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Religious Freedom Historian John Ragosta on “Religious Freedom”

…based not on government decisions but on what people believed and chose to support–the “voluntary principle.” The result was an explosion in religious ideas and denominations, and religious leaders were held responsible to their congregants rather than the government. Some conservative ministers who had initially opposed separating church and state admitted that it was the best thing that ever happened to the church. People sometimes assume that i…

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Your Money or Your Civil Rights? Gays Vote GOP

…ection are feeling at home on the plantation. Ralph went on to justify his support of Republicans, including a vote for the new governor—Tea Party-backed Paul LePage—by saying: “I live a happy life, yes, I can’t marry my partner. We are adopting a child together. We can live our life. I am happy. It would be great if we could get married, but …” At this point Signorile interrupted him to say, “Do you know that the Senator that was elected in New H…

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Alabama’s Yoga Ban Is Part of the Christian Right’s War on Pluralism

…d chanting of the sacred mantras that I myself grew up learning, just as I support bans on school-sanctioned recitation of Biblical scripture. Maintaining a healthy wall of separation between church and state protects our democratic freedoms and religion itself. Unfortunately, the conservatives rallying against the teaching of yoga—with or without mantras—in public schools are not doing so out of allegiance to our nation’s wall of separation. Thei…

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‘Brazil’s Trump’ Bolsonaro Lost — But Anti-Democratic Movements Seldom Accept Electoral Defeat

…y familiar to American readers. Bolsonaro’s behavior and the makeup of his supporters both consciously and unconsciously mirror Trump and the coalition of open racists and right-wingers that he developed in the US. But it goes further than that—Bolsonaro and Trump regularly amplify and support each other online, endorsing one another’s campaigns, and aping one another’s strategies. Comparisons between the two men and their politics are a regular f…

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Why Utah Felt the Bern: Mormonism’s Forgotten Progressive Past

…has relevancy in the twenty-first century. In a way, the surprising Mormon support for Bernie Sanders is another exhibit in that long, paradoxical, yet powerful exposition. There will be limits to this trend, at least in the short term. Unlike some pundits who consider this year to possibly mark a major transition in the Mormon vote, that’s far from likely. Sanders’s success in the Mormon region came at the expense of Clinton, who seems to have ve…

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Gay Republicans Ask for Social Issue Cease-Fire

…sk, Don’t Tell” repealed as well—but that may be deemphasized as they seek support on these other matters. GOProud’s letter is at once bold and insulting. Bold because they have walked into the lion’s den and asked kindly not to be eaten for supper. Insulting because it shows that even gay and lesbian people will give up fighting for their civil rights if it means a few more bucks in their pockets or a few more chickens in their pots. GOProud, how…

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Will Christian Publishers Stand Behind Mars Hill’s Sketchy Legacy?

…for work penned by others but in its statement Tyndale didn’t waver in its support for Driscoll. “Because of the biblical manner in which Pastor Driscoll has handled this situation, Tyndale strongly stands behind him and looks forward to publishing many additional books with him.” It’s possible that Tyndale’s reluctance to risk losing an earner like Driscoll has something to do with the publisher’s recent deal with Resurgence Publishing where they…

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How America’s Charismatic Christianity Helped Fuel the Fantasyland Presidency of Donald Trump

…w America’s Conspiracy-Theorist-in-Chief, a position that he attained with support from 81 percent of white evangelicals. Does this research help account for that? It’s bizarre. It’s interesting, because he is not, in any meaningful sense, a Christian. So why is it that our most fervently Christian fellow citizens support him so strongly? Well, as you say, our most fervently Christian white citizens. I think there is something there—it suggests th…

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A Test for Trump—And the Religious Right

…and the meaning of the Bible in public life. If conservative evangelicals support Trump, they are supporting a candidate who quite obviously doesn’t share the priorities they have long claimed are central to their religious and political identity. It’s been pretty clear from Trump’s behavior that he doesn’t understand this world very well. He’s appeared on David Brody’s segment on the Christian Broadcasting Network, but even there can’t seem to s…

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New Study Touts Success of “Praying Away the Gay”

…ouse, and his colleague, Rob Tisinai, gives a better breakdown of what the numbers really mean—and it isn’t a rousing success story about “change.” “Out of 98 highly-motivated subjects, the authors found that a small, unspecified number can use prayer and counseling to shut down their sexual feelings or become a bit more bi. And possibly none who turned straight.” Even the researchers call their conclusions “overly optimistic.” “These results do n…

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