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What Do Islamophobes Have in Common with the Taliban?

…is flawed in many, many ways. But the move away from Turkey’s militant—and military—secularism gave me pause. The second inspiration, if you can call it that, was the very ugly stereotyping of Muslims taking place—particularly in Europe. Much of the language used to describe European Muslims sounded eerily similar to Nazi descriptions of Jews in the 1930s. It was extremely important when non-Jews stood up for Jews during this period. Likewise, I t…

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Mitt Romney: Wooden Pastor or Real Boy?

…o George was. He was transparent in ways that Mitt isn’t (concerning taxes, for example). He was a Republican that raised the minimum wage, stood up to his own party when it betrayed the African-American community and to the military when he believed it had “brainwashed” him about the Vietnam War. So while I don’t disparage Mitt his good works in the least, I’m not convinced that this campaign narrative can breathe life into a wooden candidate….

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…) and went on his first mission into Israel—we’re assuming that this was a military operation—at the age of seven. At the age of eight, he went on his second mission. Years later, when he first met Christians in America, Kamal was repulsed. His initial reaction was: “I’m allergic to Jesus.” (The audience loved this part.) Unfortunately for the supposed former Muslim, nobody taught Kamal that a Muslim who does not honor Jesus is by the consensus of…

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Whom Will She Wreck?: The Real Sarah Palin Question

…Palin threw in a good line here and there, as when she addressed her poor numbers: “Polls? They’re for strippers and cross-country skiers!” While the media continues to focus on whether or not she’s going to run, Palin is pulling a classic populist move, solidifying her base of Teavangelicals making sure that they’re 100% on board with her program to oust President Obama and wreck shop with the Republican Primaries. The question isn’t is she or i…

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Showdown Over Shari’ah at Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference

…ven conservatives fail to understand the threat of a political, legal, and military takeover by shari’ah, at one point shouted “Rubbish!” in reaction to Breger. Gaffney’s fear-mongering knows no bounds, as he asserted that “if we don’t wake up, we will soon be like Britain . . . or even Saudi Arabia.” He had support on the panel, too, with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Erik Stakelback calling him “the Paul Revere of calling out the Muslim B…

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Religion and the GOP’s Immigration Problem

…hildren of undocumented immigrants who pursue higher education or join the military. The House passed it last year, but Republicans fillibustered it in the Senate. As I wrote last year, Republican legislators covered up their ears in the face of support for the federal DREAM Act by a coalition of conservative evangelical and Catholic leaders. This is one issue on which evangelicals are apparently helpless to move the GOP. What Santorum said demons…

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State as Executioner: Rick Perry Did Not Invent the Death Penalty

…he United States was based primarily on history. Greece languished under a military junta in the Cold War years and suffered all the totalitarian grotesqueries and social trauma we know as the plight of “the disappeared.” This was after an almost theatrically brutal German occupation in the Second World War (1 million died of famine in the first winter, countless more in reprisal killings and mass destructions in 1943-1944), and an even more toxic…

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Evangelicals Call Christian Zionist Uncritical “Support” for Israel “Appalling” and “Intolerable”

…y lesson of history, to think that through sheer intimidation and superior military power a people can be subjugated indefinitely without rising up in resistance or attracting more powerful allies who will do so on their behalf. God gave humanity a recognition of justice and a nearly endless capacity to resist injustice. It is wired into our nature, and the Palestinian people and the neighboring countries have it just like everyone else does. Gush…

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Booing Gay Soldiers and Expressing Faith in the Public Square

…nswer, Rick Santorum not only made clear that he thinks that no one in the military should have sex, but that the end of DADT meant that “we are going to recognize a group of people and give them a special privilege.” What that special privilege is, exactly, Santorum didn’t say. A special privilege to have sex when straight soldiers should not? In any case, Santorum’s sheds light on Michele Bachmann’s non-answer to what at first blush appears to b…

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A Campaign About Values Voters, or Justice?

…calls for a focus on job creation, revenue increases, reducing unnecessary military spending and a shared commitment to the common good. As I wrote back in April, while faithy leaders who have the ear of the White House were fasting for a “moral” budget, although Democrats do need to fight to maintain such programs, they need to do more, and they need to do much, much more than pay homage to the common good. They need to, as E.J. Dionne put it at…

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