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Obama’s Religion Ambassador: Inexperienced?

…ive record of public service.” Coming from the Secretary of State, that is high praise indeed. Yet praise is not enough to turn a motivational preacher into a cogent, respected ambassador for religious freedom. President Obama’s appointment of a woman with no discernible training in diplomacy, interreligious dialogue, or strategic international policy is disappointing. From my perspective, this appointment is an embarrassing, patronizing attempt t…

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Time to Reject the “We’re All Sinners” Defense of Religious Conservatives

…shared imperfection to paint over his sins. He says he was “bad” in early high school, but he isn’t at EMCC to bounce back from being kicked off a team. He came to qualify academically for a scholarship to a big-time football school. He’s making a different point—about injustice and unmerited grace. Comparing himself to a “close cousin” he grew up with who’s now in prison he says, “every time you seen him, you seen me.” Johnson says that God “kee…

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‘Late Night With The Devil’ Reflects the Role of Talk Shows in Sensationalizing the Satanic Panic of the 1980s

…dio learned of the story, reported in The National Jesuit News, a producer phoned Patzelt to ask if they could film his next exorcism. Patzelt refused, but he did appear on NBC’s The Tomorrow Show as part of a panel of priests discussing The Exorcist, which Patzelt dismissed The Exorcist as “a junky movie.” But he was able to parlay his appearance on network television into a speaking tour, traveling to Fordham and other universities around the co…

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Holy Spit: Why Do Ultra-Orthodox Jews Spit at Christians?

…ir fists—and were subsequently arrested for assault. It was only after the highest Christian authorites in the city intervened that the Israeli government rescinded its order that the Armenian seminarians be deported from the country. While Jewish-Christian relations in the city surely are in need of some repair, these problems seem small in the face of deteriorating Jewish-Muslim relations. But while Jewish-Muslim tensions dominate the headlines,…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…ade. As has been pointed out since the shooting, Elise Stefanik, the third-highest ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, has not only in the past campaigned on “White Replacement,” but has in fact doubled down on it—even since the Buffalo shooting. While some large media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post have called the shooter’s motivations racist, there are still many euphemisms swirling around, like “racially…

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Niebuhrian Humility and DC Punditry

…s diarist using the handle AZDem. Rosenberg laid into AZDem for promoting “High Broderism,” among other things. Those other things include a false sense of “Niebuhrian humility” in the face of the Bush Administration’s daunting certainty. Said AZDem: President Obama’s favorite theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, famously posited that if you and I disagree, then at least one of us is wrong, and it may be me. That’s known to historians and political scien…

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Raw Power Is Just What The Religious Left Needs

…looking for someone to lead them in some direction. 2018 and 2020 could be highly rewarding years for Democrats, if they’re willing to the do the hard work of exercising power through organizing the emerging coalition of women, minorities, and young voters. Again, this is simply to say using all the tools available to them. Democrats will also have to do a few things more in the mold of how we traditionally understand power, that is, naked partisa…

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Are Evangelicals Suffering From Buyer’s Remorse with Obama?

…xual soldiers. Brownshirt leaders in Germany recruited boys from the local high schools for sex. Roehm himself once briefly fled Germany for South America over a scandal involving a young male prostitute. This bodes ill for the young men who will be our future draftees. The scenario I see unfolding if we allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military is an initial period of turmoil in which members of the services would attempt to show their op…

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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…shed this spring in the Public Library of Science Biology, one in eight US high school teachers presents creationism as a valid alternative to evolution. The poll, conducted by Michael Berkman, a political scientist at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, and his colleagues, also learned that 16 percent of teachers believe in creationism. While Berkman’s research did not address why so many teachers are creationists, he speculated in…

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Paul Weyrich, “Godfather” of Modern Conservative Movement, Dead at 66

…eyrich’s death. “He hosted many Liberty University students and interns at high-level political events in Washington, exposing them to the political process and teaching them how to become part of it. I met many of our nation’s political leaders when I attended some of those events as a college student in the early 1980s. Paul Weyrich will be greatly missed by conservative Christians across this nation. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ad…

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