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Faith in the Future is No Faith at All: Disney’s Weak Theology

…d technology, such thinking went, humanity would be able to create a world free from want, disease, ignorance, and inequality—maybe even from death itself. Christian theologians like Edward Schillebeeckz, Johann Baptist Metz, and Jürgen Moltmann began to question the revived myth of human progress embedded in this futurological view. How, they asked, does a future that arises solely out of present circumstances produce anything other than more of…

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In Order to Move Forward We Must Believe the Unbelievable: Some Choose Death Over Democracy

…he said recently, “My people are happy, and they’re happy, because they’re free.” Our heritage is rife with heroes choosing death over tyranny. “Live free or die,” for instance. See also: “Don’t tread on me.” But nowhere is there a hero choosing death over democracy. We must reconsider the credit we give. In places like South Dakota, individual liberty is being perverted in the interest of the group, of the tribe, of the collective, so that indivi…

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State-Licensed Ministers Can’t “Pray Away the Gay,” SCOTUS Affirms

…in all 50 states. In fact, even the California minister who filed suit is free to practice the debunked “therapy”—he just can’t engage minors in the practice, and can’t represent himself as a state-licensed therapist offering that treatment. In his ministerial duties he is free to preach about the power of prayer (or, in some cases, more nefarious tactics) to “rescue” people from the bonds of queerness. But what he can’t do, according to the newl…

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An Abbreviated Guide to 5 Arguments Against Contraceptive Coverage in Obamacare

…s opposition to the regulation as “because the Mandate threatens religious freedom and proposes a reductionist and harmful understanding of women’s freedom.” Alvaré reprises the “immiseration” theme in the brief, arguing that “even if contraceptives have the indirect beneficial effects HHS identifies, HHS does not indicate the size of these benefits, or whether they outweigh the adverse health outcomes caused by some contraceptives, or the adverse…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…is latest wonderful aphorism. If Medvedev gave his presidency the slogan: “Freedom is better than non-freedom”, then, thanks to Medvedev’s felicitous saying, Putin’s third term has a good chance of being known by a new aphorism: “Prison is better than stoning.” I would like you to think carefully about the following reflection by Montaigne from his Essays written in the 16th century. He wrote: “You are holding your opinions in too high a regard if…

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Khalifah: We Really Do Have Control Over Our Own Destiny

…igious thinkers). I’m not trying to solve this age old problem how much is free will and how much is predestination, but I wish to make a comment. I cannot see complacency if it leaves one unable to say, I will try to do this or that, at the very least. Most Muslims follow the Qur’anic advice to say after ward such plans, “in sha’ Allah” if God wills. The Prophet has a nice way of reminding us of what I call the simultaneity of pre-determination a…

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Well, You’re Just Assuming that a Pregnancy’s Circumstances can be Life-Threatening…

[note: This story was edited from its original version] On Friday morning a 16-year-old girl died, partly because her country’s abortion laws made it difficult to access the cancer treatment she needed. One of the more personally frustrating rhetorical maneuvers I encounter is the one where an interlocutor says, “Well, but you’re assuming that [some quantity or other] is [sad/bad/inadequate/difficult/complicated/contextual/hard to generalize abou…

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When It’s OK to Ignore the Pope

…cries business models centered on “maximizing profits,” and discredits the free market as a solution to the world’s problems? For Catholic Republican presidential candidates, the trick will be to maintain a suitably respectful tone for the pope himself while distancing themselves from his prescriptions for the planet. As Daniel Schultz notes, Jeb Bush said the following at a campaign event on Tuesday: … I don’t get economic policy from my bishops…

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The Death of Truthiness: A True Believer Mourns The Colbert Report

…ns when Easter was under attack. Mr. Colbert truly loved all God’s people (Republicans) – and via The Colbert Report, he was able to show the world God’s love of the GOP. America’s sadness—and mine—at the loss of The Colbert Report is coupled with bitter knowledge that we are now left to for ourselves with Jesus-hating communists who control the media—you know who you are! While The Colbert Report has moved on to its heavenly reward, the show will…

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The GOP’s Race to the
Dark Ages

…e Affordable Care Act that their health insurance provide employees co-pay-free birth control, even though churches themselves are already exempt. A Catholic and an evangelical university have sued HHS over the rule, citing “religious liberty.” Republicans have been making their intentions on access to birth control clear since they began campaigning to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood. They say it’s about federal funding going to abortion…

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