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Worried About Inequality After the Pandemic? Start By Listening to the Women Ringing the Alarm for Decades

…expect the churches to spread the truth about the welfare problems in this country. We expect the churches and their members to oppose local, state and federal legislation that oppresses poor people…If we fail in our struggle, Christianity will have failed.” NWRO and their demand for a Guaranteed Adequate Income became a leading force in the Poor People’s Campaign, which was launched in Washington D.C. with a Mother’s Day March led by welfare righ…

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Jeffress is Both Right and Wrong on Religion & Politics

…hristian”—is divisive, and violates the spirit of the Constitution. In our country, anyone’s standing as a citizen, or a candidate, should not depend on holding the “right” religious beliefs. In the same category we shouldn’t be questioning whether a candidate’s religious beliefs are “genuine” or “sincere” based on political disagreements. People who consider themselves Christians hold a wide range of beliefs on any political topic. It is wrong fo…

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Glenn Beck Hijacks It’s a Wonderful Life

…but gosh darn it, they’re so worth watching—again. And at homes around the country during the holidays, it was always so nice knowing that we can all lug our full bellies over to the couch and watch something that everyone can enjoy, one that won’t cause a heated debate. But just like the non-existent war on Christmas that Beck and his far-right cohorts are so fond of using to foment divisiveness in this country, he wants to hijack It’s a Wonderfu…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…War Not Peace: America has historically been a war-loving and militaristic country, but this last year’s continued involvement in Afghanistan marked the longest war in the nation’s history. What are the costs? Thousands of American lives lost, trillions of dollars spent, international reputation shot to hell, psychological instability of returning veterans with unprecedented numbers committing suicide, veteran services stretched thin—these are onl…

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Dear Reader, I’m Assuming You Don’t Know Any Muslims

…world, is basically unchallengeable. Just recently, we had a debate in our country about the Iran deal. About whether it was fair. I had to laugh every time the question was brought up. To most of the rest of the world, this is an absurd and even offensive question. Fair? The only country in the world to have ever used nukes is arguing about the potential threat posed by a far smaller, far less sophisticated, far more vulnerable nation that might,…

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Top Ten Religion & Science Stories of 2009

…d the country and the world participated in what is now known as Evolution Sunday, in which pastors delivered sermons celebrating evolution’s role as part of the awesome diversity of life, and Darwin’s theory of natural selection as part of God’s overall plan. But other examples highlight the continued disconnect biblical literalists have regarding the subject of not only evolution, but of scientific thought in general. By the time the November 24…

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Note to the Tax-Slashers:
We Are Already Serfs

…ive to see the big picture. We are broke and we’re paying more and more to service our national debt for one primary reason: for decades, but especially during the George W. Bush years, our political leaders have systematically exempted the rich and powerful from the reach of progressive taxation. As Eduardo Porter noted in the New York Times a few weeks back, since 1970 we have cut the effective rate of taxation for our very wealthiest in half: f…

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The ‘Unified Reich’ Scandal is a Feature Not a Bug of Trump’s Brand of American Fascism

…lose to a second term, a result that would likely—according to some of the country’s most prominent historians with expertise in the matter—mean the end for American democracy, at least for the near future. Trump has repeatedly echoed Nazi-language, deriding his enemies as “vermin” that need to be rooted out of the Volkskörper (i.e. “national body”), for it to remain strong and healthy, claiming that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of the coun…

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An Open Letter To American Muslims on Same-Sex Marriage

…BLT, all in an attempt to establish a firm Muslim identity in a non-Muslim country. But now that same-sex marriage is legal in America, it’s shaking up your faith. You’re afraid of the future and what this could mean for your kids. You recognize the growing acceptance of gay rights, but personally you just can’t bring yourself to embrace the shift. You may feel okay with having gay acquaintances or coworkers. You may even agree that being gay does…

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The Holocaust and 9/11 Museums: A Tale of Two Controversial Films

…means to be American, and about how this museum can bring us together as a country. And when we’re together, we are defeating terrorism. We are defeating the people who want to drive us apart as a country…. The edits that have been suggested by this coalition are modest. They’re fair. Please, give us an opportunity. This could be a historic mistake. Now that the museum is open to visitors, informed review of the film (including its uncontextualize…

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