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Sharron Angle: God Has A Plan For Me

…enging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. When Reed asked Angle about her success in the Republican primary, and her lead against Reid in a poll, she said: “I believe that God has been in this from the beginning, and because of that, when He has a plan and a purpose for your life and you fit into that, what He calls you to He’s always equipped you for.” But apparently God didn’t provide everything. To beat Reid, Angle tells Reed, who is apparently…

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Kavanaugh, Yawn: Where’s Our Thirty-Year Plan?

…toriously mercurial president was going to get in the way of the best-laid plans of the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation. What I want to know is when will we forge our own thirty-year plan to make the progressive vision (although as a minister I prefer to say the godly vision) a widely-shared vision in all parts of this country and among every population segment? When will we unite the fragments of important and useful single-issue activ…

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Ralph Reed’s $30 Million Battle Plan

…t his event will “chart our road to victory as we enter the final weeks before the most important election of our lifetimes.” In an email to Faith and Freedom Coalition supporters, he says he is in “urgent need of donations to fully fund the final phase of the $30 MILLION Battle Plan we are putting in place to generate a record-breaking turnout of conservative, Christian and pro-freedom voters for the elections on November 2.” In March, I wrote ab…

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‘Back Door’ Voucher Plan Diverts Tax Dollars to Religious Schools

…private school tuition. Critics say it is essentially a back-door voucher plan. As it turns out, many of the schools that would most benefit from these programs happen to be religious institutions. Even more concerning, those schools may also discriminate against students for a litany of reasons, including for sexual orientation. Boston writes that supporters of church-state separation and public education are gearing up for a fight. In a recent…

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Mitt, Moochers, and Mormonism’s “Other” Legacy

…(“When our leaders speak, the thinking has been done. When they propose a plan—it is God’s plan. When they point the way, there is no other which is safe”), the message is clear. The Apostle N. Eldon Tanner put it succinctly in 1979, “When the prophet speaks the debate is over.” “Follow the Prophet” is the theme of children’s songs, refrigerator magnets, breakfast mugs, and board games. The then-Apostle Harold B. Lee added politics: “You may not…

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The Latest on Zubik v. Burwell: Religious Orgs Propose a Compromise That They Themselves Would Oppose

…r big problems with what they propose: #1: no contraceptive-only insurance plans exist! Moreover, we don’t know whether such plans could exist, whether they would conflict with state laws, or how they would be created, administered, and funded. It’s a completely unfeasible interpretation of RFRA to allow petitioners to demand a “less restrictive” alternative that could conceivably work in theory. The alternative must be one that will actually work…

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Times Public Editor Slaps Down Unscientific Claims About Emergency Contraception

…ergency contraception raises serious concerns, not least because access to Plan B does not reduce the number of unintended pregnancies or abortions. Aside from being ineffective, over-the-counter access to emergency contraceptive is harmful to women’s health. It isolates the most at-risk women (teenagers and those in unstable relationships) from getting the medical care they need to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases and access appropriate con…

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Obama’s Faith-Based Makeover

…esident of the Family Research Council, pointed out that while Obama’s plan “sounds appealing,” his opposition to California’s anti-same-sex marriage ballot initiative “provide a frightening glimpse” into what the plan might really bring. “While telling the world he will up hold the faith-based initiative as the cornerstone of his administration, Obama says that a cornerstone of society—heterosexual marriage—is ‘divisive and discrimina…

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Thoroughly Modern Mormons

…side of Temple Square, cheerfully singing hymns from the screens of their iPhones or from green-backed hymnals, while a clutch of protestors—evangelical Christians, mostly, the same familiar, ragged gang materializing every conference—takes its place behind barricades on a small patch of grass. A stranger, upon learning that I don’t have one of the highly-coveted tickets to the Sunday Conference sessions, spontaneously offers me his last extra. Mi…

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