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Why David Sometimes Wins: What We Must Learn From Cesar Chavez

…lop,” and the UFW stopped organizing and “moved into the kind of advocacy, services provision and public policy work that other nonprofits had done for years.” Even after Chavez’s death in 1993, the UFW never regained its capacity for organizing. At its height, the UFW had 70,000 workers under contract; today that number is no more than 5,000 and the UFW serves mostly as a hub of a network of nonprofit agencies. Ganz does not explain why Chavez ca…

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Blessed With a Dark Turn of Mind: Gillian Welch’s Spiritual Strivings

…latter day re-creators have specialized. These are songs representing the spirit of Southern men and women abused by modernity, with sparse hopes but constantly beckoned by visions of glory and transcendence. On The Harrow & the Harvest, though, the stories sometimes get more personal, even if never fully in focus. As a friend wrote to me reflecting on the CD, “For a genre defined by tellin’ it like it is or should be, I like how she doesn’t quit…

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Closing with Gospel in Morocco

Full disclosure: The Spirit of Fes Foundation, organizer of the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music, paid for my airfare and lodging to attend the festival. They also provided full access to all concerts at no cost. I recently returned from Fes, Morocco, where I attended the 16th Annual Fes Festival of World Sacred Music. Almost a decade ago, I fell in love with a recording of some of the concerts from an earlier festival. The CD, B’ismillah, had…

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GOP, Gingrich, Perry Team Up to put Satirists Out of Work

…on-personal bodies. The human person is a dynamic unity of body, mind, and spirit. Marriage is what one man and one woman establish when, forsaking all others and pledging lifelong commitment, they found a sharing of life at every level of being—the biological, the emotional, the dispositional, the rational, the spiritual— on a commitment that is sealed, completed and actualized by loving sexual intercourse in which the spouses become one flesh, n…

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Ray Lewis Isn’t the Only One Bringing Religion to Super Bowl Sunday

…cast judgment on his conversion. I will keep the Diet Coke cold. I will keep the queso hot and bubbly. I will care for the children whose parents are caught up in the SuperBowl spirit. And I will vacuum up the mess when the Bowl is finally over. I may be a sports atheist. But I know when I’m outnumbered….

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An American Muslim Abroad, Or, Things I Saw in Dubai

…ough the region, via Istanbul, I took some pictures to capture some of the spirit of the place for lack of a better term. When you bring that many people together, chasing after money and the chance to strike it big—again, think American Wild West, for better and worse—you get… things that surprise you.   Or, at the least, things you do not expect. • • • • • • • •  ⬆ Before praying, Muslims perform a ritual ablution known as wudu’, which includes…

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Watching Preachers’ Daughters Right After the Boston Bombings While Teaching a Class on Augustine’s Confessions

…taxonomies—good bodies and bad bodies, dirty acts and pure acts, flesh and spirit, those in authority and those under authority. I think that tendency has hurt people, and I think it’s implicated in rape culture. And that matters: this is not an interesting little theological problem for specialists to rub their chins over and try to work out in the abstract.  But. You know what? I just can’t, right now, mock the parents on Preachers’ Daughters fo…

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The Bible, Brought To You By Wal-Mart

…is dressing room to the set. The reverence on the set and in the film paid spiritual dividends. Years later, according to DeMille, a minister told the English actor who portrayed Jesus: “I saw you in The King of Kings when I was a child, and now, every time I speak of Jesus, it is your face I see.” 2. These films quickly become part of particular evangelical subcultures, giving them a long life long after the initial publicity of the premiere show…

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Pentecostal With History of Hate Speech Selected as President of Brazil’s Human Rights Body

…a massive 61% spike in Brazil’s evangelical population from 2000 to 2010—a number now amounting to more than 43 million people, or 23% of the national population. Unsurprisingly, this new constituency is enjoying success in electing leaders to city halls, and state and federal parliaments. Brazil’s new evangelicals have also begun to cooperate with American counterparts. In a recent article at Public Eye, I described how Jay Sekulow’s American Cen…

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Are Women “Secondary” in Catholic Church?

…ersion from the idolatry of maleness toward the worship of the true God in spirit and truth. International Women’s Day and the coming papal conclave seem as fine a time as any for churches to start thinking (again) about the damage inflicted on the imaginations, self-identities, and spiritualities of both women and men, girls and boys, by sexist god-talk. And, not for nothing, on the practical, material harm caused throughout the world through the…

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