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An Interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin on the Feminist and Abolitionist Founder Who Has Slipped into a Memory Hole

…mer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hall, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. Gripping and relevant as the words still are today—this is the paragraph Rep. Raskin quoted at the Summit for Religious Freedom in Apri…

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Should We Expect to See a Rise in Christian Nationalist Violence in the US?

…scape and leading to a sense of angst among American Christians that their country is turning its back on what they believe to be its Christian heritage. Accordingly, Christian nationalist rhetoric is deeply cloaked in threat narratives, prompting efforts to retain Christianity’s hegemonic status, sometimes through violence. Consider the words of Kandiss Taylor, a former candidate for governor of Georgia: “The good thing about the First Amendment…

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Contraception Isn’t Meat

…craft a system that takes into account the people who actually live in the country currently. They also need to give at least some consideration to what it would be good for people to eat, but of course this is much trickier. One wouldn’t want one’s reform effort to be seen as a social engineering program. At the same time, there’s certainly a low bar that needs to be cleared. If you come up with a new system that can only deliver gummy worms and…

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Gambian Voters Reject Anti-Gay Strongman Jammeh; Activists Ponder Trump Impact on LGBT Human Rights; Global LGBT Recap

…stice on recognizing marriage Associated Press reported this week that the country’s constitutional court announced that it would consult with the European Court of Justice about the case of a same-sex couple who wants to have their marriage, performed in another country, recognized by the government. Lawyer for the two men Iustina Ionescu told The Associated Press: “This is encouraging. … The court is giving the message that Romania is a member o…

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Blessed With a Dark Turn of Mind: Gillian Welch’s Spiritual Strivings

…es. Sometimes classed in the “No Depression” category, other times as “alt-country,” sometimes humored or condescendingly referred to as a folk “revivalist” or imitator—but more often praised as a creative rejuvenator of older traditions of American folk and country song—Welch’s body of work prods people to wonder how the soul of her characters will get over. This most recent recording makes one wonder not only about the characters, but also the s…

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Rising to Heaven in a Secular Rapture: Trump’s Golden Promises

…y needed government because the churches often did offer a great number of services. They were tithed, members gave ten percent of their income to sustaining the church, and whatever problem they had, they could take it to the church. It was very central to their lives. At the same time, they sensed that they were Christians in an America that was becoming increasingly non-Christian, so I often heard them say things like, “You can’t say ‘Merry Chr…

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4 Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Not Islamic

…and Iranian history. Shi’as have a more organized and powerful clergy than Sunnis, and Iran’s clergy, unlike Egypt’s, were much more independent of the state. In Egypt today, among the main trends in Islamic practice are a quietist Salafism, which seeks a rigorous but non-political personal morality, and the Muslim Brotherhood. And while the Brotherhood is an incredibly large and powerful organization, it is today a product of years of suppression…

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The War on Terror is Over; Tahrir Buried It

…s of the Grand Mufti of Egypt, the highest Muslim clerical position in the country, who told me that he is optimistic about the future. Though he is no friend of the Muslim Brotherhood—Muslim radicals in Egypt, as elsewhere in the Middle East, defy the clergy and claim religious authority on their own—the Mufti believes the religious activists will play a positive role in the new government, and that the days of religious violence in Egypt are ove…

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Unauthorized Catholic Immigrants will Renew a Christian America, Archbishop Says

…an to be an American? Who are we as a people—and where are we heading as a country?  Archbishop Gomez’ answer is simple:  [I]mmigration is not a problem for America. It’s an opportunity. It is a key to our American renewal.  His argument is twofold. First, Archbishop Gomez reframes the history of the United States of America. He pulls the focus away from the original thirteen colonies, to include all of the territory that forms part of the United…

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Step Right Up And Get Your Low-Priced ‘Pro-God Content’! Donald Trump Enters the Bible Business

…at we have to bring them back and bring them back fast. . . that’s why our country is going haywire, because we have lost religion in our country.” The “Christians are under siege” language is old hat, but embedded within this rhetoric is a newer development. Trump never refers to the “God Bless the USA Bible” as the Word of God, or as revelation, or even as truth (the name of his social media platform, TruthSocial, aside). Rather, in his sales pi…

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