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Queering Easter: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Redefine Sainthood

…to community service, ministry, and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity, and spiritual enlightenment. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty and we use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency, and guilt that chain the human spirit. [emphasis in original] Dancing (dare I say flirting) along the bleeding edge of outrageousness, the 70 or…

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Telling the World a ‘Big Story’: RD in Conversation with Karen Armstrong

…visit to Sharjah and to Doha where there’s also interest. In Abu Dabi and Jordan there’s also interest. Many people are naturally slightly suspicious of the West. But there are many clerics in the Middle East, even in Iran, and Iraq, who have interest in this Charter. Now this won’t be headline news. We want people to get the Charter adopted in schools, and working in a quiet way. This is a kind of careful methodical work. So my friend has taken…

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Campaigns of Omission

…him to fight. Early in the evening, as election results were trickling in, Jordan Sekulow, the son of Jay Sekulow, head of the Robertson-founded American Center for Law and Justice, and himself a Regent graduate, tweeted, “A warning for liberals tonight – don’t mess with Regent Law.” McDonnell sure didn’t campaign on his Regent cred; he left that to his opponent, Creigh Deeds, who probably spent too much time pounding McDonnell’s controversial gra…

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The Christian Roots of the New Age: The Aquarian Gospel

…of Jesus. Mark’s gospel, we may recall, begins with his baptism by John in Jordan. There is not a word about how he came to this point, nor to his sense of mission. There are no stories from his childhood; he simply erupts onto the scene at the ripe spiritual age of 30 or so, then dies one month later. Matthew fills out the narrative a bit with a long family genealogy and the harrowing story of Herod’s attempt to murder this newborn messiah-to-be….

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Gutless Americans: Religion-Baiting Heading into Election Day

…similar to the way that George W. Bush (quite appropriately) apologized to Jordan’s King Abdullah at a Rose Garden press conference back in May of 2004: “I told him I was sorry for the humiliation suffered by the Iraqi prisoners and the humiliation suffered by their families,“ Bush said. Dan Nejfelt, Senior Communications Associate for Faith in Public Life, who urges citizens of all political stripes to sign Faithful America’s petition calling for…

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Election Day: Hope, Heartbreak, Naiveté, and Studs Terkel

…to affect the election. On the state level, too, religion is being used to promote discrimination: Proposition 8 in California seeks to annihilate gay marriage rights, though they have been confirmed by the California Supreme Court, by amending the California Constitution. The Prop. 8 campaign has effectively played on fear and the ingrained religious notions of marriage that most people retain, no matter what religion—or even lack of religion – t…

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Vandalism as Conversation-Starter

…ation on violence, death, sin, and the hope for forgiveness, with lyricist Jordan Dreyer’s narrator entering the dreamscape with a desire to capture the deeper meaning of the tragedy: I want to write it all down so I can always remember. If you could see it up close how could you ever forget how senseless death, how precious life. I want to be there when the bullet hit. As the dream draws to the end of the episode, the narrator listens in on a fin…

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Frank Gaffney Appointed to Clarion Fund Board

…nizations; after the Washington Post hired Christian right lawyer-activist Jordan Sekulow as a blogger last month, Politico’s Ben Smith reported that Torossian, a “frequent Gawker target,” repeatedly pitched reporters with Sekulow’s implausible expertise in a wide variety of subjects.) Despite those denials, the Aish-Clarion ties were unmistakable in my 2008 reporting: In fact, at least six top Aish HaTorah officials are tied to “Obsession” via Ai…

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Freedom Through the Eyes of Bishops and Filmmakers

…clergy who are working within African American churches and communities to promote support for LGBT equality. Families are Forever is a short documentary about the journey of devoted Mormon parents to accept their young teen gay son. Follow the link to watch the trailer, which includes moving clips of Jordan and his parents struggling to come to terms with the messages they sent and he received from the church’s pro-Prop 8 activism. The film is on…

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Republicans “Evangelizing” Catholic Voters

…ally, “gets” evangelical culture. Bush’s Right to Rise PAC recently signed Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, as a senior advisor—a move the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody called “a big get” for courting the evangelical vote. While Sekulow has been at the forefront of the culture wars, the ACLJ is also one of several religious right legal firms who, for example, brought legal challenges to…

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