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Your Money or Your Civil Rights? Gays Vote GOP

…Party. Of the six recent Congresses essentially controlled by the GOP, from 1995 to 2006, not one ever reduced federal outlays. (The last year in which federal outlays were lower than the year before was 1965, when Democrats ran both the White House and Congress.) As soon as Republicans controlled both Congress and the White House in 2001, spending really took off, with more than $100 billion added to federal outlays every year that Bush sat in th…

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Shades of Christian Reconstructionism in Trump Education Pick, Betsy DeVos

…Tradition, DeVos comes from a broader conservative evangelical world. She supported John Kasich in the Republican primaries, for example. She has been a member and elder at a mainstream evangelical non-denominational church, and she enjoys support from Rev. Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute and Richard Mouw, former President of Fuller Seminary, neither of whom could be described as Reconstructionists. Sirico is decidedly libertarian without th…

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Author Responds to Criticism of Teilhard Eugenics Essay

…benefit of others—clearly falls among the worst philosophical approaches. Support for such practices—just like support for slavery, misogyny, anti-black racism, and anti-Semitism—must be thrust into the spotlight if we’re to continue working with such scholars in the future. How else can the Church right the wrongs of the past? Teilhard’s other ideas While I agree that there are many, many beneficial ideas and thoughts in Teilhard’s corpus, these…

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Everyone Should Know the Story of Cary Crall

…ndings of fact” that showed many of the major claims made by Proposition 8 supporters unsupportable by evidence. Walker’s ruling moved Crall to put his thoughts to paper, working with editors of the Brigham Young University student newspaper the Daily Universe to produce an editorial asking hard, earnest questions about what motivated Mormon participation in the Yes on 8 campaign. The editorial (which I’ll reprint in full here for reasons that wil…

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Is This the End of Roe v. Wade And the End of Abortion Rights in the US?

…d truly understood the ideological radicalism of the Christian Right in the 1980s, or 1990s or maybe even just ten years ago, perhaps we could somehow have stopped US democracy (such as it is) from going as far off the rails as it has. But it’s too late. Now all we can do is work to protect the vulnerable as we organize and fight to restore our rights in the future. ### This essay first appeared on OpenDemocracy and is republished under Creative C…

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Does The White House Get It?

…s is white evangelicals. That’s it. Even among all Republicans, 47% are in support, and 43% oppose. In all other religious groups, more than half support open service (except for black Protestants, who favor it 46% to 41%). Even among weekly church attenders (the mysterious gold standard for who the allegedly truly religious are), there’s 49%-40% support for open service. UPDATE: The ruling doesn’t, as Zach Roth suggests at the Upshot, revitalize…

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Gay Republicans Ask for Social Issue Cease-Fire

…rly two-thirds say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases and only 18 percent support marriage equality for gays and lesbians. So, while GOProud and the Tea Partiers they helped to elect may agree on many fiscal issues, there remains a wide gap on social issues. Part of the problem here is that Tea Partiers spent most of their campaigns talking about fiscal issues and not the social issues. Those gay and lesbian voters who wanted their vo…

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How Donald Trump Has Exposed Rifts in the Religious Right

…at 10.3 percent. But when you look at only born-again Republicans, Trump’s support drops to 19 percent and Carson’s rises to 15 percent, with Mike Huckabee coming in third with 12 percent. If you further winnow that to born-again Republican respondents who attend church nearly weekly or more, Trump’s support dips again, down to 13 percent (tied with Huckabee), behind Ben Carson’s 22 percent by nine points. Baylor University history professor Thoma…

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Repent, Hillary: Trump’s Evangelical Backers Play the Sin Card

…values.” But it’s an assumption that’s felt and, in turn, used to mobilize support for Trump against Clinton. As Falwell put it in the meeting: We have an election between someone who promises he will support issues important to us as Christians, including appointing justices to the Supreme Court who would make us all proud. That’s Donald Trump. And someone who promises she will do just the opposite. That’s Hillary Clinton. Or, as Ben Carson state…

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Trump White House Cranks Religion to 11 As Impeachment Looms

…lpolitik element. Trump, like Nixon, is shoring up his base of evangelical support. “Don’t worry. Your leaders still support me. I even gave one a White House salary,” he seems to be saying. This is both un-American and irreligious. When religion is used as a political weapon, it becomes weakened and tainted. The separation of state and church is regularly used to keep religion out of government. But it’s also meant to allow religion to remain fre…

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