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The Myth of ‘Voodoo’: A Caribbean American Response to Representations of Haiti

…seasoning ritual. Though they are determined to interpret Vodou religious services like the legendary Bois Caïman ceremony as conventions with the “devil,” most Haitians need no cues from alien interpreters when it comes to their history and religious heritage: Bois Caïman is one of many Haitian landscapes where the divine Vodou community (Lwa) mercifully answered its devotees’ prayers for guidance and protection during their struggle to liberate…

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How Not To Respond to Haiti

…came intensely and horrifically violent in the 1600s, inspiring increasing numbers of European colonists to flee the Old World and to cross the Atlantic. So bad had things become that the great “rights revolutions”—beginning with the so-called Glorious Revolution in England in 1688, and culminating in the French Revolution in 1789—allied themselves to various degrees with the cause of “secular politics.” If religious conflict was destined to be so…

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Yearning For A God We Can Live With

…nister. Michaelson, in his late thirties, is a freelance teacher of Jewish spirituality, known particularly as the leader of Nehirim, an organization fostering spiritual consciousness among GLBT Jews. A poet and prolific essayist, he is also co-founder of the literary journal Zeek, and a regular voice in the Jewish press (and lately the Huffington Post), whose writing challenges the ethnic and mythological components of Jewish identity for the sak…

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Hipsters v. Hasidim Over Brooklyn Bike Lane

…questions about the protest. Loop didn’t seem to notice. When asked, while waiting at a red light with dozens of bikes in jumbled formation behind her, what effect she thought the ride was having on the locals, she said, “I don’t know, I’m not really paying attention to them.” There is some precedent for this clash of civilizations. In 2004, Harper’s magazine published a Hebrew prayer apparently targeting Williamsburg’s hipsters. “Please remove fr…

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All the Lonely People: Holiday Blues and the Epidemic of Isolation

…lot of it will be empty blather, but we can hope that at least some of America’s pastors will help us think about what showing good will toward all of God’s children actually requires—and (speaking of angels) about how the better angels of our nature can actually be awakened. In that spirit, we and those preachers might well consider the import of this passage from a lovely prayer by Howard Thurman: “Give me the listening ear. I seek this day the…

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No Buddhists in Washington?

…ainly no shortage of excellent candidates to choose from—Jack Kornfield of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Bishop Socho Koshin Ogui of the Buddhist Churches of America, Zenju Earthlyn Manual of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Bhante Chao Chu of the Los Angeles Buddhist Union, B. Alan Wallace of the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies, Roshi Joan Halifax of the Upaya Zen Center, Bhante Kondanna of the Staten Island Buddhist Vihara, Jan…

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Evolution and Creation Fight to the Death: What Emerges from the Ashes

…mon ground—are almost nonexistent? When we ran the global “Science and the Spiritual Quest” program just a decade ago, many leading scientists took moderate views. Religion did not need to be destroyed, they told us, as long as the basic conditions for doing science were not undercut. Theologians and religious leaders responded in kind: religionists have every reason to support scientific research and to learn from its results. You’ll have to look…

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Modernity’s Fraternity: What Dan Brown Gets Right

…to disorient the initiate and prepare him for entry into a new social and spiritual realm; in the 1600s and 1700s, these rituals created a buzz of fear and suspicion around the Masons, which only added to their popularity. Masonic lodges proliferated in America from the 1720s onward. They were a religious movement as well as a social networking sensation, a pre-electronic Facebook. At first they recruited only affluent gentlemen and professionals…

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Not that Kind of Fundamentalist Memoir

…quitous quest to, as Saint Paul instructed, die to self. Bauer’s childhood spiritual guides did their part to fill her with rapture anxiety by screening A Thief in the Night, and her Sunday school instructor effectively scared the children with stories of casting Satan from the foot of her bed with an exorcistic command. But there were no faith healings, no instance of being banned from watching The Smurfs or listening to The Beatles, and no epile…

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You Are More Than Your Brain: A Revolutionary Theory of Consciousness

…harmonizing overtones of 21st-century modernity and faith. As John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge put it in their book God Is Back: How the Global Revival in Faith Is Changing the World: “The very things that were supposed to destroy religion—democracy and markets, technology and reason—are combining to make it stronger.” History, it seems, set the table to the obvious: “Science has trained its sights on religion as its new enemy,” Glaser obse…

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