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Satanists Want You to Respond to the Pandemic with Compassion. And Reason.

…as social distancing forces most religious communities to cancel in-person services and invent new online forms of worship. One might assume that Satanists would be unaffected by social distancing or even take a misanthropic delight in it. In 2017, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson advised Satanic Temple co-founder Lucian Greaves to “crawl back into your hole.” So now that people of all faiths are hunkering in their respective holes, how is The Satanic Tem…

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In Time of Crisis Christians Must Reject Charlatans and Magical Thinking

…dly explanations. Their cults are crude perversions of Christianity in the service of a demonic “free-market” god. And the devotees of this god are dedicated imitators of him. They are money-making entrepreneurs using the language of Scripture, and exploiting humanity’s deep desire for meaning and comfort, to hawk their wares of pure fantasy, group-think and bigotry. Shockingly, but unsurprisingly, some lobbyists and politicians even schemed to pa…

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A Pandemic isn’t a War, But Recognizing What They Share May Help us Heal

…our moral distress could energize concern and compassion, and give life to service and community-building. Like so many others, I’m dealing with a household inundated with stress, uncertainty, and despair. And I’m also holding two dreams. First is the dream of a community that recognizes its common fate, that questions the fabrications of national borders and all other devices of nationalism. A community that experiences a sense of collective belo…

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Sure, There’s No ‘Religious Left’… If You Ignore Non-White Christians and Non-Christians

…to the right of Sanders as “neoliberal.” As Jack Jenkins of Religion News Service demonstrated in a long thread, if you take a broader view, the religious left is very much more than “people on the internet,” including the Democratic Socialist icon Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. And as many others, like Dana Houle, pointed out with varying degrees of sarcasm, Bruenig’s tweet ignored the substantial portion of the religious left that’s non-white, and/or…

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Alabama’s Yoga Ban Is Part of the Christian Right’s War on Pluralism

…and their weaponization of religious freedom—perhaps our most foundational freedom—in service of a conservative Christian agenda. In 1993, the state’s Board of Education voted to prohibit yoga, hypnosis and meditation in public schools, stemming from conservative pressure. The current bill, which is now moving to the state’s Senate, would allow the practice of yoga in classes, but still forbid chanting, mantras, and the use of “namaste,” a Sanskri…

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Christianity Today’s ‘Humble’ Hindu-to-Jesus Conversion Story is Still a Story of Christian Triumphalism

…ed to his next question: would I like to go to a non-denominational church service after the game? When I politely told him I was a Hindu and not interested, he left me—in mid-set—and walked away. The weights fell on my chest, and as I felt the oxygen leave my body, I turned the barbell enough to ask for help. A person nearby came over to help lift the weights off. That memory resurfaced when I read Kamesh Sankaran’s “The Humbling of a Proud Hindu…

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Lying in the Name of the War Lord: Jane Roe’s Fake ‘Conversion’ is a Feature Not a Bug of the Extreme Christian Right

…a—and lied to Canaanite soldiers who were searching for the spies. For her service, she and her family were spared when Joshua sacked the city and massacred everyone in it. There are a variety of understandings of the meaning of Rahab’s acts—like just about any other biblical figure. But Rushdoony’s interpretation is foundational for the contemporary Christian Right. Rushdoony rationalizes Rahab’s lies as having saved the lives of “Godly men.” He…

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Fundraising for Kyle Rittenhouse Reveals American Christianity’s White Supremacy Problem

…istian organization. The Klan burned crosses as a “symbol of sacrifice and service, and a sign of the Christian Religion sanctified and made holy nearly 19 centuries ago, by the suffering and blood of 50 million martyrs who died in the most holy faith.” In 2017, Ilia Calderón, a Black Hispanic journalist at Univision, interviewed a KKK leader who told her “We’re going to burn you out. . . . We killed six million Jews the last time. Eleven million…

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‘God Made Them Male and Female…and Eunuch’: Why the Biblical Case For Binary Gender Isn’t So… Biblical

…especially for transgender—people in employment, health care, and military service. Mark and Matthew present Jesus’s teaching as a narrowly defined discussion pertaining to the interpretation of a law in Deuteronomy. The texts don’t reject gay marriage; they don’t even address it. Hard-nosed conservative leaders persist in reciting verses from Leviticus and Matthew as God’s Word—and the final word—on the issue. Matthew 19:3–6, for instance, remain…

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Why the Media and Democrats Should Reject the Christian Right’s Pearl-Clutching and Address Problematic Religious Views

…do not share them must be on the table in a fair, democratic society: Like freedom of the press, religious freedom is an important First Amendment right. But when believers use their faith as a bludgeon to attack othered groups and to prevent equal accommodation of members of those groups in the public square, we have moved beyond the bounds of a truly democratic approach to pluralism. To be sure, some media coverage is directing critical attentio…

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