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The Risks of Remaining Neutral on Egypt

…ony and Cleopatra thing), Egypt has become a non-factor in the region. The country with arguably the world’s oldest functioning university contributes little to global knowledge, and its Islamic scholarship is outclassed by dynamic institutions in what were once the fringes of the Muslim world. Some 40% of the population lives below the poverty line. The country has spent years under martial law. Torture is routine. Police brutality is all but exp…

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Jesus Hates Taxes: Biblical Capitalism Created Fertile Anti-Union Soil

…aves-obey-your-masters passages:  Of course, slavery was abolished in this country many years ago, so we must apply these principles to the way Americans work today, to employees and employers: Christians have a responsibility to submit to the authority of their employers, since they are designated as part of God’s plan for the exercise of authority on the earth by man.  Slavery also makes an appearance in “Indivisible,” a booklet of essays being…

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Has American Conservatism Abandoned the Christian Right?

…a coherent theological belief system. For many Christian nationalists, the country has experienced a precipitous decline since the 1960s—when Goldwater and Weyrich set the stage for the New Right and the Christian Right to merge into the Moral Majority of the 1980s. In their new book The Flag and the Cross, Samuel Perry and Yale sociologist Philip Gorski argue that Christian nationalists have a certain understanding of the country’s founding and h…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…e the greatest burden in this struggle are the men and women who serve our country.” And somehow they do it all without themselves incurring any moral stain, because they are Americans. Oh, as Niebuhr said, the irony.     Yet “who serve our country” was the only other huge applause line of the entire address. If the applause-o-meter in the House chamber were any judge, the heart of the matter is that, in the best Niebuhrian “realist” fashion, a “c…

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Religious Leaders Demand Apology from West for Anti-Islam Comments

…use of Representatives, is the “antithesis of the principles on which this country was established” because he is Muslim, shows a frightening lack of understanding for these values. Regardless of the specific “principles” you intended to reference, it is an indisputable fact that one of those principles is religious freedom for all, memorialized in the United States Constitution—including, of course, Article VI’s prohibition on any religious test…

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Tim Pawlenty, Bad Fundamentalist

…ote from the Bible, often from the Old Testament. I remind people that our country is founded under God, and the founders thought that was an important perspective. I watch my tone so I don’t get judgmental or angry about issues. I try to express myself in ways that are measured and appropriate and hopefully civil and positive. Lastly, I try not to say that God is on my side, but I strive to be on God’s side. There is a parallelism in Pawlenty’s l…

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The Roots of the American Right’s Muslim Brotherhood Panic

…very much present here. In fact, any Muslim American organization in this country of any prominence is a Muslim Brotherhood front. We know that from the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, Texas. And unfortunately, this network, like every other, bringing them forward as the spokesman for the Muslim American community. They shouldn’t be, any more than the president should be reaching out to them and utilizing them, I should say, as his go-to pe…

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Espionage Allegations Against Russian Church Raise Religious Freedom Issue in Ukraine

…The Ukrainian president’s position isn’t necessarily that unpopular in his country. Implicit in this ban is the suggestion that all the Orthodox faithful in Ukraine should be part of the Constantinople-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). But the choice between the UOC and OCU isn’t a neutral one, and banning the Moscow-backed UOC, despite the very convincing national security reasons to do so, is unquestionably placing a limit on religious fr…

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Talking Salsa with Douglas Hofstadter, Enigmatic Author of Gödel, Escher, Bach

…t and give a talk on your research.” The idea of going to Poland, Chopin’s country and also the country of my grandparents excited me. I said I’d love to, and we set it up for March of 1975. I ran up immediately to the bookstore in downtown Regensburg and bought a grammar of Polish, and I went through it from head to toe and did all the exercises, and I got extremely excited about it. I was playing piano at the university. I would spend an hour a…

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Religious Kids Are More Selfish: The Stickers Don’t Lie

…omission, Decety and his colleagues do not provide any kind of country-by-country breakdown of where the Muslim, Christian, and non-religious kids come from. As a result, when you see a graph like this, which is the linchpin of the paper— —you can almost imagine that it refers to a robust global sample of non-religious kids, stacked up against their faithier peers, and not a bunch of kids from Guangzhou, getting compared to children from five oth…

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