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Critical Race Theory is Just the Latest Battle — ‘The Bible Told Them So: How Southern Evangelicals Fought to Preserve White Supremacy’

…higher ups within the Southern Baptist Convention expressed at least tacit support for integration, many Southern white Christians turned to their faith in order to justify their support of segregation. Of particular concern to these segregationists was interracial relationships. The integration of public spaces like schools and businesses, they believed, would inevitably lead to the integration of private places like churches and homes, which wou…

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Mexican Bishops Exorcism Against Equality; African Bishops Oppose ‘Enemy of Human Race’; Israeli Islamic Leader Anti-Gay Op-Ed

…, etc. apply to LGBT people as well. “Only Gila Gamliel had the courage to support the amendment,” Shelah pointed out, adding that no other Likud ministers voted in its favor, though some attended last week’s Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv. “Such a simple matter, that all laws prohibiting discrimination should apply to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, did not get the approval of the current government,” Shelah said. “On…

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Author Responds to Criticism of Teilhard Eugenics Essay

…benefit of others—clearly falls among the worst philosophical approaches. Support for such practices—just like support for slavery, misogyny, anti-black racism, and anti-Semitism—must be thrust into the spotlight if we’re to continue working with such scholars in the future. How else can the Church right the wrongs of the past? Teilhard’s other ideas While I agree that there are many, many beneficial ideas and thoughts in Teilhard’s corpus, these…

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Trump White House Cranks Religion to 11 As Impeachment Looms

…lpolitik element. Trump, like Nixon, is shoring up his base of evangelical support. “Don’t worry. Your leaders still support me. I even gave one a White House salary,” he seems to be saying. This is both un-American and irreligious. When religion is used as a political weapon, it becomes weakened and tainted. The separation of state and church is regularly used to keep religion out of government. But it’s also meant to allow religion to remain fre…

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How Donald Trump Has Exposed Rifts in the Religious Right

…in Republican respondents who attend church nearly weekly or more, Trump’s support dips again, down to 13 percent (tied with Huckabee), behind Ben Carson’s 22 percent by nine points. Baylor University history professor Thomas Kidd calls Trump’s supporters who identify as evangelicals “a holdover of the worst aspects of American civil religion and Bible Belt culture.” He divides these evangelicals (or, as he writes, “evangelicals”) into three categ…

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Everyone Should Know the Story of Cary Crall

…ndings of fact” that showed many of the major claims made by Proposition 8 supporters unsupportable by evidence. Walker’s ruling moved Crall to put his thoughts to paper, working with editors of the Brigham Young University student newspaper the Daily Universe to produce an editorial asking hard, earnest questions about what motivated Mormon participation in the Yes on 8 campaign. The editorial (which I’ll reprint in full here for reasons that wil…

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Does The White House Get It?

…s is white evangelicals. That’s it. Even among all Republicans, 47% are in support, and 43% oppose. In all other religious groups, more than half support open service (except for black Protestants, who favor it 46% to 41%). Even among weekly church attenders (the mysterious gold standard for who the allegedly truly religious are), there’s 49%-40% support for open service. UPDATE: The ruling doesn’t, as Zach Roth suggests at the Upshot, revitalize…

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Is This the End of Roe v. Wade And the End of Abortion Rights in the US?

…ization is inviting all celebration participants “to start a fundraiser to support reproductive rights and abortion access”. Such initiatives are urgently necessary, but it is wishful thinking to suggest that grassroots organizations can solve the problem. Lisa Needham, an attorney and writer with expertise on reproductive law and politics, says that if Roe is overturned, there will be a “massive push” to help transport people across state lines f…

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“Exvangelical” Podcast: Safe Space for Those “Living In, Leaving, or Coming to Terms With” Evangelicalism

support of even a majority of white men—white evangelicals remain broadly supportive of Trump, with regular church attendance indicating a higher rate of support. SPECIAL REPORT: Divest or Dive In? Evangelicals of Color Face a Reckoning As someone who has written a good bit about the authoritarian ethos of white evangelicals—for example here and here—I’m among the numerous ex-evangelicals who are legitimately upset and, in many cases, even re-tra…

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Shades of Christian Reconstructionism in Trump Education Pick, Betsy DeVos

…Tradition, DeVos comes from a broader conservative evangelical world. She supported John Kasich in the Republican primaries, for example. She has been a member and elder at a mainstream evangelical non-denominational church, and she enjoys support from Rev. Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute and Richard Mouw, former President of Fuller Seminary, neither of whom could be described as Reconstructionists. Sirico is decidedly libertarian without th…

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