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Progressive & Religious

…tand the appeal of these neo-atheist books. They’ve been at the top of the best-seller lists (in the category of religion no less!) because they have tapped into a backlash. However, they make the mistake of rejecting all religion because of bad religion. From a political point of view, they also ignore the fact that nearly 9 in 10 Americans are religious, and the vast majority say religion is very important in their lives. Progressive religious v…

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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…ores Huerta. To my mind these leaders and all of the Elders constitute the best of the best in respect to role in shaping progressive social thought and redemptive nonviolent action. But there were two problems: (1) large numbers of Occupiers “don’t know much about history” and thus had no idea who was in their midst, and (2) large numbers of MSM people “don’t know much about history,” either, and thus found it possible to treat the Elders’ declar…

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Marriage Equality: No More (Word) Games

…nt of this link in paragraph 14, the implicit argument is that marriage is best defined as a one-man-one-woman institution. I appreciated the intellectual care that went into Smith’s analysis. Following the example of some of history’s best thinkers, he took an issue that most people considered straightforward, complicated it, and then redirected the discussion. Ultimately, though, I found his deconstruction unconvincing. Let me explain… Dr. Smith…

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RDBook: Huckabee ♥’s Nobody

…can, mentioning the former Massachusetts governor by name more than sixty times in the first one hundred pages. While Huckabee doesn’t have anything particularly nice to say about Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, or John McCain—the others barely rate a mention—it is Romney who personifies everything that is wrong with the Republican Party. It’s clear that Huckabee resents Romney’s wealth and the millions of dollars he pumped into his own campaign. H…

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At This Week’s Meeting, Will SBC Vote For Voddie Baucham, The Homeschooling ‘Star’ Who Embraces the Right Wing Theology at the Heart of the Abuse Scandal?

…ble passage about stoning young women who have premarital sex, saying “The timeless principle here is the responsibility of a father to present a virgin bride at the marriage altar.” Katherine Mitchell, a former SAHD who was homeschooled with Vision Forum materials and encountered Baucham’s teachings through their catalog, explains that, “There’s no delicate way to say it. Voddie Baucham directly preaches emotional incest as the correct form of re…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…Editions/Simon & Schuster), Freddoso’s book joined Corsi’s on the New York Times best-seller list. As a Political Research Associates’ Right Web profile of Regnery points out, the company, founded by Henry Regnery in 1947 in Chicago, and [i]nitially affiliated with the University of Chicago’s “Great Books” series, … became a leading publisher of old-guard, conservative writers such as Russell Kirk, James Burnham, and William F. Buckley, Jr.“ After…

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Why Don’t Muslims Condemn Terrorism?

…tely 30 people/day, is horrible. There is no justification. The incredible number of deaths in a short period of time is what made this event so newsworthy. In addition, many of the killed are not Indians, they are foreigners, they are us, and the assumption is that none are Muslim. The reality is that at least one person killed that day, and up to five, based on current information, are Muslim. If one believes that it really was the scale of carn…

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The Visceral Vote: Obama-as-Sojourner v. McCain-as-Mythic-Hero

the nation: “Americans feared that their fortress could be invaded at any time. They spent increasing amounts on national defense [and] built bomb shelters,” while at the same time they “searched for subversives in their midst.” It could hardly have been otherwise. Whenever people shelter behind walls for protection, they reinforce the fears that sent them behind those walls in the first place. Their sense of their own virtue comes to depend on k…

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A Boundary-Busting Memoir of Love, Mental Illness, and Being Muslim in America

…ns, takes place in the 21st and 17th centuries, and tells the story of two best friends who get stranded outside each other’s timelines and try to find their way back, even as each move they make changes the world the other one lives in. It basically asks what happens if people from now get stuck in the past, and what they’d end up doing to the future. The second, Indians, takes place in the 23rd century, and starts with a simple conceit—would you…

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Dan Savage and Brian Brown Did It 

…ssive,” and says he overlooks the majority of biblical scholars. He’s also particularly peeved by Savage’s description of biblical perspectives of slavery: “If we want to have a debate let’s do it civilly,” he says. “Let’s look at the best scripture scholar. Sam Harris is not one of the best scripture scholars.” I wouldn’t go so far as to say someone who invites you into their home is lacking civility when they quote a writer you don’t like. Check…

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