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The White Nationalist Fantasy of Ancient Christian-Muslim Conflict Would Get an ‘F’ in History Class

…ristian aristocrats. The Battle of Tours was neither an epic clash between Western and Eastern civilizations, as the influential eighteenth-century historian Edward Gibbon spun it, nor was it a battle between the Christian West and Eastern invaders, as French nationalists and white nationalists like Steve Bannon have argued. James Palmer, a medieval historian, has noted that Martel was no defender of Christendom, and his ecclesiastical peers denou…

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Struggling With the Legacy of Harold Bloom, Brilliant but Deeply Flawed Critic (1930-2019)

…like Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, How to Read and Why, and The Western Canon, that’s precisely what he appeared as. A certain shame to that, because for a man clearly so brilliant, so capable of writing that intelligently, and who in his prime could produce readings of literature that the rest of us could only aspire to, there’s a shadow list of his publications that go far beyond the baseball card collecting of The Western Canon. Bloo…

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Bulgaria and Orthodox Church Cancellation of Louvre Exhibit is Classic Authoritarian Move

…rch Kyril of Moscow, that Orthodox Christianity has been reinvented in the Western mind as not only part and parcel of the Christian civilization of the West, but as its sole modern defender; the last holdout of Christendom in the face of an increasingly secularized and immoral Western world. Putin has even proposed that Orthodox Russia is a “bastion of traditional values” that can and must serve as a “moral counterweight” to the United States. Th…

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Can White Jews Still Be White if They’re Reviled By White Supremacists?

…re frequently blamed for economic and social problems. Kivel explains that Western racist science was “set up to demonstrate the physical and thus the moral superiority of white, Western Christian men as represented by their bodies, and inevitably did so, even if the scientists involved had to manipulate or even fabricate the data.” However, this turn towards racism “justified” by the science of the body did not mean an abandonment of condemnation…

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Decolonizing Jewish Studies Part II: A Response to the Backlash

…olars of a historically marginalized Jewish culture tried to claim space. “Western” is suspect and political. It falsely erases the non-“Westernness” of Jewish cultures produced outside of the boundaries conventionally tagged “Western.” Jewish Studies must confront the vestiges of its European founding and its concomitant privileging of the Ashkenazi, European, and white. These prejudices still impact research priorities, curricular expectations,…

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Two Cheers for British Museum’s Sanitized Hajj Exhibition

…unch is worth remarking upon, especially when the post-9/11 divide between Western and non-Western civilizations is often presented as a clash in the mediascape. In fact, the project has received widespread positive exposure in the mainstream Western press, unprecedented for an Islamic cultural subject matter. It has even featured prominently in the UK’s Daily Mail, widely regarded as fearmongering and ‘othering’ when it comes to the Muslim commun…

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Islam in Conflict with Democracy? A Response to Stanley Fish

…e West (Oxford, 2010), “Muslims do not conceptualize Islam in terms of the Westernized sociological categorization of religion which places the individual at the centre of all analyses.” This isolated statement may well be read to suggest that Muslims fundamentally deviate from Western norms, no matter their culture, history, type of Islam, or even socioeconomic variables. There is something to the point about difference, but it should be seen as…

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The Shari’ah Spring: Media Gets It Backwards

…ive, nearly fully Muslim country, whose recently deposed tyrant frequently promoted Islamic practices and pieties. If we read the Arab Spring as a zero-sum game between Islamists and secularists, we’re going to miss what’s happening; if we imagine Arab democracy will look like secular Western democracy, we will likely be disappointed. And if we assume reference to Islam and democracy reveals only hypocrisy, insincerity, or ideological confusion, w…

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Religion is Not about Belief: Karen Armstrong’s The Case for God

…ed opaque and incredible. The Ascent of Intellectual Orthodoxy For most of Western history, religion has been primarily a matter of orthopraxy, not orthodoxy. In fact, no doctrine made any sense without participation in the community of faith and in its rituals. No doubt, there were certain thoughts or “beliefs” that mattered and were of extreme importance; however, unlike today, these convictions were never understood as either the core or the pu…

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Battlestar Galactica and the Future of American Religion

…r; arguably the first example of the intersection of religion and media in Western history. Theatrical productions in Greece began as reenactments of the Dionysian story arc, tracing the god’s life, death and rebirth through a dramatic narrative that always included some sort of initiatory trauma. For the human beings in Battlestar Galactica, this initiation comes in the form of a nuclear holocaust visited on them by a race of machines that has ev…

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