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Just Your Average Teenage Muslim (Shapeshifter) Girl From Jersey

…ing from men not afraid to empower the women in their societies): Marvel Comics’ new hero is a teenage Muslim girl of Pakistani descent called Kamala Khan. I’m sure her anti-hero is a Mullah. — Zuhayr Merchant (@ZuhayrMerchant) November 6, 2013   Marvel introduces #Muslim girl superhero Kamala Khan who destroys bad guys and stereotypes! 🙂 THIS IS AWESOME! — Agratha Dinakaran (@Agratha) November 6, 2013 Kamala Khan, a Pakista…

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The New “Values Voters” Mantra

…ligation, as creatures of God, to protect the life that was given them.” Many in the militia movement, the Tea Party Movement, and Christian Reconstruction also share the view that civil government should be reformed according to the dictates of biblical law. * * * * Like Rushdoony, [GOA lawyer Herb] Titus argues that government is by covenant; that authority is distributed by God among three institutions with distinct (and distinctly limited) jur…

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Defending the Helpless: New Bible Highlights Poverty and Justice

…expense of the least of these. But, perhaps others in the viewing audience might be moved by this new Bible to get the job done. I do believe, however, that Vest and his organization are sincere and that they want a people to again read the Bible instead of having it collect dust on the shelf. I suppose I would be a bit more impressed, however, if proceeds of the sales of the Poverty and Justice Bible, or even a portion of the proceeds, were going…

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Manhattan Declaration Is The New Old Culture War

…ntellectuals in the elite salons of America and Europe. Long buried in ignomi*]}*ny after the horrors of the mid 20th century, they have returned from the grave. The only difference is that now the doctrines of the eugenicists are dressed up in the language of “liberty,” “autonomy,” and “choice.” These Manhattan-ites (so distinct from the island of the same name whose sexual license they no doubt fear) believe in a “one-flesh union as husband and wife

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Women’s Equality in the Church is No Longer Negotiable

…aim, as in the well-intentioned but naïve and patronizing editorial in the New York Times, that “Pope Stops Investigating the Good Sisters.” No, if anything the women religious and their colleagues stopped the pope’s men. I have every confidence in the integrity of the LCWR women and their commitment to function on their own terms but I think the whole church needs to set the bar higher on what equality, a “discipleship of equals,” looks like. We…

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DADT Repeal: The New “Religious Freedom” Issue

…e pages, “If DADT is repealed, the American Center for Law & Justice is committed to advocating for the ability of military chaplains to do their job according to the dictates of their faith. The ACLJ has a long history of defending military chaplains.” And he had previously told readers, “Take your head out of the sand and recognize that the teachings of the Christian faith direct America’s opinion of homosexuality.” So Sekulow was not really tel…

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Latest “Religious Freedom” Bills Reveal a New Strategy

…everal state legislatures have filed religious refusal laws this year, claiming that their goal is to curb ‘government discrimination’ against religious people or organizations,” said Ashe McGovern, the associate director of Columbia Law School’s Public Rights/Private Conscience Project at the Center for Gender and Sexuality Law. “This signals a rethinking of strategies [about how to pass anti-LGBT laws] and an acknowledgement that ‘government dis…

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The Religious Right’s New Target: Transgender People

…by Russell D. Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Moore tackles California’s new law protecting the rights of transgender students, allowing them to freely use bathrooms or locker rooms they feel fits their gender identity. Moore emphasizes that Jesus tells us we are born “male and female” and the existence of transgender people “who feel alienated from their identities as men or…

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A New, Softer Prosperity Gospel Still Can’t Deliver On Its Promises of Health and Wealth

…e could relate to. Bowler writes that “the movement had developed a smooth new language and style of persuasion that admirably fit the times.” Prosperity teaching began to filter into churches nationwide via all types of media. No longer was prosperity preaching done only by Pentecostals and practiced by only the lower classes. It became a reasonable practice of Christian faith for all. Yet, these ideas about the availability of wealth do not squa…

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Bloomberg is Right to Say No to Muslim School Holidays

…by disenfranchising Muslims, such an opinion shows no knowledge of the dynamics of the NY Jewish community, who overwhelming support the motion, or the Mayor’s outreach to the Muslim community in NY. Although many Muslims and Muslim-American groups are lobbying for this, I think Mayor Bloomberg is absolutely right. The holidays are on a lunar schedule, meaning they shift about 11 solar days a year. As a teacher, I do not need the hassle of re-jigg…

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