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OK Woman Politely Declines to Thank the Lord; Atheists Unite

…he wasn’t a sheep. Vitsmun will be remembered—at least in the atheist moment—as the moment when the world has to face the fact we’re not this tiny percentage of people. I don’t think the numbers are growing. I think the numbers are now being counted right. Atheists aren’t afraid anymore to speak out.” But what will Wolf do next time?…

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The Search For Proofs For God’s Existence

…ion and profiled the anthropologist Gabriella Coleman for The Chronicle of Higher Education. Schneider’s “The Biblical Circus of William Stringfellow,” the first of many contributions to RD, appeared just four weeks after RD’s launch in early 2008.  His new book, God In Proof, is the story of “the search for proofs for God’s existence”—how dozens of world-historical thinkers have applied logic and reason to questions of faith. Schneider summarizes…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…rded an amparo. And in Baja California Sur, the chief judge of the state’s high court proposed new provisions he described as “advanced, visionary and realistic” to harmonize state family law with judgements of the federal courts. Meanwhile, the city council of Mexicali filed a legal motion challenging court orders against the city’s ban on marriage by same-sex couples. Iran: LGBT Activists respond to government’s response to UN human rights recom…

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Virgins and Vampire Worship: The Religion of Twilight 

…strong that getting married and dedicating herself to him straight out of high school was her only real option; Edward loves Bella, but every day he fights a wild temptation to kill her. Another reason? There’s a strangely familiar feeling to this seemingly exotic love story. One of the most potent devotional strains in Christianity is the idea of Jesus as husband: from centuries of Catholic mystical writing to the recent practice, in non-denomin…

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Evangelical Star Rob Bell Comes Out For Marriage Equality

…ame-sex marriage. As any pastor knows, and especially a pastor with such a high profile as Rob Bell, even the slightest controversial statement (whether it actually is or not) can draw negative attacks, scare off members and, worse, funders. Sanneh notes that Mars Hill saw a 3,000-person decrease in membership after the publication of Love Wins. Perhaps nobody knows this better than Jay Bakker who, after making the conscious decision for his Revol…

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Religious Freedom Gets Hollywood Treatment

…the otherwise Manichaean saga, including U.S. Ambassador Dwight Morrow and high-ranking prelates who, in the end, broker a modus vivendi accord between Calles, his successor, and Rome. In an interview with the National Catholic Register, Glory’s producer Pablo Jose Barroso ascribed the timing of the film’s release in both countries to a higher agency. In Mexico it coincided with the Congress’ hurried alteration to the Constitution to expland freedo…

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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…ansport them to DC for the occasion. The younger ones—including middle and high school students—are given days off by their Catholic schools to enjoy a school sponsored (and in some cases paid for) trip to the Nation’s Capital. The older ones are college students who make a road trip of it, knowing that a night on a church floor and a day that begins with mass at the Verizon Center is a good way to meet (do they hook up, one wonders) other young p…

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Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book

…and demeaned. That the Vatican places masturbation at the top of its list highlights its perverted priorities in a deeply troubled world. It is impossible to imagine the discourse as the men took under their scholarly consideration Margaret’s understated, but nonetheless robust, affirmation of women finding “great good in self-pleasuring… something many had not experienced or even known about in their ordinary sexual relations with husbands or lo…

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World Congress of Families Meets, Seeks a New Dark Ages

…Develop Character,” and Promoting Fatherhood (Crisis in Manhood),” were outnumbered by those analyzing opposition tactics like, “Threats to Life and Family in International Law,” “The Homosexual Lobby,” “The Natural Family and the Revolution against the Family,” and counter-strategic sessions like “How to Fight Back against International Law,” or “How to Impact Public Policies and Elections.” 2012 marked the first time the WCF devoted an entire da…

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The Man Who Hoarded 17,000 Bottles of Sanitizer Did Nothing Wrong ― And That’s the Problem

…net this past weekend. Twitter was strewn with quote-tweets denouncing the high immorality of a man stockpiling 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer, intending to sell it at a big markup on ebay and Amazon. Actually, he got more than roasted. According to The New York Times, whose profile brought him to the attention of the online world, Colvin has received hate mail, death threats, and at least one angry home visit from a stranger. He also got a ceas…

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