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A Pope, a Poet, and a Drug War

…ed Mérida Plan has invested millions of dollars into equipping the Mexican military with guns and weaponry. Despite the efforts of both governments, illegal guns and laundered money continue to flow south and illicit drugs go north, fueling America’s insatiable habit. Sicilia’s Movement for Peace with Dignity and Justice offers a channel for popular rage, and calls for alternative solutions. A bus caravan of peace activists led by Sicilia traveled…

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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…egion, we have wealthy monarchies, again sparsely populated, and with high numbers of foreign workers, from lower-end service and construction jobs to higher-end management and finance professionals. And then we have the region from the Sinai to Iran’s western border, including Israel and the Occupied Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and possibly even largely non-Arab Turkey; this region may well be the Arab world’s Balkans, and its rece…

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How Does Mormonism Shape Romney’s Foreign Policy?

…nt to whom Romney would most like to be compared.  So too are his views on military spending and his naming Russia as our “number-one geopolitical foe,” often described as Reagan Cold War “throwbacks.” And speaking of throwbacks, as Congressman Adam Smith noted last week in Foreign Policy, 17 out of 24 of Romney’s campaign foreign policy advisors (including the bellicose John Bolton) served in the neoconservative Bush-Cheney administration. Is Rom…

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Richard Land Steps Down, But Not Out of the Culture Wars

…eup at the CLC’s annual conference changed as well: Republican speakers outnumbered Democrats 6-1 from 1988 until 1999. The speaker selections (a literal Who’s Who of the religious right) said much about Land and demonstrated his growing influence among the conservative Christian elite.  Not satisfied with the relationship between between the Republican Party and the religious right, Land said in March 1998: “The go-along, get-along strategy is de…

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Leadership Conference of Women Religious: No Retreat, No Surrender

…stepped down from her office was a phrase she learned in Chile during the Military dictatorship. “They can crush a few flowers, but they cannot hold back the springtime.” It is probably going to take a spring storm of sustained measure to stop the CDF and the Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle appointed to oversee the CDF mandate to carry out reforms in the LCWR. New President Franciscan Sr. Florence Deacon will lead the LCWR during this time. S…

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“Mass Graves, Child Soldiers” and a Crusading Army of International Evangelists

…ch was made of those “crippled by Kony, but healed by Jesus.” But why sing military-style gospel songs, hold imaginary rifles, and encourage marching and saluting for Jesus for a people devastated by war? Was the crusade theme of “Gulu and Fire” and all the talk of the blood of Jesus appropriate for a post-conflict region in its current phase of what local NGOs call an “uneasy peace”? And was it decent for Kolenda’s team to pass around donation ba…

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Judeo-Christian America: The Fall of the ‘Christian Nation’

…bigotry and friendship. Then during WWII, the NCCJ hit the nation and its military instillations hard. They spoke directly to nine million Americans and distributed a tri-faith “prayer card” that had a prayer from each faith. They also deployed widely the concept of “Judeo-Christian” values, a new rhetorical creation from the late nineteenth century that linked religious families that had long been at war. “Judeo-Christian values” were aligned wi…

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The Theological Roots of Akin’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

…001 PCA report on the prospect of women serving in combat positions in the military, titled “Man’s Duty to Protect Woman,” states, “woman is the weaker sex and part of her weakness is the vulnerability attendant to her greatest privilege—that God has made her the ‘Mother of all the living.’ Men are to guard and protect her as she carries in her womb, gives birth to, and nurses her children.” Yes, that was written in 2001, not 1001. In its lengthy…

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Akin, Spiritual Warfare, and the Radicalization of the Anti-Choice Movement

…iberal agenda” of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell “has infiltrated our military, where service members and chaplains are facing recrimination for their sincerely held moral and religious beliefs,” and, according to Right Wing Watch: claimed that the left “will snuff out the light of freedom” by “rewriting the history of America,” and warned that the health care reform law is “an unbiblical threat” that violated the Ten Commandments. Akin even…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…tion of evangelicals it’s the American empire, the one with control of the military, with global reach, that Christians should oppose. Although, of course, many evangelical Christians in this country would hotly debate that. So battles continue over the interpretation of this book. One of the problems I have with this book, as you know, is that it pictures a war against of the forces of good against the forces of evil—people can plug in anyone the…

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