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Alaska Airlines 800-299-7264 Customer Service Toll-Free Number

And the Violent Bear It Away? Disciplined Nonviolence and the Coming Election Emergency

…can we not? Consider not only the still-advancing demolition of the Postal Service, where auditors are now reporting that about one million primary election ballots weren’t delivered on time, but also recent White House decisions to push science aside and suppress actual information about coronavirus spread and to block in-person Congressional testimony from the intelligence services on the latest iterations of foreign election interference. And n…

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Before We Scold DeSean Jackson and Others For Anti-Semitism We Need To Talk About ‘Chosenness’

…ess (and its attendant racial schema) and still be in the service of human freedom. The most prominent example of this evolution of Black chosenness was the plight of the Black Jews of Harlem. As early Black Zionists, their black chosenness discourse distanced them from white Jews in direct proportion to the exclusion they faced from white Jewish organizations and educational institutions. During the latter part of the 20th and first two decades o…

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Exclusive: Why Did Chicago Public Schools Just Quietly Drop Transcendental Meditation?

…d Cheetah House, which is affiliated with Brown University, Harvard, and a number of other prestigious institutions, exists to provide “information and resources about meditation-related difficulties to meditators-in-distress.” And this is a major part of the mission of a proponent of meditation. In addition, while the UK’s National Health Service notes that meditation can be very helpful in many cases, “The serious, long-lasting nature of some of…

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On the Erasure of Whiteness in Responses to Convicted Pedophile Jan Joosten, a White Man

…see his appeal to interiority for what it is: obfuscating rhetoric in the service of public rehabilitation. Or, we can take another step back and ask, who is allowed to have self-contradictions? Who gives and possesses the privilege to have a redeemable private-self and an unimpeachable public-self? Who gets to be “individual” and who must always represent something beyond themselves? Most importantly, who accepts the stupendous myth that brillia…

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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…hat. I’m not seeing a lot of evidence that “some” adds up to a significant number. Not, at least, on the grounds of Novavax’s supposed selling point. To be fair, that’s not all there is to the piece. In fact, the question about Novavax’s allure reads like a wrapper for a bigger narrative about anti-vaxx activism merging with right-wing Christian nationalism. There’s an interesting story to be told there, and you should follow all the links in Jenk…

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COVID-19 is Concentrating Wealth Even Further; Can we Talk About the Surplus of Powerlessness in the Faith Community?

…cs for decades now. Not being stupid, the Sanders team wants more than lip service. They want key campaign staff positions—and senior administrative positions in any Biden Administration. I have to say, and not without regret, they shouldn’t hold their breath. Late this week House Ways & Means Chair Richard Neal was interviewed at length on Boston’s main public radio station. Representing Western Massachusetts, Rep. Neal is without doubt one of th…

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Bernie’s Roman Holiday

…Jesus, did they really put his logo on a picture of the Pope?! All this in service of a message that won’t impress or inspire anybody who wasn’t going to vote for Sanders to begin with. I suppose that was the goal all along, though: to maintain Sanders’ inspirational image. Either that, or they’re making some kind of bizarre, desperate play for the New York Catholic vote. Or again, maybe they were hoping a bird would land on his podium again, whic…

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No, Rush Limbaugh Did Not Hijack Your Parents’ Christianity

…d James Dobson as part of the background noise. In 2016, when overwhelming numbers of white evangelicals backed Donald Trump, it seemed that Limbaugh had the edge over Dobson when it came to discipling white evangelicals. How else could one explain the apparent betrayal of “family values” evangelicalism? Their salt-of-the-earth Christianity had been hijacked by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. Except it hadn’t. At least not if hijacking entails taking…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…about forever, of a very large share of the Black people living here, now numbering 42 million. As Malcolm X pointed out decades ago, it’s impossible to regard the United States as a nation of laws when those laws are very often suspended in the case of Black people. Malcolm believed, correctly, that a nation choosing to be only conditionally lawful cannot really be regarded as lawful at all—and should certainly stop its boasting about equal just…

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Times’ Link of NOI With Capitol Killer is Based on Flawed Comparison Between Rightwing Christian Nationalism and Black Religious Nationalism

…While Louis Farrakhan’s history of anti-Semitic statements are fair game, posing him and the Nation of Islam as incubators of anti-government violence is simply not borne out by the religious group’s history. This type of reporting does a disservice to combatting actual extremism and anti-government violence. In addition, the life, service, and memory of Capitol Police Officer William “Billy” F. Evans deserve better treatment than being used as f…

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