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Scottish Episcopal Church Angers Conservative Anglicans With Embrace of Same-Sex Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…and their children, and burial grounds full of unidentified babies. By the time the Irish people got the chance to vote on same-sex marriage in a referendum (the only way to change the laws about marriage in that country), the Catholic church’s moral authority to define marriage, family and what is in the best interest of children was in tatters. Airbnb and other business leaders are working with the Equality Campaign to market a black metal ring…

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New Report: Angels & Aliens in Texas Schools

…uccessful elements, sometimes achieving a nonsectarian approach, but other times lapsing—sometimes considerably—into religious bias of the kinds noted by federal courts. The courses of twenty-one districts were thoroughly religious in nature, sometimes openly promoting particular beliefs. The most successful courses typically had several characteristics in common. They recognized that no single religious tradition had a monopoly on the Bible, but…

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Was Ghana Anti-Gay Scare Just Politics?

…ed “to get rid of these people in the society.” Some observers believe the number of sexual minorities may have been inflated in order to whip up opposition to homosexuality which could advance the standing of conservative politicians. Graham Knight, a British blogger living in Ghana, recently wrote that the claim of 8,000 sexual minorities has little support in fact. Knight concluded, in a blog post titled Did Ghana register 8000 homosexuals? The

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The Kids are Religious Right: Punk Rock & Pro-Life

…s not simply a Catholic preoccupation, the NRLC alienated its base. At the time Brown was one of the many conservative Catholic members of the NRLC and as such viewed both the pill and IUD as abortaficients. The NRLC’s neutral stance on birth control was simply too glaring a contradiction to reconcile with Brown’s faith. She commented that “Ninety-nine percent of the time, contraception results in abortion. How could they claim to be dealing with…

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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…and question evolution are being persecuted for their beliefs. At the same time, the Discovery and Expelled’s marketing team unveiled a Web site touting suggested legislation to “protect academic freedom” by encouraging the teaching of alternative theories of controversial subjects, such as evolution. In the scientific community, evolutionary theory is a considered to be the unifying principle of biology. But despite the fact that there is no scie…

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Why the Next Archbishop of Canterbury Should Be African

…ld. Johnson’s disappointment about the future of the Nigerian Church could best be applied to England, where fewer and fewer people attend church and surveys show young people don’t see the need for faith. The European Union’s constitution omits any mention of Christianity, the historic faith of the continent. Yet Europe still controls the leadership roles in the Church. The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury—leaders of two of Christianity’s la…

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Please Reverend, Do Something About the Fat People

…you’re religious and it doesn’t make you evilbadwrong! Keep on marking the times and seasons with feasts. For heaven’s sake, that’s one of the things religious communities do best. And by all MEANS, go on and spearhead an effort within your faith community to get rid of food deserts, hold nutrition and cooking and fitness classes, address food insecurity, make your neighborhood pedestrian-friendly, and get recess back into school days overfocused…

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Three Cheers for Mormon Support of Same-Sex Legislation? Not So Fast

…r their rights (to very little fanfare and often to dismissal or apathy at best), this provision bothers me deeply. In any case, RFMA is very much not the Equality Act, a bill that would provide sweeping non-discrimination protections for queer Americans that has languished in Congress for years. It’s a defensive piece of legislation, a protection of the status quo rather than a step forward. If America were truly a functional democracy, we could…

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Bad Karma: Life Lessons From Earl

…onal loyalty. But this show, if extended beyond its immediate 30-minute airtime, projects a different posture: actions have consequences. Perhaps the United States, like Earl, must examine its conduct, recognize the web-like nature of human interactions, and acknowledge at least the possibility that the United States as a nation has not lived up to the best of its democratic ideals, has not represented in its internal practices and foreign policie…

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Men Without Guns: A Tribute to Larry McMurtry

Their resignation was so complete that when the scene was readied and the time came for them to fly, they refused. They had had enough of ignominy; better to remain on the limb indefinitely. Buzzards are not without patience. Profanity, fire-crackers, and even a shotgun full of rock salt failed to move them. I’m told that, in desperation, a bird man was flown in from L.A. to teach the sulky bastards how to fly. Describing one un-felled swoop, McM…

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