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LGBT in Africa: Persecution and Persistence

…tholic Church in Cameroon is a driving force for anti-gay sentiment in the country, citing an archbishop who referred to homosexuality as a plague. In addition, she suggested, government officials use homophobia to distract from failures in basic functions of governing, such as providing drinking water and energy. The documentary is sometimes achingly intimate, conveying the palpable fear of a young woman facing five years in prison as well as the…

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Christianity Today counsels “patience” on Uganda’s anti-gay law

…or imprison us? Believe me, we’ve heard their reasons and they smack of misunderstanding, hatred, and downright meanness. When conservative Christians don’t have any skin in the game, they counsel “patience” and cultural understanding, but let a conservative Christian get locked up in a foreign country for passing out Bibles or talking about Jesus, and their tune changes pretty quickly. Then, they want to be “left alone” to do what they want. The…

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Morality and Marriage Vigilantes and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ragua: New web series has queer focus TeleSUR reports on MF, La Serie, the country’s first web series, “which will explore issues of violence, sexual harassment and queerness.” It is set to launch on January 24. Guatemala: Lawmakers preparing push for marriage equality A group of lawmakers is reportedly preparing an effort to amend the civil code to make it legal for same-sex couples to get legally married. Japan: Sapporo preparing to register gay…

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Ugandan Landslide a Message from God?

…istian population. That influence has played a role in the bill before the country’s lawmakers that would require imprisonment or even execution for anyone who is gay or lesbian, or who fails to report gay or lesbian people to the police. Uganda is an overwhelmingly Christian country with nearly half the population identifying as Catholic, and nearly the other half identifying as Protestant. So, it can’t be said that the devastating landslide in B…

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Why Republicans Don’t Think Obama Is Christian

…aritable in the world, our President seems to scoff at the belief that our country has been uniquely blessed by God. I would be remiss today if I did not pause and remember our Egyptian Christian brothers in the recent barbaric attacks in Libya. ISIS murdered innocent husbands and fathers who clearly died for their faith and their beliefs. Just this morning, we hear further reports out of Syria that Islamic State militants have abducted dozens of…

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Massacre Of Islamists By Egyptian Military Likely Strategic

…l looked certain to rise as unrest spread from Cairo to other parts of the country. –NBC News, August 14, 10:46 AM EDT It’s hard to get a handle on what’s happening in Egypt, but my sense is that all of this is deeply political in nature and intent. This is more than just a massacre, it’s a strategic massacre. By cracking down so violently and indiscriminately on the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters, the military well knows it will initiate a…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…st African-American president in US history. When Chip Berlet, one of this country’s best monitors of right-wing extremism, warned in a perceptive essay last week on RD that the hostile right-wing political climate in this country has created the groundwork for a demonic new form of violence and terrorism, I fear that he is correct. Christian Warrior, Sacred Battle Though these new forms of violence are undoubtedly political and probably racist, t…

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“Who Was Muhammad, Was He Violent?”: Teaching Islam Ten Years
after 9/11

…ved. The attacks on 9/11 unleashed a strain of anti-Muslim bigotry in this country that has roots not only in the classic structures of American racism and xenophobia but also in a centuries-old tradition of European anxiety with the Muslim world. Recall how the Italian poet Dante Alighieri depicted Muhammad suffering mutilation in the lowest depths of hell in his Divine Comedy. In the late 18th century, such literary scenes were transformed into…

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How a Catholic-Majority SCOTUS Fulfilled an Evangelical Dream

…favor marriage equality. This phenomenon cannot be merely explained by the country’s general shift to the right over the past thirty years; it’s about a key factor in that rightward shift. The rightward movement of American politics up to and including the election of Donald Trump has been driven by a specific demographic, a demographic defined by religious and racial identity: namely, white evangelical Protestants. Few demographics poll more cons…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…Mathur) introducing a God Bless the USA presentation, which had photos of servicemen praying over Lee Greenwood’s uber-patriotic anthem “God Bless the U.S.A.” Again, from the initial complaint: The presentation concluded with two images of uniformed servicemembers carrying a flag-draped coffin, with superimposed text reading: Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American G.I. One died for your soul, the…

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