied to Mormon teachings about America’s sacred significance as the setting for the Book of Mormon and the foundi…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…violent West. The sad fact is, many people are untroubled by violence or extremism, except if it affects them, their interests, or those considered “like” themselves. This explains why it was so hard for the West to sustain interest in Afghanistan during the ’90s and why wars in countries with oil get our attention more quickly. The great challenge of the present deficit between cultures and societies is not policy; empathy precedes strategy. Are…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…i’ah to a narrower and more securitized frame of Shari’ah, which seems to exclude many Muslim experiences of Shari’ah outside certain crisis areas, like Pakistan and Afghanistan?  Structuring any book presents challenges, and one that addresses a subject as vast as the shari’ah demands that an author make choices. It would have been nice to synthesize experiences from a much broader range of Muslim countries, but organizing five months of travel w…

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Not All Choice is Free

…religious institutions that receive no federal dollars. An institution’s tax exempt status alone casts that into grave doubt. And these institutions seem not to recognize that one way for the state to insist on its way, and for them to gain their administrative freedom, would be to abrogate that curious tax exemption for an institution as wealthy as the Catholic Church in a time of real fiscal crisis. But clearly, this would lend itself to the ver…

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An Atheist Hero is Something to Be

…I can sympathize and like just about anyone [laughing]. If you can’t find excuses for others, how do you find excuses for yourself? That sense of acceptance and tolerance really comes through in your memoirs. In fact, you called it a defect. You said once you get to know someone, you can’t hate him or her even if it’s justified. I can hate at a distance. I really didn’t like Jerry Falwell— Are you about to make a case for Jerry Falwell? [laughing]…

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A Neoconservative Jesus, Certified Kosher

…interpret Jesus today is to see him as an Orthodox rabbi in a fully Orthodox Jewish context. It’s no surprise how often scholars and non-scholars alike end up saying, in effect, “Hey, Jesus was an awful lot like me!” Jesus Could Not Have Studied Talmud One proof that Jesus was a full-fledged rabbi, according to Boteach, is his frequent use of the kal v’homer, “how much more so,” style of reasoning: arguing from a smaller example to a larger or mor…

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In The Daily Beast, Niall Ferguson Says: Bomb Iran

…Pakistan’s frontier with Kashmir to southern Lebanon. Fantastic. The same extremists who slide in and out of Afghanistan and cause so much damage in that region could then smuggle weapons and material across Iran, through a patchily-governed Iraq, and across an unstable, violent Syria—as is already happening in the aftermath of the redistributive consequences of the Libyan war. They could arm Syrian Sunnis against the Alawi government, or just aim…

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