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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…ial networks lead to actions is illustrated by the recent Saipov attack in New York City. Saipov was Muslim of Uzbek ancestry, but had lived in the United States since 2010 and did not appear to have any direct contact with the ISIS organization. He did talk with other Uzbek Muslims about religious and political matters, it appears, and he likely had connections with the ISIS online community, the baqiyah, through Twitter and Telegram. He likely r…

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Bin Laden’s Death Does Not Prove that Torture Works

…People will say anything to get you to stop hurting them. Even if, as the New York Times reports, one detainee who was “apparently subjected to some tough treatment provided a crucial description of the courier,” there were also two other detainees who underwent some of the same treatment (including Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, waterboarded 183 times) who repeatedly misled interrogators about the courier’s identity. Intelligence is not actionable if y…

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Why Jason Collins’ Faith is Ignored… And Tebow’s Isn’t

…, writing for US News and World Report, complains that “the secular crowd, New York sports writers included, have never forgiven” Tebow for his public Christianity and that Tebow is being “chased off the field in a flurry of social media cat calls while Collins… gets the call from the president.” This, Roff concludes, is evidence of a “double standard” under which “gays increasingly get cultural acceptance while conservatives and Christians are trea…

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Climate Change Denial: A Guide for the Humanities

…ictly factual terms might not actually be effective. Civics Writing in The New York Times, public policy professor Thomas Lovejoy recently argued that the IPCC findings serve to remind us that “any debate involving science should be kept in the scientific arena.” Discussion questions: considering that most people do not form their fundamental opinions with the educational attainment and analytical capacities of a Vulcan, what on earth could Lovejo…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…person when I was well into my third decade, after I’d spent some years in New York City. The experience still confuses me. Because where I grew up, I was one of the few minorities. My white friends, classmates and pretty much every white person around me had no specific ethnic identity. They often claimed that they were this percentage Irish or that percentage Lithuanian, but these differences seemed perfunctory. They were just white Americans, t…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…r profits. Or perhaps pause to reflect about the private equity friends of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who—according to an exhaustive profile of Cuomo by The New Yorker’s Nick Paumgarten—didn’t hesitate to flex their muscle with the governor in order to deep-six an attempt to limit the cancerous growth of charter schools in New York City. Or consider how the dominant position held by money managers—private equity kingpins and hedge fund operators—…

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Abstract image of light waves.

‘Spooky Action’ of Quantum Physics Offers an Alternative Frame for War in the Middle East and the 2024 Election

…United States increasingly bend toward. A recent pro-Palestinian rally in New York organized by the Democratic Socialists of America disclosed political fault lines within New York’s Democratic coalition that, according to the Times, “underscored how deeply the seemingly faraway conflict in Israel resonates in even the most local of political battles, in a city home to more Jews than any other in the world.” The Times piece makes the point for me…

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Nuns on the Bus: 2700 Miles, Nine States, and a Rock Star DC Welcome

…, in a tepid letter from their president, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan from New York, indicated some displeasure. (Mr. Ryan’s theological advisor is probably out of a job by now, or should be.) Another factor was the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s mandate issued against the Leadership Conference of women religious. NETWORK was mentioned explicitly as part of the Vatican-perceived problem, related to the support some nuns had provided…

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The Top 10 (Non-Religious) Religious Films of 2017

…eating mythologies about ending worlds, and some do it better than others. New York Times film critic A.O. Scott called the original Blade Runner a “sacred text,” and its cult following (see pick #8, below) provoked all manner of Talmudic midrash. In this sequel, Denis Villeneuve (of Arrival fame) applies his characteristic deep sounds, elliptical stories, and internal-spiritual searches externally projected. Ridley Scott’s vivid visuals from the…

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Ainslie Embree’s Gift to Religious Studies

…force navigator, he then turned to religion at Union Theological Seminary, New York. Afterwards, in 1947, he accepted an assignment from the United Church of Canada to go to India where he and his wife taught at Indore Christian College. On returning to New York in 1957 he completed a PhD in history at Columbia University. It remained his academic home for most of the rest of his rich career as a professor, dean, department chair, and member of th…

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