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Fear Not, The IRS Isn’t Colluding With Angry Atheists

…nded “the release of a secret legal agreement between the Internal Revenue Service and a radical atheist organization that portends increased scrutiny and harassment of churches and Christians, potentially infringing upon their First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and association.” Upon closer examination—surprise!—that turns out not to be the case. Patrick Elliott, a staff attorney at FFRF, told me “there has been a lot of misinformation p…

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The Journalist and the Bishops: CNS Editor Fired For Tweeting Opposition to LGBT Discrimination

…talking points, fooling no one.” The USCCB owns and runs the Catholic News Service, but officially CNS is editorially independent from the bishops’ conference and provides news to both secular and religious outlets. In reality, however, it’s always existed in a somewhat liminal space journalistically speaking, combining fundamentally solid reporting with a pro-hierarchy tilt in story selection, heavy on stories that feature official Catholic voice…

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How Religion Shapes Sex Discrimination at Wal-Mart

…recognition for the work of service performed by these women both a home and at Wal-Mart—is a perennially important concern for everyone who works. Many of the Dukes women who embraced the company’s Christian identity would also say that there is no contradiction between honoring service and paying and promoting service employees fairly. I assume that’s what many Christian Wal-Mart employees hope to achieve in this suit, alongside their non-evang…

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Pope’s ‘Joy of Love’ Brings Little Joy To LGBT Catholics; Gay Atheist Malaysian Granted Refugee Status In Canada; Global LGBT Recap

…vided for those who would like to do so. These prayers do not constitute a service of blessing.” Morgan told LGBT people that he knew they had been “persecuted and ostracized” by the chrch and said: “We deplore such hostility, and welcome and affirm the words of the Primates that condemn homophobic prejudice and violence. “We too commit ourselves to offering you the same loving service and pastoral care to which all humanity is entitled, and we co…

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Dog Whistles and Holes in the Masterpiece Cakeshop Arguments?

…hat Phillips could not refuse to serve interracial couples (but could deny service to interreligious and same-sex couples) is one way for them to do so. As we have already seen, their proposition makes little sense in terms of strict scrutiny, and in fact the Colorado law at issue in Masterpiece Cakeshop likewise does not differentiate among the kinds of discrimination from which it seeks to protect citizens. Waggoner’s and Francisco’s claims only…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…ley, Speaker of the House Rayburn, and David Lynn, Capital Architect. That service was reported in the AP newswire as follows: Evangelist Billy Graham Reports “Hunger For God in Washington” (AP)~Evangelist Billy Graham told a crowd from the steps of the United States Capitol yesterday: “If I would run for President of the United States today, on a platform of calling the people back to God, back to Christ, back to the Bible, I’d be elected. ‘”Ther…

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The Tragedy of Religious Freedom

…een allowed exemptions. Thoroughgoing pacifists may be freed from military service, but those who disagree with a particular war (say, on the basis of Christian “just war” theory) are not. The IRS suspended evangelical Bob Jones University’s tax exemption when the institution refused to change its policies forbidding interracial dating. And while small doses of alcohol are permitted in communion, users of the hallucinogenic substance peyote, which…

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‘Putin’s Children’ Push ‘Traditional Values’ in Latvia; Jewish Reparative Therapy Group Finds ‘Haven’ In Israel; Sikh Activist in UK Supports LGBT South Asians; Global LGBT Recap

…etimes years, or even never. One should definitely not seek help of social services, she says, because this is the surest step to child removal from the family. The hidden goal of the child protection services is to legalize the illegal child trade. Kornetova’s presentation shows potential buyers of children: childless couples, especially those who are unable to conceive, same-sex couples and pedophiles. “And they want our children, who are beauti…

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Congress Reads the Constitution, Tea Party-Style

…, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due. As the 112th Congress convened on Thursday, January 6, 2011, the first order of business was a religious ritual designed to underscore the import of a historic transition of power: a reading of the US Constitution. Or rather, a reading of it without some of its icki…

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Bryan Fischer’s and the GOP’s Special Christian First Amendment

…; called for the deportation of Muslims and for banning them from military service; claimed that gay sex is ‘domestic terrorism’; called gay adoption a ‘terrible, terrible, inexcusable, inhumane thing to do to children’; and claimed that Hitler and his stormtroopers were all gay.” All of this, and more, has been on display for public consumption for some time. That didn’t stop the Values Voters Summit from bestowing a prestigious award on Fischer’…

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