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Act, Pray, Tweet: What the H*ll To Do About Gun Violence?

…long as I’m not the perp, such logic would go, I can fiddle—and pray—while San Bernadino burns. This is a rather extreme form of Occasionalism, developed by Nicolas Malebranche in the 17th century. He held that the world is but an occasion for God’s will, and that all occurrences in it are caused directly by his acts. God acts in regular ways to create what appears to us as the “laws” of nature. God coordinates the body and mind so that when we st…

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A Portrait of Islamophobia?

…remarkable. The Times is not an exception in the implicit, and sometimes explicit, Islamophobic textual and visual rhetoric that has become pervasive in the American public sphere. Is this what terrorism looks like? Perhaps we should reformulate the question to: Who thinks this is what terrorism looks like ? An ensemble of Other Muslim-Americans, like many other minority groups, have become accustomed to not being included in the conceptualizatio…

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How Should Mormons Respond to Leader’s Anti-Gay Comments?

…pretation which grants permission for bigotry. Perhaps it’s the connection between homosexuality and addiction. Perhaps it’s the implication that sexual attraction in and of itself is unnatural and unholy whether or not it is acted upon. Perhaps it’s the bluntness of the message, the seeming lack of compassion or acknowledgment that many suffer—and have suffered for years—while trying to live up to this standard. The talk was so filled with euphem…

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Hagee Hangs On

…mi-retirement of Pat Robertson,” Clarkson pointed out. “This episode will exacerbate the existing tensions between McCain and much of the religious right; and certainly dampen enthusiasm for his candidacy among the high energy and highly capable activists that have made the religious right a political powerhouse in American elections for a generation.” The relationship between conservative Christian evangelicals and Jews has been suspect for a lon…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…rches opposed to same-sex marriage could be threatened with losing their tax-exempt status, and suggests that children in public schools would be taught about same-sex marriage.” A new poll conducted on behalf of four California television stations on Oct. 4 and 5—after the Yes on 8 campaign had released its Newsom ad—has seen an up-tick in support for a ballot initiative banning same-sex marriage in California. The San Jose Mercury News reported…

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“The Call” Warns of Antichrist Legislation in California and Beyond

…ry e-mails about Palin, Engle recently began to label Obama as Satan more explicitly. “The ideological beast of Obama’s worldview has been drawn out of its lair and now stands naked and exposed by Palin’s compassion and conviction. The beast,” he continued, “is hunting our children, our nation’s destiny, and us. The rage of the media against Palin simply further exposes the moral bankruptcy, bigotry, and lack of compassion of liberalism.” Engle in…

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RD10Q: Spiritual Survival for LGBT Christians

…aying she thought it was a warm and inviting cover. “But, see, you live in San Francisco,” I told her. “I live in South Carolina. In San Fran that may be warm and inviting, here, that’s called porn.” The only good thing was that the font had changed to what it presently is on the book, making it look a bit more like a book about faith and not a whodunit. She agreed, grudgingly, to once again go back to the drawing board. The next pass was the stee…

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Sex, the Body, the World: It’s R. Crumb’s Bible Now

…of us who were reasonably familiar with both the Bible and underground comix, the experience was not of being introduced either to a new artist or to an ancient literary work but rather of their unexpected juxtaposition: Where Genesis and Crumb had until now occupied distinct areas of the brain or psyche (the academy versus the comic book store? The cerebrum versus the reptilian cortex? The superego versus the id?), they now coexisted on the cramp…

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Healed of the Sin of Religion: At Church with Sara Miles

…and what are we doing as a body. Church is actually a place for people to experience we. You can experience we in that fascist assembly way in which we’re all standing and reciting prayers in unison and blaming the Jews for everything that went wrong. But there are other ways of experiencing we that actually come from looking at the traditions, participating in them. And fighting against the individual consumer model of everything—actually submitt…

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Gay and Lesbian Candidates Win Primary Victories

…aper.” She and Laird married “on February 12, 2004 on the first day of the San Francisco same-sex marriages.” But, that’s liberal California, so really, no one should be that surprised that LGBT candidates are making progress. However, that’s not the end of the story. In mostly conservative Montana, young gay rights activist Bryce Bennett has made it to the November ballot for a state legislative seat and may very likely win his very democratic di…

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