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RDBook: Is Nothing Secular? A Review of Jewel of Medina

…s writing in the South Asian press against his views, with the result that Western Orientalist scholarship about Muhammad and Islam became synonymous with the colonial domination of South Asians under the British Raj and of Muslims everywhere. In September, 1988, the novelist and Emory University professor, Salman Rushdie, published the well-known novel, Satanic Verses, a term first coined by William Muir and later picked up by Western Orientalist…

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Irony of the Iranian Women’s Burqa Ban

…ar Sania Mirza’s short skirts. Then I do a double-take, and ask the global-Western, anti-hijabists to recall their political-cultural identities. Weren’t we Westerners supposed to be privatized individuals? Weren’t we supposed to live and let live? Don’t we laugh up our sleeves at authoritarian states and cultures that arrange marriages, control women’s clothes and sex lives, and generally run other people’s lives? Aren’t we the cool heads who blo…

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RDBook: Sex, Power, and the Future of the World: An Interview with Michelle Goldberg

…rden”? Sure, but what can you do? Writing about these issues at all from a Western perspective is obviously fraught in all kinds of ways. At the same time, they’re fascinating in part because there are so many taboos and political baggage surrounding them. I can’t really imagine not wading into a subject I find interesting because it’s somehow un-PC. Besides, the West, particularly the United States, is already deeply involved in shaping policies…

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New Book Stokes Fear of a Muslim Europe

…a Muslim, and that is what fills Caldwell with glee: “More than any other Westerner,” he crows, “Ayaan Hirsi Ali has made the case for the superiority of the Western conception of women’s rights over the Muslim one.” Sadly, this journalist-turned-polemicist is hailed by Faoud Ajami in the New York Times as a clarion voice who “has written the most sustained and thoughtful treatment of the subject (immigration, Islam, and the West) to date.” Pace…

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Found in Translation: How a Thirteenth-Century Islamic Poet Conquered America

…designed to utterly disfigure the image of Islam in the eyes of the entire Western world, Barks’ ostensible efforts to put a brighter smile on Rumi’s face is one transgression I can learn to live with. Scholars may bicker—syllable by syllable—over the precise ownership of Rumi’s odes, but this battle is bigger than stanzas. Muslims are mistranslated everywhere, egregiously so—not just their poetry, but their faces, their character, their humanity….

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Tariq Ramadan in Montreal: Defining Ethics in Terms of Religion

…ot only wrong, it relies upon a racist division of the Muslim from modern, Western civilization; as if the “Muslim” automatically denotes something backward and threatening while “modern” and “Western” signify a purely secular politics, unmotivated by religion, or, at worst, affiliated with a liberal, universalist theology anathema to the “fundamentalist” claims of other, non-Western faiths. This is silly, but also dangerous. Ramadan is a committe…

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Telling the World a ‘Big Story’: RD in Conversation with Karen Armstrong

…mmad and biased accounts of Muslim history, and these became rooted in the Western psyche. Later we Europeans told ourselves flattering tales about the countries we colonized and heaped scorn on their traditions in a way that has been profoundly damaging. But everybody is guilty of this. We are all far too ignorant of one another’s histories, and this is dangerous. History has become a weapon in many of today’s wars and conflicts. We use and abuse…

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Ian Buruma on the Political Excesses of Religion

…17th century.) There are other differences but they run through the entire Western world. Which is why I compared, for example, the Calvinist politics in 19th century Holland with Christian politics in the U.S. So I think it’s easy to exaggerate differences. That’s the thing—once a story gets told it calcifies… What Europeans don’t quite get about Americans is the nature of Christianity here. In Europe, people (whether they’re believers or not) st…

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The Russian Patriarch Just Gave His Most Dangerous Speech Yet — And Almost No One in the West Has Noticed

…he sermon online in English and it’s received little coverage by any major Western media outlet (this Reuters article might be the only exception). It’s understandable why. Patriarch Kirill isn’t deploying the familiar rhetoric of the Culture Wars, “gay pride parades,” and Western decadence. He’s speaking in terms of the obscure history of the Christian East, a history largely unknown in the West. But do not be fooled; what he’s saying is extremel…

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Four Reasons Why Egypt’s Revolution Is Islamic

…particular, have been conditioned by decades of realpolitik, by decades of Western support for their oppressors, by images from Afghanistan and Iraq, by constant betrayals, to mistrust the US and the West.   These masses are now demanding and gaining the political space to express themselves. They will hardly speak kindly of US and Western policy of the past fifty years. Yet they have a choice before them. The choice is to either pursue their inte…

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