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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…l pick to head the Globe’s venture into Catholic journalism. In its brief existence, Crux quickly became an important voice in church news. Because most secular outlets only give limited coverage to religion news, it can be difficult for readers to find stories about the Vatican and the pope that aren’t slanted in one way or another. National Catholic Reporter is run by lay people, as is Commonweal. Both tend to attract what could be described as…

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I Was a Stranger: New York Activists Stage a Lenten Action for Sanctuary

…other.” He added that the church should be “true to its values” and offer sanctuary in the event of mass deportations. Even San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, widely known as an ultra-conservative “culture warrior,” promised that immigrants in his diocese would “know their rights” and be “protected.” The Matthew 25 activists in New York hope Dolan will offer the same. One source I spoke to, a housing attorney and lay Catholic, told me…

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Fact Check: Is the Evangelical Youth-Inspired Great ‘Awokening’ Just Around the Corner?

…ion is those who truly embrace environmentalism or LGBTQ-affirmation, for example, will end up leaving.” With hashtags like #EmptyThePews and #ExposeChristianSchools, I have tried to give those of us who have left a means of reclaiming our stories and pushing back on the false narratives that still characterize most coverage of evangelicals. Ex-evangelicals are stakeholders in discussions of evangelicalism with real insights, and we deserve a seat…

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The Heart of Texas Ain’t Hateful: An Open Letter to Lawmakers From a Texan Trans Queer Latinx

…when I was quite young, and came to understand myself as transgender in Texas. Texas has generally welcomed my intersectional identities. Even in today’s polarized political environment, I know first-hand that Texans continue to strive to embody deep postures of welcome in all of the state’s many regions. But if these anti-LGBT bills pass, Texas will fall victim to the fear-mongering and hostility that was elevated to the highest office in the co…

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‘Almost Like Praying’: The Religious Work of ‘Hamilton’ Creator Lin-Manuel Miranda

…or the survival of Puerto Rico. Indeed, in interviews, Miranda has spoken explicitly of his “faith” in such models of community, in the connections between humans—predicated on a basic emotional ability which, in turn, he claims Trump lacks. “If the government was commensurate with the response of the American people we would be on the road to recovery,” Miranda told Billboard. “I’ve got little kids breaking their piggy banks or families delaying…

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It’s the Catholic Bishops, Not Those Who Toppled Junipero Serra Statues, Who Have Failed the Test of History

…anti-Semitism as well as anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism alongside explicit anti-Mexican ethnic sentiment. The bishops’ version of Serra’s heroic story has been passed to us through racist histories and structures. Anti-racism requires that we confront the very nature of how we build institutions that relate to the past only in particular ways, and it demands that we reimagine our relationships to the past. Yet, here again, the bishops refu…

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The Three Qualities Marking the Capitol Assault as Terrorism

…poses but because they’re perceived as protecting civilization itself, an existential war between good and evil, right and wrong. These are cosmic wars, in that they touch on a transcendent sense of moral and spiritual struggle. They’re often therefore imbued with religious significance. Most of the terrorist acts that I’ve studied are products of these cosmic wars. When I interviewed one of the jihadi activists associated with al Qaeda who was in…

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What do the January 6 Commission, Covid Deaths and Gun Massacres All Have in Common? God’s Chosen

…more. All have in common the political concept that God divided the world between the elected and the unelected, that is, between His chosen and everyone else deserving of eternal damnation. (They deserve what’s coming to them, in other words.) For the chosen, anything is possible. For God’s enemies, God’s law. All politics, all historical struggle over power and limited resources, can be seen through a lens in which everything begins with the ch…

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Amid Growing Legitimacy Challenges from its Right and Left, Vatican Seizes Control of the Supernatural — to Prevent ‘Abuses’

…s seek to invalidate one another’s supernatural experiences. Bishop Donald Sanborn, for example, rector of the Sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary, cast doubt on Eucharistic miracles occurring in modern post-Vatican II masses this past November. At the same time, while the Vatican’s new guidance deeply affects sectarian traditionalist groups that believe Church leadership is illegitimate, it can also be used to fend off populist Catholic move…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…ovement, people who’ve been directly affected by legislatures’ refusal to expand Medicaid in the South are exercising their constitutionally protected right to instruct their legislators. At the same time democracy is attacked by the Court, it is getting born again in the state house and in the streets. We know from experience that when fusion coalitions build a Movement that sticks together, no amount of money can stop us. Along with many others,…

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